Are you interested in obtaining a postdoctoral lecturing qualification (Habilitation)?
General information
Habilitation formally establishes the qualification for independent research and teaching in a given field, conferring a postdoctoral teaching qualification in that subject. In many disciplines it is still the primary route to a full professorship (the major alternative being a positive evaluation as junior professor). The details of the qualification procedure are determined in the habilitation regulation of the respective faculty (here the Faculty of Philology). You are entitled to use the title "Dr. habil." after obtaining the postdoctoral lecturing qualification (= "Lehrbefähigung"). You may also apply for the teaching licence ("Lehrbefugnis"; venia legendi); this licence is connected with the requirement of teaching a course of two semester hours each year at the respective faculty; in this case, you are entitled to use the title "Privatdozent/Privatdozentin" for the respective subject. Please note that many PhD regulations restrict the supervision of doctoral students to professors or researchers with a habilitation degree.
Getting a habilitation degree in Linguistics
If you are interested in getting a postdoctoral lecturing qualification in (General/Theoretical) Linguistics, you should ask yourself whether your habilitation research relates somehow to the research activities of our institute. According to the habilitation regulation of the Faculty of Philology, you have to get the consent of a professor of the Faculty to review your habilitation thesis. With (General/Theoretical) Linguistics as subject, this should be a professor of our institute. Ideally, you have already been in contact with some member of our institute before the start of your habilitation procedure. You have to demonstrate at least three years of research and adequate teaching experience when submitting your application for the postdoctoral lecturing qualification.
Habilitation regulation
The current version of the habilitation regulation of the Faculty of Philology includes the following requirements:
- a habilitation thesis (either a monograph or a cumulative thesis consisting of thematically related published articles)
- a habilitation lecture (for which you have to suggest three topics from your subject, but distinct from the habilitation thesis)
- a teaching demonstration (if you have sufficient experience in teaching, you may submit a teaching concept as alternative)
Completed habilitations
Year | Name | Title of thesis |
2016 | Heck, Fabian | Non-monotonic derivations |
Pappert, Sandra | Zur Verfügbarkeit alternativer Argumentstrukturen beim Verstehen und Produzieren von Sätzen | |
2011 | Trommer, Jochen | Phonological aspects of Western Nilotic mutation morphology |
2004 | Meinunger, André | Bewegung: Beschränkungen und Auslöser |
Späth, Andreas | Determination im Satzkontext. Grammatische Voraussetzungen der Nominalreferenz in den artikellosen slawischen Sprachen im Vergleich zum Deutschen | |
2002 | Alter, Kai | Prosodie zwischen Sprachproduktion und -perzeption |
2000 | Dölling, Johannes | Systematische Bedeutungsvariationen: Semantische Form und kontextuelle Interpretation |