The following bus/tram routes connect the main station with a stop close to our institute in Beethovenstraße; please check for possible changes in the timetable (timetable Leipziger Verkehrsbetriebe).
Tram 14 (Richtung S-Bf. Plagwitz), stop Neues Rathaus (short trip ticket); please note that you can take this tram only for a trip from the main station to our institute
Bus 89 (Main station/Goethestraße), stop Mozartstraße (regular ticket)
Please take a local or long-distance train from airport Leipzig/Halle to Leipzig centre. The local train routes 5 and 5X need 23 or 16 minutes, respectively, to Wilhelm-Leuschner-Platz. From there you have to walk eight to ten minutes (via Peterssteinweg, Straße des 17. Juni) to our institute. Alternatively, you make take a train to Leipzig main station and then take the tram/bus connections specified here.