On this site we compile the most important information concerning the Bachelor's thesis for you.
The Bachelor's thesis will be written accompanying the studies in the fifth/sixth semester; it comprises a workload of ten credit points. You have 23 weeks of processing time for the production of the thesis (please use the application form for extension). Upon request the processing time can be extended for maximally four weeks. The processing time starts with the announcement of the topic by the Examination Management; you will get an email from the Examination Management. You must have 120 credit points before the topic is announced.
You may register for the Bachelor's thesis at any time. However, we recommend to register in the first half of December (for writing the thesis in the summer semester) or in the first half of June (for writing the thesis in the winter semester).
Please think about the area in which you want to write your Bachelor's thesis and contact a possible supervisor. Ideally, you should do this several weeks before the registration deadline. All regular members of the institute are possible as supervisors, but also graduated employees from third-party funded projects who are frequently involved in teaching and whose courses you attended. At the point of registration, the topic of the Bachelor's thesis and the second reviewer have to be finally decided. Please get the signature of your supervisor and the second reviewer before you submit the registration form.
Topic and Mentoring
Ideally, you will choose a topic for the Bachelor's thesis which is connected to the teaching and research at the Institute of Linguistics. Topics that are not represented at the Institute of Linguistic are potentially possible. However, you always have to find someone in the Institute of Linguistics who is willing to supervise this topic. You should begin to make use of the offered supervision in the early stages of the thesis.
Formal Information
Orient yourself for the design of your Bachelor's thesis using articles from prestigious journals. In many journals the Unified Style Sheet for Linguistics has become the norm for citing literature and the references. The Leipzig Glossing Rules apply to the glossing of examples. You will learn important information on writing a Bachelor's thesis in the course "Akademische Fertigkeiten" (academic skills) of the compulsory elective module "Theorie und Praxis sprachwissenschaftlicher Forschung" (Theory and practice of linguistic research). We recommend using LaTeX for writing the thesis.
You must submit two printed copies of the Bachelor's thesis to the examination office before the deadline. If it is not possible to submit the copies in person, you can send them via mail to the examination manager (address: Universität Leipzig, Studienbüro der Philologischen Fakultät, Prüfungsmanagement Sabine Steinhagen, IPF 140022, 04081 Leipzig) or insert in the deadline mailbox from the Leipzig University in the Gothestraße 6, in a closed envelope. The postmark date will count as date of submission. You also have to submit the signed declaration that you wrote the thesis independently and did not use any sources or aids other than those specified. You also have to submit the signed declaration that the electronic version of the thesis is identical to the printed version.
New regulation for the electronic version of the thesis: Please send the electronic version of your thesis (in PDF format!) via your student email account to your supervisor (respecting the deadline). You (and the examination officer) will receive a confirmation by your supervisor that you submitted the electronic version on time. A CD-ROM or a USB stick with the electronic version is no longer necessary.