The Institute of Linguistics regularly organizes workshops and invites linguists of international renown for talks.

The mailing list /lingtalk/ provides information on talks and workshops at the Institute for Linguistics. If you want to subscribe to this list, please use the following link.

enlarge the image: Anniversary of the Institute of Linguistics 2018; there are people listening to a talk by the former chair of Linguistics..
Institute's Anniversary 2018. Photo: Anke Himmelreich


  • Jutta Hartmann (Bielefeld): Feature gluttony in copular clauses in German? New data from Mistaken Identity Sentences (joint work with Caroline Heycock), 5 February
  • Hossep Dolatian: Morphomic verb stems in Anatolia-Caucasus-Iran, 29 January
  • Hossep Dolatian: Computational divisions in reduplication and pseudo-reduplication, 28 January
  • Hossep Dolatian: Typological oddities of allomorphy across Armenian, 27 January
  • Maria Polinsky (UMaryland): Making exceptions: Grammar and cross-linguistic variation of exceptive constructions, 23 January
  • Katharina Hartmann & Adelaide Banafo (Frankfurt): A-bar-Interactions of Negation in African Languages (with Kwaku Sasu, Johannes Mursell), 22 January
  • Adrian Stegovec (UConn) & Paula Fenger (Leipzig): Syntactic Structures meets Algonquian, 10. January
  • Johannes Hein (Potsdam): Right Node Raising and Exceptional Inflection, 10. January
  • Imke Driemel (York): DP/NP distinctions in Kwa languages, 8 January


  • Ethan Poole (UCLA): Syntactic variables and crossover, 20. December
  • Stefan Keine (UCLA): Two types of scales in Ch'ol, 20. December
  • Doreen Georgi (Potsdam): New evidence for an antilocality constraint on Ā-movement: subject (sub)extraction in Igbo,18. December
  • Matthew Hewett (GeorgetownU): The A-/Ā-distinction is categorial: the view from A-resumption in Arabic, 11. December
  • Dmitry Privoznov (Göttingen): The syntax of discourse anaphora, 6. December
  • Željko Bošković (UConn): Spelling out phases and labeling, 13 November
  • Željko Bošković (UConn): Nominal and non-nominal subjects: Adieu to the A/A’-distinction, 12 November
  • Stanislao Zompì (Potsdam): (*)ABA in multidimensional paradigms: A constraint-based optimization approach, 6 November
  • Laura McPherson (Dartmouth): Grammatical tone acquisition in Seenku (Mande, Burkina Faso): tonal morphology vs. morphosyntactic sandhi, 30 October
  • Irina Burukina (Budapest): Mechanisms of clausal adjunction: Rationale infinitives and imperatives in Mari, 23 October
  • Kenyon Branan (Göttingen): Syntax-phonology interactions and the Left Edge Ban, 3 July
  • Christopher Hammerly (UBC): Subatomic Agreement, 28 June
  • Andrew Kostakis (APSU): Emergent Features on Rhotics and Nasals, 28 June
  • Erik Zyman (Chicago): Nakajima-Clefts as a Window onto Verb Phrase Structure, 26 June
  • Ruth Kramer (Georgetown U): The Interaction of Topic, Voice, Case, and Agreement: On O-Constructions in Jarawara (joint work with Luke Adamson, Berlin), 19 June
  • Gísli Rúnar Harðarson (Reykjavík): The width of a cycle: Outlining a cyclic direct reference approach to the syntax-phonology interface, 22 May
  • Ezer Rasin (Tel Aviv): On the absence of crucially-simultaneous phonological interactions in natural language, 15 May
  • Barbara Stiebels (Leipzig): On the semantics of affix orders: the case of affixal negation, 8 May
  • Eva Zimmermann (Leipzig): A typology of OCP-resolutions across morphological domains: An argument for Harmonic Layer Theory, 24 April
  • Gregory Kobele (Leipzig): Agreement in Minimalist Grammars – towards a non-derivational characterization of  cyclic optimization, 17 April
  • Artemis Alexiadou (Berlin): NP+CP Constructions and Nominalized Clauses: Insights into Clausal Complementation (joint work with Nikos Angelopoulos & Dimitris Michelioudakis), 9 April
  • Andrew Lamont (London): Deriving Mayo reduplication, 31 January
  • Ksenia Shagal (München): On some peculiarities of partitive objects in Uralic, 26 January
  • Ksenia Shagal (München): Negative participles: what people think they do vs. what they really do, 25 January
  • Caroline Heycock (Edinburgh): When to revisit? investigating (un)ambiguity in temporal clauses, 24 January
  • Frank Kügler (Frankfurt): On the nature of downstep – Comparing its form and function across languages, 18 January
  • Kristina Liefke (Bochum): Remember is past-directed, parasitic imagine, 17 January
  • Alessandro Jaker (Sisseton): A Crash Course in Tetsǫ́t'ıné Morphophonemics, 11 January
  • Alessandro Jaker (Sisseton): Tetsǫ́t'ıné Prefix Vowel Length: Evidence for Systematic Underspecification, 10 January
  • Wataru Uegaki (Edinburgh): Predicates of inquisitive emotion and distributivity at the clausal level, 3 January


  • Ksenia Ershova (MIT): What’s in a (polysynthetic) phase: Dynamic domains, spellout and locality, 13 December
  • Ksenia Ershova (MIT): The nuanced typology of syntactic ergativity: Insights from parasitic gaps in Samoan and West Circassian, 12 December
  • Daniel Harbour (London): A Trommer-first account of Georgian agreement, 6 December
  • Daniel Harbour (London): The Calculus of Kiowa Tone, 5 December
  • Philipp Weisser (Leipzig): A typology of shifted coordinators - Implications for theories of clitics and their formal modelling, 15 November
  • Jochen Trommer (Leipzig): The Morphophonology of Raramuri Affix Order, 8 November
  • Nicholas Rolle (Berlin): What are the restrictions on exponent shape? Examining bipartite morphemes, 5 July
  • Suzanne Urbanczyk (U of Victoria): Head-Dependent Asymmetries in Reduplication and Elsewhere, 28 June
  • Keith Snider (SIL): The explanatory potential of Register Tier Theory, 21 June
  • Magdalena Lohninger (Wien): Escaping CP: A typology of hyperraising, 14 June
  • Arne Lohmann (Leipzig): The effect of occurrence profile on the phonetic realization of English adjectives, 7 Juni
  • Aaron Steven White (U of Rochester): The role of discreteness in gradient inference judgments: A case study of lexically triggered inferences, 31 May
  • Colin Davis (Konstanz): Diminutives of English irregular plurals and optionality of umlaut: Evidence for late-merge within words, 17 May
  • Stefan Müller (Berlin): Minimal(ist) syntax: Towards a surface-based syntax of Germanic languages, 10 May
  • Rajesh Bhatt (Amherst): Honor and Plurality in Hindi-Urdu, 3 May
  • Francesc Torres-Tamarit (Barcelona): Stress in Spanish: an analysis using layered feet, 15 February
  • Karolina Zuchewicz (Leipzig): Veridicality1 and total affectedness2 as a clausal1 and a nominal2 realization of a ‘maximal’ incremental theme in Polish, 8 February
  • Karen De Clercq (Paris): Root suppletion in Korean: support for phrasal lexicalisation, 1 February
  • Matthew Baerman (U of Surrey): Incongruent Analogy (joint work with Mirella Blum, Edinburgh), 18 January


  • András Bárány (Bielefeld): Interaction, satisfaction, and (a)symmetric object agreement, 12 December
  • Tibor Kiss (Bochum): Word order constraints on event-internal modifiers in German, 7 December
  • Martin Salzmann (U Pennsylvania): Clitic Doubling in Greek -- Evidence for and Implications of an Agree-based approach, 10 November
  • Stefan Keine (USC): Eliding Person Restrictions, 25 July
  • Hedde Zeijlstra (Universität Göttingen): Absolute vs. relative locality, 20 July
  • Imke Driemel, Johannes Hein, Yining Nie (Berlin): Redundant errors in child language (with Fabienne Martin and Artemis Alexiadou), 13 July
  • Heather Newell (Montreal): Syntax, Phonology, Specifiers, and Underspecification, 6 July
  • Bronwyn Bjorkman (Queen's University): Multiple ways to be multiply valued, 29 June
  • Andrew Murphy (Chicago): Discontinuous NPs in Iquito, 24 June
  • Coppe van Urk (London): A concatenative view of Dinka vowel grades, 22 June
  • Renate Raffelsiefen (Mannheim/Berlin): A concatenative view of Dinka vowel grades, 1 June
  • Klaus Abels (London): Hierarchy and order in the Kîîtharaka nominal phrase (with David Adger, Patrick Kanampiu, Alexander Martin, and Jennifer Culbertson), 17 February
  • Jean-Pierre Koenig (U Buffalo): Natural and irrational syntactic change and the syntax/semantics interface, 2 February
  • Martin Krämer (Tromsø): A typology of syllabic consonants and its implications for our understanding of syllable phonotactics, 26 January
  • Emily Manetta (U Vermont): Some antecedents may be very, very small: verb phrase ellipsis, isomorphism, and gradience, 19 January
  • Madeline Bossi (Berkeley): Epistemic indefinites in Kipsigis, 17 January


  • Laura McPherson (Dartmouth College): When music speaks: The linguistic structure of musical surrogate languages, 1 December
  • Hossep Dolatian: Representation vs. Procedure: Outwardly-sensitive allomorphy in Armenian, 24 November
  • Isabelle Charnavel (Genf): The self-same analysis of intensifiers (and reflexives), 3 November
  • Gabriela Caballero (San Diego): The interaction between lexical and grammatical tone in San Juan Piñas Mixtec (Tò’òn Ndā’ví), 21 July
  • Adam McCollum (Rutgers University): Conditional neutrality in Tutrugbu ATR harmony: Empirical and analytical implications, 14 July
  • Berthold Crysmann (CNRS): Morphotactic Dependencies in Yimas, 30 June
  • Claire Halpert (Minneapolis): Monotonicity as a high-level principle of grammar, 23 June
  • Thomas Graf (Stone Brook): Monotonicity as a high-level principle of grammar, 16 June
  • Yining Nie (Berlin): Applicative necursion and nominal licensing, 15 June
  • Laura Kalin (Princeton): Evidence from infix allomorphy on the fine timing of the morphosyntax-phonology interface, 2 June
  • Mark Steedman (Edinburgh): Combinatory Minimalism: Projecting Dependency without Movement, 19 May
  • Jennifer Smith (UNC-Chapel Hill): A tale of two alternations: Productivity and phonetic naturalness in a nonce-loanword judgment task, 17 February
  • Paula Fenger (Leipzig): Movement in Disguise. Morphology as a diagnostic for verb movement in Algonquian, 10 February
  • Neil Myler (Boston): Causative~Applicative Interactions and the Nature of Appl: The Case of isiXhosa, 3 February
  • Ed Stabler (UCLA/PARC): Structure building operators for human languages, 27 January
  • Mary Paster (Pomona College): Listener error as a source of morphological change, 20 January


  • Dominique Sportiche (UCLA): (Self) Anaphors: Analytical Challenges and Paths, 16 December
  • Doreen Georgi (Potsdam): Resumption in Igbo, 11 December
  • Jeff Heinz (Stony Brook): Deterministic Analyses and Learning of Optional Phonological Processes, 9 December
  • Jessica Coon (Montreal): Mayan Agent Focus and the Ergative Extraction Constraint (with Nico Baier and Theodore Levin), 11 November
  • Andrew Murphy (Chicago): Argument-internal Parasitic Gaps, 24 July
  • Joanna Blaszczak (Wrocław): Puzzling existential, locative, and possessive constructions in Polish: Some reflections on phases, feature valuation, case assignment and edge features, 5 February
  • Bert Remijsen (Edinburgh): Floating quantity in Shilluk, 28 January
  • Shin Ishihara (Lund): Match Theory and the Asymmetry Problem: An example from Stockholm Swedish (with Sara Myrberg), 22 January
  • Idan Landau (BGU): A Selectional Criterion for Adjunct Control, 10 January
  • Laura J. Downing (Gothenburg): Separating tone realization from segmental realization in Chichewa verb paradigms, 8 January


  • Ethan Poole (UCLA): Improper case, 18 December
  • Jens Hopperdietzel (Berlin): On resultatives with causative secondary predicates: Insights from Samoan verb serialization, 13 December
  • Franc Marušič (Nova Gorica): On the order of prenumeral adjectives, 11 December
  • Manfred Krifka (Berlin): Layers of assertive clauses: Propositions, Judgements, Commitments, Acts, 14 November
  • Stefan Keine (USC): Feature gluttony in the syntax of hierarchy effects, 6 November
  • Stefan Keine (USC): A crossover puzzle in Hindi scrambling, 5 November
  • Maria Kouneli (New York): A relative clause analysis of Determiner Spreading, 27 August
  • Artemis Alexiadou (Berlin): Case in the (Greek) DP, 12 July
  • Ricardo Bermúdez-Otero (Manchester): English /aɪ/-raising: new insights into an old problem, 10 July
  • Silke Fischer (Stuttgart): Event Control (with Inghild Flaate Høyem, Trondheim), 3 July
  • Adam Albrigth (MIT): Faithfulness, not phrasing: misapplication in Lakhota derivatives and compounds, 1 July
  • Roni Katzir (Tel Aviv): Restricting the role of anaphoricity in focus, 21 June
  • Astrid van Alem (Leiden & Potsdam): Complementizer agreement is clitic doubling: evidence from intervention effects, 19 June
  • Eric Fuß (Bochum): Wh-relatives in the history of German (and what gender’s got to do with it), 19 June
  • Sergei Tatevosov (Moskau): Direct, non-direct and sociative causatives at the syntax-morphology interface, 12 June
  • Jenny Audring (Leiden): The texture of the lexicon, 29 May
  • Robert D. Borsley (Essex): Issues in Welsh Syntax, 3 April
  • Rafael Abramovitz (MIT): Against the Richness of the Base: Two Koryak Case Studies, 6 February
  • Nicholas Rolle (Princeton): The road or the door to exponence? Examining simultaneity at spell-out, 30 January
  • Malte Zimmermann (Potsdam): The event semantics of Serial Verb Constructions in Igbo (Benue Congo) (with Mary Amaechi), 25 January
  • Yuni Kim (Essex): Blocking and correspondence in Huave vowel copy, 23 January
  • Beata Moskal (Frankfurt/M.): Vocabulary Insertion Initiation, 9 January


  • Peter Ackema (Edinburgh): Processing differences between person and number: A view from feature theory (with Ad Neeleman, UCL), 19 December
  • Claire Moore-Cantwell (Vancouver): Phonological Idiosyncrasy and the mental lexicon: acquisition and change over time, 14 December
  • Emily Clem (Berkeley): Cyclicity in Agree: Maximal projections as probes, 5 December
  • Constantin Freitag (Köln): Verb-second from a processing perspective: What you see is not what you get, 26 November
  • Itamar Kastner (Berlin): Inductive biases: the view from allomorphy, 16 November
  • Bronwyn Bjorkman (Queen's University): Against cross-clausal dependencies in tense, 8 November
  • Eulàlia Bonet (Barcelona): Absence of morphosyntactic features vs absence of exponents: Evidence from Northern Italian varieties, 18 July
  • Julie Anne Legate (U of Pennsylvania): Case Relationships, 11 July
  • Sabine Laszakovits (U Connecticut): Dependent Case Licensing in Minimalist Grammars, 27 June
  • Fenna Bergsma (Frankfurt/M.): Free relatives and case stacking, 26 June
  • Peter Jurgec (Toronto): Slovenian palatalization consonant harmony and Agreement-by-Correspondence (with Rachel Evangeline Chiong, Andrea Macanović, and Peter Weiss), 13 June
  • Silke Hamann (Amsterdam): Simultaneous phonetic and phonological processes: Degemination in Dutch and German, 6 June
  • Coppe van Urk (London): Constraining VP-fronting: The role of prosodic factors in Imere, 30 May
  • Peter Staroverov (Wayne State U): Input restrictions and Tundra Nenets dorsals, 12 February
  • Eric Baković (San Diego): Some consequences of different approaches to Coalescence (with Katherine Hout), 9 February
  • Jane Grimshaw (Rutgers U): DPs as complements to clause-taking predicates: constraints on reported speech events, 7 February
  • Barbara Citko (U of Washington, Seattle): Multidominance and Structural Syncretism (with Martina Gračanin-Yuksek), 24 January
  • Ivy Hauser (UMass, Amherst): Faithfulness based opacity in Harmonic Serialism (with Coral Hughto), 17 January
  • Jerzy Rubach (U of Iowa): Derivational Optimality Theory from the perspective of Slavic Palatalization, 3 January


  • Benjamin Bruening (U of Delaware): Idioms, Collocations, and Dtructure, 15 December
  • Artemis Alexiadou (Berlin): Non-Agreeing Subjects in Copular Constructions, 15 December
  • Andrea D. Sims (Ohio State U): Exploring interactions between directional syncretism and defectivenes, 13 December
  • Gary Thoms (Glasgow): When does deletion happen, 1 December
  • Pavel Caha (Brno): How (not) to derive a *ABA: The case of Blansitt's generalisation, 8 November
  • Robert Frank (Yale U): Attention Hungry Subjects and Clause-Boundedness Effects (with Matt Barros), 13 October
  • Andrew Nevins (UCL): Paucity: where is the upper bound? (with Paul Marty, ZAS), 2 October
  • Irina Monich (U of Surrey): Consonantal mutation in Nuer, 13 September
  • James Griffiths (Konstanz): Beyond MaxElide: An investigation of extraction out of ellipsis demains, 1 September
  • Paul Kiparsky (Stanford): Typologies as Fitness Landscapes: Modeling Word Order Change, 19 July
  • Dunston Brown (York): Morphological complexity as a compromise between lexicon and grammar, 12 July
  • Ad Neeleman (London): Anonymous person features (with Peter Ackema, Edinburgh), 5 July
  • Anke Holler (Göttingen): Salience in corpora? Scrutinizing the ecological validity of the so-called implicit causality bias, 21 June
  • Laura Kalin (Princeton U): Nominal licensing is driven by valued (phi-)features, 14 June
  • Kyle Johnson (U of Massachusetts): QR and Hydras, 2 June
  • Karlos Arregi (Chicago): Is Basque an ergative language?, 31 May
  • Ezer Rasin (MIT): An argument for severing stress from phonology, 24 May
  • Emily Elfner (U of British Columbia): Re-examining default-to-opposite stress in Kwak’wala: An approach using Harmonic Serialism, 10 May
  • Kazuko Yatsushiro (Berlin): German Determiner Presuppositions in First Language Acquisition, 11 May
  • Antje Sauermann (Berlin): Impact of type of referring expression on the acquisition of word order in German, 4 May
  • Stefan Th. Gries (Leibniz-Professor, Leipzig/U of California Santa Barbara): Operationalizations of domain-general mechanisms cognitive linguists often rely on: a perspective from quantitative corpus linguistics, 3 May
  • Mira Grubic (Leipzig): Definiteness and Indefiniteness in Ngamo (West Chadic), 26 April
  • Ryan Bochnak (Leipzig): Temporal interpretation in Washo, an optional tense language, 8 February
  • Draga Zec (Cornell U): Interactions between tone and stress: a typology of their convergence and separation, 1 February
  • Farrell Ackerman (San Diego): Implicative organization in grammar systems: Word structure, paradigm organization and learnability, 18 January
  • Stephanie Solt (Berlin): Approximators as polarity items: empirical findings, 12 January
  • Jenneke von der Wal (Harvard): The AWSOM and RANDOM in Bantu object marking, 11 January


  • Berit Gehrke (Paris 7): 'Good' as an evaluative intensifier, 15 December
  • Tibor Kiss (U Bochum): Determiner Omission in PPs, 7 December
  • Jonathan Bobaljik (UConn): Features, structure, and morphological universals, 23 November
  • Julie Anne Legate (U of Pennsylvania): On the Ergative as a Dependent Case, 15 November
  • Mira Grubic (U Potsdam): Association with focus in Ngamo (West Chadic), 10 November
  • Daniel Harbour (Queen Mary U of London): Person features are operations, not predicates, 9 November
  • Eva Csipak (U Konstanz): Discourse particles as a window into the interrogative/conditional link (joint work with Sarah Zobel, Tübingen/Göttingen), 3 November
  • Juliet Stanton (MIT): Non-myopia in Gurindji and beyond: implications for the phonological grammar, 2 November
  • Eva Csipak (U Konstanz): Some remarks on the aquisition of conditionals, 1 November
  • Douglas Pulleyblank (University of British Columbia): Emergent Phonology: inter-morpheme relations and derived environment effects, 6 July
  • Geoffrey K. Pullum (U of Edinburgh): Formalizing syntactic theories model-theoretically: what it involves, and why it is a good idea, 22 June
  • Sabine Arndt-Lappe (U Trier): Emergent generalisation in an analogy-based theory of word-formation: predictions, evidence, and challenges, 15 June
  • Patrick Jones (Harvard U): Opacity, Ordering and Abstractness in Kinande tone, 8 June
  • Ruth Kramer (Georgetown U): The Syntax of Plurality: Typology, Predictions, and Afroasiatic Case Studies, 1 June
  • Karen de Clercq (U of Ghent): The internal structure of FEW/MANY: Cross-linguistic explorations, 25 May
  • Omer Preminger (U of Maryland): Feeding relations and their breakdowns: a theory of dative intervention, 18 May
  • Harald Baayen (U Tübingen): Interactions of bottom-up information and top-down lexical priors in reading English two-constituent compounds, 3 February
  • Tanja Temmerman (CRISSP, Brussels): The syntax of idioms Macro-variation in the size of verbal idioms, 27.January
  • Katharina Hartmann (U Frankfurt/M.): Indicative V2 and Vend in German complement clauses, 20 January
  • András Bárány (U of Cambridge): A unified approach to inverse agreement and global case splits, 15 January


  • Maria Gouskova (NYU): Phonological Selection and the Bracketing Paradox in English Adjectival Morphology, 16 December
  • Gregory M. Kobele (U of Chicago): Derivational Structure and Ellipsis, 9 December
  • Phoevos Panagiotidis (U of Cyprus): Odd ones out: are adjectives a basic lexical category?, 4 December
  • Heidi Harley (U of Arizona): Root suppletion in Hiaki really is suppletion, 2 December
  • Matthias Passer (U Amsterdam): Typology and diachrony in nominal classification: Accounting for functional and formal shifts in classifiers and gender in the absence of data, 21 October
  • Ken Safir (Rutgers U): It's a conspiracy! The A/A'-distinction as an Epiphenomenon, 7 October
  • Chris Collins (NYU): NEG Raising, Deletion and Parentheticals, 15 July
  • Gregory Stump (Kentucky): Morphomic properties and the interface of syntacticosemantic content with morphological form, 8 July
  • Klaus Abels (UCL): Remarks on the fundamental left-right asymmetry of natural languages and verb clusters, 1 July
  • Sara Finley (Pacific Lutheran U): Morpheme Segmentation in Adult Learners: Effects of Frequency and Regularity, 3 June
  • Amy Rose Deal (UC Santa Cruz): Interaction and satisfaction in phi-agreement, 26 May
  • Neda Todorovic (UConn): On the cross-linguistic presence/absence of TP: syntactic properties and temporal interpretations, 18 May
  • Olivier Bonami (Paris-Sorbonne): A theory of inflectional periphrasis at the morphology-syntax interface, 13 May
  • Gisbert Fanselow (U Potsdam): Superiority - a crosslinguistic and experimental perspective, 29 April
  • Artemis Alexiadou (U Stuttgart): Voice syncretisms and the theory of underspecification, 4 February
  • Michael Erlewine (McGill): Focus adverbs at the vP and higher edges, 21 January


  • Rajesh Bhatt (U Mass., Amherst): Polar questions and disjunction: clues from Hindi-Urdu 'kyaa', 17 December
  • Kie Zuraw (UCLA): Of mice and (of) men. Phonological influences on the omissibility of French "de" in coordination, 10 December
  • Geert Booij (U Leiden): Construction morphology and the architecture of grammar, 3 December
  • Wendell Kimper (U Manchester): Cumulative constraint interaction and trigger competition in vowel harmony, 26 November
  • Caroline Féry (U Frankfurt/M.): Prosodic monsters and extraposition, 19 November
  • Peter Arkadiev & Yakov Testelets (Moskau): The challenges of differential nominal marking in Circassian languages, 30 October
  • Andrew Nevins (UCL): Georgi's Pattern III in Phonology: Nonfinal Chains of Tone, 23 July
  • Maria Polinsky (Harvard): What agreement theory can learn from closest conjunct agreement, 17 July
  • Andrew Nevins (UCL): Brazilian Portuguese confronts Experimental Methods and Morphological Productivity, 16 July
  • Tom Roeper (UMass): UnLabelled Nodes in Acquisition and Morphology: How the Acquisition Path and Derivational Morphology Reveals Fundamental Operations, 4 July
  • Ewa Dabrowska (Northumbria): Speakers, usage, culture: language as a phenomenon of the third kind, 2 July
  • Ingo Plag (U Düsseldorf): Homophony in morphology: The acoustic properties of English /s/ morphemes, 25 June
  • Ricardo Bermúdez-Otero (U of Manchester): French adjectival liaison: evidence for underlying representations, 4 June
  • Roberta d'Alessandro (U Leiden): Syntactic domains at PF, PF domains in syntax, 21 May
  • Tobias Scheer (Nizza): Melody-free syntax, 14 May
  • Sharon Rose (UCSD): Phonology-conditioned affix order: the case of Moro object markers, 23 April
  • Jeffrey Parrott (Palacký U, Olomouc): Patterns and mechanisms of pronominal case variation in (North) Germanic, 14 April
  • Marlou van Rijn (U Amsterdam): Marking possession: a new approach to locus and agreement, 5 February
  • Hazel Pearson (ZAS Berlin): Counterfactual attitudes and the syntax-semantics interface, 31 January
  • Elisa Kellner (ZAS Berlin): Embedded questions in Kamtok, 29 January
  • Hedde Zeijlstra (U Göttingen): Upward Agree is superior, 22 January
  • Andrew Newins (UCL): Artificial Words and Artificial Grammars: Probing the Veridicality of Intra- and Cross-Linguistic Generalizations, 9 January


  • Stefan Keine (University of Massachusetts at Amherst): Improper Agreement, 19 December
  • Marcel Pitteroff (Universität Stuttgart): Restructuring infinitives and unmarked passives: the case of German let-middles and let-passives, 13 December
  • Stefan Müller (FU Berlin): Wiedervereinigung: Unifying Everything: Einige Bemerkungen zu Simpler Syntax, Construction Grammar, Minimalism und HPSG, 27 November
  • Cécile Meier (Universität Frankfurt): Gradrelativsätze als generalisierte Quantoren, 22 November
  • Luis Vicente (University of Potsdam): Conjunction-internal 'as'-parentheticals, 12 July
  • Erich Groat (Universität Frankfurt): Transfer Remnants, 24 May
  • Luis López (University of Illinois at Chicago): Parallel computation in word formation, 26 April
  • Patrick Grosz & Pritty Patel-Grosz (Universität Tübingen): Deep Anaphoric or Surface Anaphoric Pronouns?, 19 April
  • Marc Richards (Universität Frankfurt): Weak Transfer and Immobile Goals: A different view of the relation between Feature Inheritance and Germanic Complementizer Agreement, 30 January
  • Volker Struckmeier (Universität Köln): Zur architektonischen Integration von syntaktischen, semantischen und prosodischen Wortstellungsfaktoren: Ein Vorschlag, 25 January
  • Markus Bader (Universität Frankfurt): Objektspronomen im Mittelfeld - Korpusevidenz und experimentelle Resultate, 23 January
  • Guido Mensching (FU Berlin): Minimalistische Anmerkungen zur Extraktion aus DPn im Französischen, 18 January


  • Carola Emkow (FU Berlin/MPI EVA Leipzig): Reciprocity in Bena Bena, 12 December
  • Radek Šimík (Universität Potsdam): Modal existential wh-constructions, affordances, and the grammar-cognition interface, 7 December
  • Dieter Wunderlich (TU Düsseldorf/ZAS Berlin): Case and agreement variation in Indo-Aryan, 5 December
  • Martin Haspelmath (MPI EVA Leipzig): Form-Frequenz-Entsprechungen bei Kausal-Alternationen, 28 November
  • Lucie Medová & Tarald Taraldsen (University of South Bohemia, Ceske Budejovice & CASTL, University of Tromsø): Out of control, 5 July
  • Holger Diessel (Universität Jena): Usage-Based Construction Grammar, 27 June
  • Eric Fuß (IDS Mannheim): Freie Relativsätze mit d-Pronomen, 15 June
  • Kilu von Prince (ZAS Berlin): Event argument serializations in Daakaka, 6 June
  • Benjamin Bruening & Thuan Tran (U Delaware): East Asian "passives": A Vietnamese perspective, 30 May
  • André Meinunger (ZAS Berlin): Eine Anwendung für mulitidimensionale Bäume: komplexe Numeralia, 24 May
  • Uli Sauerland (ZAS Berlin): Syncretism Distribution Modeling and Person Paradigms, 4 May
  • Marjo van Koppen (Universiteit Utrecht/UiL-OTS): NPE vs. NPP, 12 March
  • Daniel Hole (Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin): Ereignissemantische Modellierung von Diathesen und Alternationen, 26 January
  • Ian Roberts (University of Cambridge): Parametric Hierarchies, 9 January
  • Stefan Keine (University of Massachusetts, Amherst): Reflexivierung im Hindi, 9 January
  • Marcel den Dikken (Linguistics Program – CUNY Graduate Center): On Feature Interpretability and Inheritance, 4 January


  • Dennis Ott (Universität Groningen): Do locally unstable structures exist?, 12 December
  • Willem de Reuse (U North Texas/MPI EVA): The 'Occupy prefix' movement inthe Western Apache verb, 30 November
  • Barbara Vogt (Università degli Studi di Verona): Linear Order in Language Games, 11 November
  • Nicholas Asher (Institut de Recherche en Informatique de Toulouse): Lexical Meaning in Context, 13 Juliy
  • Katja Hannß (Universität Bonn, Radboud Universitet Nijmegen): Reduplication strategies in Andean languages, 23 June
  • Klaus Abels (Linguistics University College London): Bewegung und Ellipse, 1 June
  • Jana Häussler (Universität Potsdam) & Martin Salzmann (Universität Zürich): That-trace effects without traces. An experimental investigation., 27 May
  • Felix Rau (Universität Leiden): Agreement in Gorum, 3 February
  • Shin-Sook Kim (SOAS, London): Negation, Scope and Negative Polarity Items in Korean, 21 January
  • Bart Jacobs (Ludwig-Maximilian-Universität München): Language transfer and language mixing: from Cape Verdean Creole to Papiamentu, 20 January


  • Werner Frey (ZAS Berlin): Einige Überlegungen zu Korrelat-Konstruktionen im Deutschen, 14 December
  • Alex François (LACITO-CNRS, Paris; Australian National University, Canberra): Language divergence and convergence in north Vanuatu: Competing social forces and their linguistic correlates, 4 November
  • Anatol Stefanowitsch (Universität Bremen): Warum wir Konstruktionen brauchen, 6 July
  • Stefan Müller (FU Berlin): Kopulakonstruktionen im Deutschen, Englischen und Dänischyn, 2 July
  • Cliff Goddard (University of New England & MPI for Evolutionary Anthropology): Manner, result and Aktionsart in English physical activity verbs (NSM approach), 10 June
  • Luca Ciucci (Il Laboratorio di Linguistica, Scuola Normale Superiore, Pisa): Morphological evidence for Zamucoan: the case of possessed nouns, 3 June
  • Gerhard Jäger (Universität Tübingen): The semantics of color terms. A quantitative cross-linguistic investigation, 20 May
  • Cliff Goddard (University of New England, Australia): Lexical Semantics using reductive paraphrases (NSM approach), 29 April
  • Pieter Muysken (Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen): South American Historical Linguistics - promises and limitations of phylogenetics, 27 April
  • Terje Lohndal (University of Maryland): Freezing effects and Objects, 23 April
  • Pier Marco Bertinetto (Scuola Normale Superiore, Pisa): How the Zamuco languages dealt with verb affixes, 22 April
  • Martin Salzmann (Universität Zürich): ATB - movement as asymmetric extraction + derivational ellipsis, 25 March
  • Kevin Tuite (Université de Montréal und Universität Jena): Cryptoantipassivization in Kartvelian, 2 February
  • Artemis Alexiadou (Universität Stuttgart): Roots, 29 January
  • Hans-Martin Gärtner (ZAS Berlin): Multidominanz, 29 January
  • Eva van Lier (University of Lancaster) and Kasper Boye (University of Copenhagen): Epistemic complementizers, a cross-linguistic survey, 14 January
  • Nicholas Evans (Australian National University, Canberra): Indexing vs marking – extending Johanna Nichols' head-marking vs. dependent-marking typology, 5 January

Workshops and conferences

  • Workshop Myopia in Grammar, 13/14 June
  • Grammatical Structures of Nilo-Saharan Workshop, 13/14 May
  • Old World Conference in Phonology (OCP21), 14/15 February
  • Workshop Traces in Phonology and Morphology, 19 February
  • Workshop Tone in Grammar, 13 February

Workshop Myopia in Grammar

13/14 June

Felicitas AndermannMyopia in Morphology
Karlos ArregiNo lookahead when you move a head
Emily ClemGlobal case splits via local Agree
Nadja Fiebig, Paula Fenger, Sören E. Tebay & Philipp WeisserExplaining the Size-Height Correlation
Leonel Fongang & Mariia PrivizentsevaClass drop in Isu: A case for cyclic morphology
Kenneth HansonThe Computational Basis of Locality in Syntactic Agreement
Greg Kobeletba
Yuriy KushnirThe variable position of the reflexive affix in Lithuanian
Andrew LamontMyopic spreading with weighted string constraints and gradient activity
Anna Laoide-KempMyopic effects in the Irish initial consonant mutation system
Adam McCollum, Eric Baković & Anna MaiNon-myopic phonological patterns exist. How could they not?
Tom Meadows & Qiuhao Charles YanDeriving the PF-Sensitivity of Chain Resolution without Look-Ahead
Heather NewellEnglish Irregular Verbs Do Not Condition Allomorphy on T (or vice versa)
Mary PasterWhat, if anything, is myopia in grammar?
Marie-Luise PoppMyopia in phonologically-conditioned affix order in Yidiɲ
Renate RaffelsiefenChallenges for incremental models: outwardly sensitive phonologically conditioned affix allomorphy and the affix pervasiveness effect
Nik RolleMyopia and the dominant tone asymmetry
Bettina SprengFunctional and Phonological domains in Inuktitut
Helene StrefferHow much can you see: What a reprojection-based account of discontinuous agreement would say
Jochen TrommerGradient Symbolic Representations Resolve Stratal Paradoxes: A Case Study on Margi
Xinran Yan‘Think’ or ‘want’: look-ahead problems in semantics

Grammatical Structures of Nilo-Saharan Workshop

13/14 May

Leonie Barabas-WeilFurther evidence for cyclic movement from Turkana
Nadja FiebigKalenjin - two types of verbal number
Siri GjersøeTone in the Ethiopian variant of Nuer
Fabian HeckComparative perspectives on extraction from EV2
Armel JolinThe three lives of Shilluk right-edge H: unification under deficiency and timing
Roland KießlingThe nominal number system of Datooga
Maria KouneliMarked nominative as a type of ergative
Tatiana ReidMorphological stratification as the key to unlocking the vowel inventory in Nuer
Helene StrefferDiscontinuous agreement in Eastern Sudanic
Jochen TrommerCounting, polarity and strata in Karimojong tone
Thom van HugteReanalysing Gaahmg tonal patterns with representations in Element Theory
Coppe van UrkOutermost wins in Dinka tone

Old World Conference in Phonology (OCP21)

14/15 February

Sabine Arndt-Lappe, Quentin Dabouis, Marie Gabillet & Aaron SeilerStress assignment in English pseudo-words: On the role of weight, prefixation and syntactic category
Ricardo Bermudez-OteroArchitectural restrictions on affixal nonuniformity in Stratal Phonology
Natália Brambatti Guzzo & Guilherme Duarte GarciaEffects of allophony and the representation of English loanwords in Brazilian Portuguese
Maddalena Bressler, Maria GiavazziLooking for the origins of stress-conditioned palatalization in 13th and 14th century Italian
Rebeka Campos-AstorkizaVariable phonological phenomena in speech perception: Regressive voicing assimilation and the perception of voicing contrasts in Spanish
Noam FaustThe metrics of epenthetic [i], [ə] and [a] in Tiberian Hebrew
Noam Faust & Ori ShachmonGlides, hiatuses and universal effects on [h] loss in Palestinian Arabic
Adamantios GafosEntropic bases for artificial grammar learning and infant mispronounciation studies
Paul KiparskyThe Morphology of Bidirectional Vowel Harmony
Mohamed Lahrouchi, Georgia Zellou & Karim BensoukasWord-Initial Clusters in Tashlhiyt Berber: how perception informs phonological processing
Katie McCann & Jochen TrommerGemination in Malayalam compounds is morphological and bounded by prosodic structure
Joseph Perry & Shanti UlfsbjorninnSanskrit Accent without Gradience or Readjustment: Fixed and Floating tones
Péter Rebrus, Péter Szigetvári, Miklós TörkenczySystematic vacillation in vowel–zero alternation in Hungarian
Tobias Scheer, Göktuğ BörtlüSoft g in Turkish: two types and x-slots
Varvara TiutiunnikovaOvercoming contextual quantity-sensitivity in Kazym Khanty through constraint interaction
Rachel WalkerStressed syllables are not singled out for transparency: A gestural account
Chen XieTones and iambic stress in Wenzhounese
Florence Yukun ZhangMisalignment between Syntax and Phonology: Evidence from Mandarin Chinese
Chao Zhou & Silke HamannOrthographic and perceptual cue integration in cross-language categorisation of two Romance languages

Workshop Traces in Phonology and Morphology

19 February

Felicitas AndermannTwo-level alignment in Harmonic Serialism
Daniel GleimPerfect Polarity in Akan
Yuriy KushnirWord accent in Lithuanian: what surface position can tell us about underlying strength
Ekaterina MedvedevaTraces of the Plural Morpheme. Towards an analysis of stress in the Russian noun inflection paradigm
Andrew NevinsRepresentational Opacity in Xiamen Tone Sandhi
Ludger PaschenFull Rebirthing: Some features are late bloomers
Prithivi PattanayakThe typology of degrees in tonal overwriting: An argument for gradient representations
Razieh ShojaeiJapanese tonal accent without two-dimensional concaTenation: an argument for gradient symmbolic representations
Galina SimFloating tones blocking spreading
Jelena Stojković & Marko SimonovićAllomorphy reveals the trace of a (different) theme vowel
Helene StrefferTiming of discontinuous agreement
Sören E. TebayIgbo phrasal overwriting as tonal circumclitics
Thom van HugteTonal Representation in Element Theory: its merits and shortcomings
Joanna ZaleskaSlovak phonology with a kitchen knife

Workshop Tone in Grammar

13 February

Lee BickmoreWhere in the Grammar do Bantu Grammatical Tones get Generated and Linked?
Yuni KimToward some bottom-up limits on tonal grammars in grammatical tone
Ryan KlintGrammatical tone and underspecification in TAM inflection of Mazatlán Mazatec
Frank Kügler, Anja Arnhold, Corinna Langer & Nele OtsProsodic prominence within noun phrases in Finno-Ugric languages
Natalia KuznetsovaMatches and mismatches between the grammatical tonal change domain, the featural foot, and the morphosyntactic word in Guro (South Mande)
Nicholas RolleTonal exchange rules in Khoekhoe: The role of defective nodes and prosodic subcategorization
Ronald P. Schaefer & Francis O. EgbokhareProsodic Asymmetry in Emai: Tense-Aspect Tone
Joshua SmoldersThe Functional Load of Tone in Bilugu Opo
Adam TallmanGrammatical tone, tone reduction and phonetic declination in Chácobo (Pano)
Sören E. TebayPhrase-level tone opacity as shared activity in Kere
  • Opacity-Workshop, 29/30 May


29/30 May (as video conference)

Speaker Topic
Joanna Ampofo

True self-counterfeeding vowel harmony in Akan serial verb constructions

Anna Bliß

Opacity and intrinsic process ordering

Anna Bliß & Daniel Gleim

A re-analysis of mutual counterfeeding in Kimatuumbi

Robert Fritzsche Two cases of counterfeeding in Bari & Ordering probes: Bleeding and counterbleeding in English agreement
Daniel Gleim Opacity and countercyclicity
Hyungjung Lee Counterbleeding: Movement and condition A
Gereon Müller Pre-syntactic impoverishment
Mariia Privizentseva Counterfeeding PF: Concord, ellipsis, and beyond
Ezer Rasin Shifting interactions and countershifting opacity: On opacity in Harmonic Serialism & A brief introduction to mutual counterfeeding
Sören Tebay Opacity at the Interfaces: Infixation and Morpheme Structure Rules
Jochen Trommer Mutual counterfeeding in Bari
Joanna Zaleska The Cloning Hypothesis and the typology of opaque process interactions
  • Workshop Iterativity in Grammar, 2/3 December
  • Workshop on Dependency in Syntactic Covariance (DISCO), 16/17 April
  • Micro-Workshop on Accent, 29 January

Workshop Iterativity in Grammar

2/3 December

Speaker Topic
Marius Albers Particle-Prefix-Iteration in German Verb Formation: Synchronic and Diachronic Perspectives
Andreas Blümel Iterating Nouns and its Guises - Applying the Hεo in the Nominal Domain
Doreen Georgi Iterative Island Violations in Igbo
Anke Himmelreich Syntax Tutorial
Greg Kobele Formal Tutorial
Maria Kouneli The Typology of Determiner Spreading
Nancy Kula Iterativity in Bemba H Tone Spread
Kevin McMullin & Jane Chandlee The Computational Nature of Iterativity in Long-Distance Phonology
Gereon Müller Iterative Optimization Predicts Movement in Morphology
Andrew Nevins Iterativity across Modules
Ezer Rasin & Jochen Trommer Phonology Tutorial
Milan Rezac Unsatisfiable Probes: Iterated Case after Partial Intervention
Sören Tebay Bidirectional Inwards Spread: Constraints vs. Iterative Rules
Jochen Trommer Parallel Across-The Board Changes of Tone
Rachel Walker Locality and Iterativity in Jingulu Vowel Harmony
Philipp Weisser Different Levels of Prosodic Dislocation
Taylor Woodfine & Kevin McMullin Inductive Learning of (Non-)Iterative Consonant Harmony
Eva Zimmermann Non-iterative Iterative Reduplication

Workshop on Dependency in Syntactic Covariance (DISCO)

16/17 April

Speaker Topic
Karlos Arregi & Emily Hanink Reference tracking via agreement: Evidence from Washo switch reference
Imke Driemel, Ahmet Bilal Özdemir & Marie-Luise Popp When order matters - on the reverse PCC in Shapsug Adyghe
Henry Fominyam & Doreen Georgi Subject marking in Awing: on referentiality & the nature of anti-agreement
Gurmeet Kaur Addressee in imperatives: locus and interpretation
Christine Marquardt Agreement Splits in the C-T-Domain: The Case of Jarawara Gender Agreement
Louise Raynaud Person effects with reflexives: referential features in anaphors and participants
Eric Reuland
(joint work with Peter Zubkov)
Agreeing to Bind: the case of Russian
Susi Wurmbrand Thoughts on uniformity, covariance, and fake indexicals
Michelle Yuan Case discrimination and the Anaphor Agreement Effect: Consequences in Inuktitut and beyond

Micro-Workshop on Accent

29 January

Speaker Topic
Ludger Paschen Morphological Accent in Lakota
Ezer Rasin A Candidate for a Universal Constraint on the Interaction of Phonological Processes
Nik Rolle Does Polysynthesis Pose a Problem when the Triggers of Morphological Accent and the Stress Window are at Opposite Edges?
Donca Steriade Multiple Bases and Nominal Accent in Ancient Greek
Sören Tebay Register Circumfixes Overwrite Downstep in Hausa and Chimiini
Jochen Trommer A Concatenative Account of Japanese Subtractive Accent
Joanna Zaleska The Rising-falling Pitch Movement in Indonesian: Right-aligned or Floating? A Proposed Experimental Study
Eva Zimmermann Optimal Feet vs. Optimal Tone Placement: A HS Account of Accent in Goizueta Basque
  • 20th Anniversary of the Institute for Linguistics, 7 December
  • Workshop on Repairs in Morphosyntax, 9 November
  • Micro-Workshop on Cyclic Optimization, 18 May
  • Workshop on Shrinking Trees in Morphology, 27 April

20th Anniversary of the Institute for Linguistics

7 December

Speaker Topic
Kai Alter Prosodic phrasing, working memory, and brain responses
Anke Holler Brücken zur Insel? Wie Wortkonstituenten erreichbar werden
Gerhard Jäger Und sie sind doch universal. Zu Dunn et al.'s Kritik der typologischen Wortstellungs-Universalien
André Meinunger Überlegungen und Befunde zu Relativsätzen mit gespaltenen Bezugsnomen
Beat Siebenhaar Gruβwort des Dekans der Philologischen Fakultät
Anita Steube, Gerhild Zybatow, derzeitige und ehemalige Institutsmitglieder, Alumni Das Institut und ich

Workshop on Repairs in Morphosyntax

9 November

Speaker Topic
Bronwyn Bjorkman Realization vs. Repair in the logic of ‘last resort’
Greg Kobele Deconstructing Repair
Gereon Müller R-Pronoun Repair by Defect-Driven Rules
Andrew Murphy On the cross-modular parallelism of repairs
Gurujegan Murugesan Repair and pseudo-Repair in Anaphor Agreement Effect
Martin Salzmann & Philipp Weisser Two ways of Repairing the Non-Finality Requirement: Prosodic Inversion and BE-Support in Mari

Micro-Workshop on Cyclic Optimization

18 May

Speaker Topic
Ricardo Bermúdez-Otero Nonuniformity in Cyclic Phonological Frameworks: Strata vs. Cophonologies
Daniel Gleim Intermorphemic Agreement in Acoma
Fabian Heck Motivation for Strict Cyclicity in Syntax
Andrew Murphy Cumulativity and Seriality
Jochen Trommer The Layered Phonology of Levantine Arabic Syncope
Eva Zimmermann Serial Computation of Accent in Mayo

Workshop on Shrinking Trees in Morphology

27 April

Speaker Topic
Karen de Clercq & Guido Vanden Wyngaerd Unmerging Analytic Comparatives
Christina Dschaak A structure removal approach to restructuring in Russian
Johannes Englisch Gradient Frequency Effects in German DP Extraction
Hyunjung Lee & Irene Amato Optional Removal in Korean: a new insight on free variation
Beata Moskal & Pete Smith Non-adjacent allomorphy without structural removal
Gereon Müller Structure Removal in Disjunctive Blocking
Andrew Murphy Removing DP shells in Kwa
Jelena Stojković DP-Exfoliation, Lowering, and Local Dislocation
Philipp Weisser Distinctness and DOM in Mari
  • Workshop on tough-movement and modal passives, 20 December
  • Workshop Strength in Grammar, 10/11 November
  • Workshop on Strata, 20 July
  • Workshop Challenges of Electronic Dictionary Publication 2.0, 30/31 March
  • Workshop on Superiority, 13 February
  • Special colloquium for Gerhild Zybatow, 10 February
  • ConSOLE XXV, 4–6 January

Workshop on tough-movement and modal passives

20 December

Speaker Topic
Ulrike Demske How German Lost Tough Movement
Stephan Keine & Ethan Poole Tough interpretations
Marie-Luise Schwarzer Towards A Novel Approach to German Tough Movement

Workshop Strength in Grammar

10/11 November

Speaker Topic
Noam Faust How much for that vowel?
Yuriy Kushnir Accent Strength in Lithuanian
Florian Lionnet Subfeatural representations in phonology: Encoding coarticulatory strength
Xiaoliang Luo and Guillaume Enguehard Representing Strength without Licensing
Jude Nformi & Sören Worbs Gradient tones obviate floating features in Oku tone sandhi
Renate Raffelsiefen Positional faithfulness in stem-final position in German
Anthi Revithiadou Sources of strength in lexical accent systems
Eric Rosen Predicting semi-regular Japanese accent through gradient feature strengths
Hannah Sande Encoding strength as a unified explanation of two Guébie (Kru) vowel alternations
Caitlin Smith Deriving Apparent Exceptionality from Contrastive Gestural Strength
Paul Smolensky
(joint work with Matt Goldrick)
Gradient Symbolic Representations in Grammar: The case of French Liaison
Vassilios Spyropoulos, Giorgos Markopoulos & Anthi Revithiadou Root strength as (under)specification: Evidence from root allomorphy in Greek
Jochen Trommer Scalar Cumulativity in German Umlaut
Shanti Ulfsbjorninn Not all Strength is Length: Positional-strength is Universal and BRANCHINGNESS-strength is phonotactic-specific
Alexandre Vaxman Integrating accentual generalizations and morpheme-specific exceptions: the role of diacritic weight
Eva Zimmermann Being (slightly) stronger: Lexical stress in Moses Columbian Salish

Workshop on Strata

20 July

Speaker Topic
Johanna Benz Phonologically conditioned Affix Order in Washo
Siri Moen Gjersøe A Strict Cycle Effect in Nuer
Daniel Gleim Duke-of-York Epenthesis in Arapaho
Fabian Heck A Note on embedded V2 and the Wh-copy Construction in German
Greg Kobele (1) Cyclicity from above (2) Semantic Strata
Gereon Müller Prospects of Harmonic Serialism in Morphology
Andrew Murphy Phases and Asymmetries
Jude Awasom Nformi Cumulativity and Cyclicity in Limbum Associative Constructions
Zorica Puškar The Condition on Agree Domains: On the Locality of φ-agreement
Barbara Stiebels Lexically induced Domains (Strata?): The Role of clause-embedding Predicates
Sandhya Sundaresan & Thomas McFadden The Countercyclicity of the EPP and the Status of Edges
Jochen Trommer & Daniel Gleim Stratal Tone Allomorphy in Bari
Joanna Zaleska & Karolina Broś Establishing Counterfeeding Relations for optional Processes
Joanna Zaleska Strata-dependent Opacity in Containment Theory
Eva Zimmermann Strength as an alternative to cycles

Workshop Challenges of Electronic Dictionary Publication 2.0

30/31 March

Speaker Topic
Hauke Bartels Can we make dictionaries suitable for scientific use, documentation and language learning?
Alexander Cobbinah The long road from research database to dictionary: experiences from Bainounk Gubeeher<
Robert Forkel Dictionaria as a member of the CLLD family
Iren Hartmann What is Dictionaria?
Martin Haspelmath Dictionaria workflow
Ulrike Mosel The Better-than-Nothing Principle applied in under-researched language dictionaries (ULDs)
Pamela Munro Verbs in our dictionaries
Gabriela Pérez-Báez Lexical documentation: How much is too much, how much is too little?
Sonja Riesberg The Yali-German lexicon and the challenges of publishing a „legacy dictionary“
Lena Sell & Lena Terhart Revision and republication of a historical Guarayu dictionary
Sven Tarp How we prepare an online dictionary project

Workshop on Superiority

13 February

Speaker Topic
John Bailyn Multiple Wh and Superiority in Bulgarian and Russian
Fabian Heck Superiority and Nonmonotonic Derivations
Andrew Murphy Multiple Left Branch Extraction and Superiority

Special colloquium for Gerhild Zybatow

10 February

Speaker Topic
Beat Siebenhaar, Danuta Rytel-Schwarz Grußworte von Fakultät und Institut
Klaus Abels A Partial Analysis of 'Topicalized Sluicing'
John Frederick Bailyn 20 Years in Focus: The Legacy of 'Syntax and Information Structure of Russian Clauses'
Imke Driemel & Jelena Stojković Agreement Alternations with Quantified Nouns in Serbo-Croatian
Matías Guzmán Naranjo Overabundance as Hybrid Inflection. Quantitative Evidence from Czech
Uwe Junghanns Konditionale Infinitive im Tschechischen
Yurij Kushnir Lithuanian Nominal Accent: Revisited
Roland Meyer Quasiargumental TO in Czech Impersonals
Andrew Murphy Evaluating Current Theories of Left-Branch Extraction
Ludger Paschen Beobachtungen zur prosodischen Topikmarkierung in russischen Dialekten
Zorica Puškar The Structure of Hybrid Nouns in BCS: Evidence from NP-Ellipsis
Tobias Scheer & Markéta Ziková Wordfinal Branching Onsets: Evidence from Old Czech
Anita Steube Warum konnten und mussten die ‘Laute’ in der frühen Sprachgeschichteschon immer Phoneme sein?
Barbara Stiebels Polysemy and Coercion of Clause-Embedding Predicates
Luka Szucsich Interclausal Feature Relations and Obviation in North Slavic Subjunctives



4–6 January


  • Workshop Genus Verbi, 16/17 November
  • 42. Tagung zur Generativen Grammatik des Südens (GGS), 20 – 22 October
  • Workshop on Shrinking Trees, 10 October
  • Workshop on Advancing Gender Equality in Scientific Research, 4/5 October
  • Workshop Replicative Processes in Language, 8/9 July
  • Workshop Electronic Dictionary Publication, 8/9 April

Workshop Genus Verbi

16/17 November

Speaker Topic
Artemis Alexiadou Passive (in) Nominalizations
Berit Gehrke & Nils Hirsch Passives are Not Inherently More Complex than Actives: Insights from Processing Verbal Passives in German
Fabian Heck A Non-Monotonic Analysis of Non-Local Movement in Passives
Johannes Hein How Referral by Vocabulary Items Derives Deponency
Itamar Kastner Passives in Non-Concatenative Morphology
Julie Anne Legate External Arguments in Noncanonical Passives
Gereon Müller Structure Removal in Long-Distance Passives
Stefan Müller A Lexical Analysis of Passive
Andrew Murphy Double Passivization in Turkish: A Structure Removal Approach
Despina Oikonomou Voice Allosemy in Synthetic Passives: Towards a Phasal Account
Marcel Pitteroff & Florian Schäfer Implicit Control: On Landau’s Generalization and Its Exceptions
Florian Schäfer Medio-Passives with and without By-Phrase
Barbara Stiebels Instrumental Voice
Sandhya Sundaresan & Tom McFadden The Articulated v Layer: Evidence from Tamil
Philipp Weisser Voice in Derived Coordination

42. Tagung zur Generativen Grammatik des Südens (GGS)

20 – 22 October

Speaker Topic
Julia Bacskai-Atkari The syntactic category of comparative complements cross-linguistically
András Bárány DOM - Dative: Syntax or morphology
Caroline Féry Can a typological relation be established between tonal type and the reflexes of information structure?
Silke Fischer & Marcel Pitteroff Psych verbs and control into subject clauses
Werner Frey Syntaktische und interpretative Aspekte von weil-/ und obwohl-Verb-zweit-Sätzen
Dimitry Ganenkov & Natalia Bogomolova Indexical shift and agreement in Aqusha Dargwa and Southern Tabasaran (Nakh-Dagestian)
Doreen Georgi On person-number-interactions in Hayu and prominence scores
Alexander Grosu & Radek Šimík A novel semantic distinction between transparent free relatives and homophonous free relatives
Hubert Haider "It’s economy, stupid!" – Zum ökonomischen Umgang mit einem unverstandenen Konzept in der Grammatiktheorie
Nils Hirsch Different types of causatives in German
Inghild Flaate Høyem Adjunktkontrolle in adverbialen Infinitiven des Deutschen
Dalina Kallulli Rethinking the Person Case Constraint: Insights from clitic doubling patterns
Itamar Kastner Impossible morphemes: The case of Semitic templates
Göz Kaufmann Zwischen Morphologie und Syntax: Überlegungen zu komplexen Köpfen im Pommerschen Südbrasiliens
Gerrit Kentner Zur prosodischen Syntax des Deutschen
Mihaela Marchis Moreno & Ludovico Franco Derivational Suffixes in Romance at the borderline between inflection and derivation
Thomas McFadden Phase Stitching
Andrew McIntyre Nichtlokale Argumentrealisierung und komplexe Prädikate
Guido Mensching Clause typing and information structure: Considerations on Sardinian yes/no questions
Beata Moskal The Markedness of Morphological Features
Andrew Murphy Strong inflection on pronouns in German: A Distributed Morphology approach
Sophia Oppermann Nicht-koordinierendes "und" in der Geschichte des Deutschen
Marie-Luise Popp Typological insights into NEG-Raising
Joachim Sabel Restriktionen für V3 im Deutschen
Martin Salzmann Late Merger and raising relative clauses
Philipp Weisser Why there is no such thing as Closest Conjunct Case
Susi Wurmbrand Girls, glasses, and you – The distribution of formal vs. semantic agreement
Hedde Zeijlstra Selection, categories and features

Workshop on Shrinking Trees

10 October

Speaker Topic
Katja Barnickel Derived Non-Monotonic Coordination in German
Caterina Donati Successive Cyclic Movement as a Shrinking Tree Epiphenomenon
Fabian Heck Non-Monotonic Raising-to-Subject
Howard Lasnik Shrinking Trees: Some Early History
Gereon Müller Restructuring by Removal
Andrew Murphy Arguments for Ellipsis as Syntactic Deletion
David Pesetsky Exfoliation: Towards a Derivational Theoryof Clause Size
Susi Wurmbrand  Restructuring as the Regulator of Clause Size

Workshop on Advancing Gender Equality in Scientific Research

4/5 October

Speaker Topic
Artemis Alexiadou Grant writing
Roswitha Kersten-Pejanic Gender and language: demands, possibilities and limitations for fair language use

Workshop Replicative processes in language

8/9 July

Speaker Topic
Evangelia Adamou From conceptual transfer to grammatical replication: The influence of the Spanish copulas on Romani spoken in Latin America
Isabelle Buchstaller Exploring transfer (including metatype) phenomena in Marshallese English
Mariapaola D'Imperio Dialect imitation across typologically distinct prosodic systems
Hubert Haider Do not copy & paste in syntactic derivations
Fabian Heck Order perservation without reference to linear order — the case of Holmberg's generalization
Andrew Kostakis Spreading height features in Germanic metaphony
Gereon Müller Copies without Copy Theory
Andrew Nevins Copying and resolution in South Slavic and South Bantu conjunct agreement
Doug Pulleyblank Reduplication in Nuu-chah-nulth
Hannah Sande Apparent weight-dependent infixing reduplication in Amharic
Beat Siebenhaar What could be replication in written interaction? First insights to the analysis of WhatsApp-data
Donca Steriade Grammars of rhyming
Barbara Stiebels Multiple exponence in a lexical-incremental framework
Sandhya Sundaresan Replicative processes in reference and their failures: pro vs. PRO
Jochen Trommer Featural affixation and featural spreading in Gaahmg
Stephen Wechsler Explaining grammatical agreement
Richard Wiese How language can be as regular as music
Eva Zimmermann Multiple reduplication as an argument against the Red-morpheme

Workshop Electronic Dictionary Publication

8/9 April

Speaker Topic
Robert Forkel Dictionaria as a member of the CLLD family
Alexandre François Building (on) a few dictionaries from Asia & the Pacific
Martin Haspelmath & Iren Hartmann About the project and our data model
Henrik Liljegren Doing justice to a small language: Challenges and opportunities in lexical categorisation
Friederike Lüpke Contested words – challenges, limits and models of language reification in dictionary creation
Ulrike Mosel Dictionaries of under-researched languages
Gilles Polian Reflections from the Multidialectal Tseltal Dictionary Project
Kilu von Prince Prioritizing entries and choosing example sentences
Felix Rau What I learned as a field linguist helping with the Cologne Digital Sanskrit Dictionaries
Bonny Sands & Alena Witzlack-Makarevich Towards a dictionary of Nǀuu
Antoinette Schapper Dictionaries of small languages and their writers in Indonesia
Barbara Stiebels Bridging the gap between dictionaries and grammars
Joshua Wilbur Towards a Pite Saami lexicography: Creating a dictionary from a community-driven wordlist
  • Workshop What's in a noun?, 23 October
  • Workshop Replicative processes in grammar: Harmony, copying, doubling, and repetition, 1/2 October
  • Workshop on Non-Local Dependencies, 15 July
  • Workshop Morphosyntactic Triggers of Tone: New Data and Theories, 12/13 June
  • 37. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Sprachwissenschaft an der Universität Leipzig: Grammatische Modellierung und sprachliche Verschiedenheit, 4–6 March

Workshop What’s in a noun?

23 October

Speaker Topic
Katja Barnickel Trinken Sie lieber aus der Gute-Laune-Tasse oder aus der Guten-Laune-Tasse? Zur Kasuskonkordanz in deutschen A-N-N-Komposita
Manfred Bierwisch Was ein Nomen mindestens enthält: eine lexikalische Inventur
Gisbert Fanselow Fersengeld
Janet Grijzenhout Words, words
Albert Ortmann What is in a noun and what is not?
Kerstin Schwabe On straying ob-clauses
Dieter Wunderlich Wo Nomina den Typus der Grammatik festlegen

Workshop Replicative processes in grammar: Harmony, copying, doubling, and repetition

1/2 October

Speaker Topic
Manfred Bierwisch The role of replication in different sign systems
William Bennett Identity and consonant correspondence
Jonathan Bobaljik Some differences between case and agreement
Gabriella Caballero Motivating multiple exponence
Rita Finkbeiner Reduplication here, reduplication there. Is German N hin, N her an instance of syntactic reduplication?
Siri Gjersøe Sharing properties of pseudo-coordination in Norwegian
Jason Haugen Reduplication of affixes
Johannes Hein Asymmetric verb doubling in Asante Twi and the order of operations at PF
Jason Kandybowicz Parallel Chains at PF: Insights from Krachi predicate fronting with verb doubling
Greg Kobele Making copies: insights from computation
Sampson Korsah From polarity to reduplication in Gã
Alexander Letuchiy Syntactic doubling as a type of syntactic repetition
Jason Merchant Perfect and imperfect copies
Beata Moskal Building bridges: Labial harmony in Altaic languages
Peter Smith AGREE, the agreement hierarchy and late adjunction
Alan Yu Iterative infixation as rhythmic-induced compensatory reduplication
Eva Zimmermann Copy affixes in Kiranti

Workshop on Non-Local Dependencies

15 July

Speaker Topic
Anke Assmann Case Matching Effects as Evidence for a Bidirectional AgreeOperation
Chris Collins Neg Raising, Deletion and Parentheticals
Stefan Keine Locality Domains in Syntax: Evidence from Sentence Processing
Andrew Murphy Cumulative Interactions in Syntax with Weighted Constraints

Workshop Morphosyntactic Triggers of Tone: New Data and Theories

12/13 June

Speaker Topic
Jeroen Breteler Tone Classes in Wan Japanese
Gerrit Dimmendaal How much non-concatenative morphology can speakers cope with?
Susanne Genzel & Reginald Duah H tone insertion on verbs in na-focus sentence in Akan
Siri M. Gjersøe Floating L tones in Kikuyu: Evidence supporting a Stratal OT analysis
Rozenn Guérois Tonal variation within NPs in Cuwabo (Mozambique, Bantu P34)
Yuni Kim Multiply conditioned tonal allomorphy in Amuzgo
Sampson Korsah & Andrew Murphy High tone insertion in Akan as a re‑ex of successive-cyclic movement
Frank Kügler Pitch register reset and embedded clauses in Akan
Xiaoliang Luo Mandarin Chinese: morphological right boundary and its consequences on tones
Laura McPherson Word-level and phrase-level replacive tone: an implicational relationship
Tian Mimi A grammatical analysis of the ’induced creaky tone’ in Burmese
Irina Monich Tone as a diagnostic of morphosyntactic structure in South African Bantu languages
Robindra Nath Banerji Huichol (Wixárika) Word Accent: Typology, Interactions, and Implications
Mary Paster Approaches to the Bantu Melodic H
Bert Remijsen Compositionality in the lexical and morphological specifications for tone in Shilluk
Aida Talić Tonal marking of specificity in BCS
Kristine M. Yu Tonal marking of absolutive case in Samoan
Sabine Zerbian Adjacent high tones at word- and phrase level in Tswana

37. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Sprachwissenschaft an der Universität Leipzig: Grammatische Modellierung und sprachliche Verschiedenheit

4–6 March


  • Workshop on Building Blocks, 21/22 November

Workshop on Building Blocks

21/22 November

Speaker Topic
Pavel Caha Lexical Items and Syntactic Categories: Some Lessons from Shona and Luganda Locatives
Berthold Crysmann Deconstructing Exuberant Exponence
Kleanthes Grohmann Localities: Building Blocks and Other Pieces of the Puzzle
Karen Jesney Complex Process Interaction: Weighted Constraints vs. Ranked Constraints and Rules
Olaf Koeneman Do-Support and the Syntax of Finiteness
Björn Köhnlein Rules vs. Constraints in Studies on Tonal Accent
Laura McPherson Phrasal Phonology, Restructured: The Place of Dogon Tonosyntax
Katya Pertsova Conflicting Pressures Can Lead to Ungrammaticality
Michelle Sheehan Ergative Alignment in Romance Causatives: A Parameter Hierarchy Approach
Francesc Torres-Tamarit Voicing-Dependent Vowel Lengthening and Final Devoicing in Milanese: A Transparent or an Opaque Interaction?
Luis Vincente A remnant-correlate identity condition on ellipsis
Geraldine Walther The Realisational Lexicon
  • Workshop on Opacity in Grammar (WOPiG), 3 October
  • Comparative Germanic Syntax Workshop 28 (CGSW28), 4/5 October

Workshop on Opacity in Grammar (WOPiG)

3 October

Speaker Topic
Eric Baković Opacity to Ordering Hammer: not everything is a nail
Marta Domagala To re-rank or not to re-rank: Old Church Slavic evidence against invariant EVAL
Youssef Haddad & Susi Wurmbrand Cyclic spell-out and agreement options in raising constructions
Jeffrey Heinz & William Idsardi Opacity between local and long distance processes in Samala
Paul Kiparsky The Residue of Opacity
Howard Lasnik On Certain Bleeding Orders
Geoffrey Pullum Opacity: The Last Thing We Need
Peter Smith Bringing order(ing) into chaos: the placement of Udi endoclitics
Bruce Tesar Output-driven maps in phonology

Comparative Germanic Syntax Workshop 28 (CGSW28)

4/5 October

Speaker Topic
Artemis Alexiadou, Florian Schäfer & Giorgos Spathas Delimiting Voice in Germanic: on object drop and naturally reexive verbs
Julia Bacskai-Atkari Comparative deletion in Germanic
Theresa Biberauer Germanic verb clusters again – with Afrikaans centre-stage
Federica Cognola Wh-long extraction in Mòcheno and the derivation of OV word order in West Germanic
Marijke De Belder & Gunlög Josefsson The Germanic complex compound's marker
Karen De Clercq The upward path of negation
Silke Fischer Object extraposition in Germanic – a challenge for control theory?
Eric Fuß C-agreement revisited: core syntax or morphological ornament?
Kyle Johnson The Empty Category Principle and linearization
Ida Larsson & Peter Svenonius Phases and categories in passive and perfect participles
Thomas McFadden Resultativity and the development of Germanic preverbal ge- from Old to Middle English
Marcel Pitteroff The expletive puzzle – impersonal (let-)middles
Dorian Roehrs Agreement in the DP: Dutch vs. Norwegian
Florian Schäfer Reconciling Burzio's Generalization with unexpected accusatives: from German to Icelandic
Ulrike Steindl Corrective coordination with but across languages
Sandhya Sundaresan Perspectival binding: a Dravidian perspective into Germanic
Marjo van Koppen & Marijke De Belder Looking into ANN-compounds: idiolectal variation
  • Decomposition and natural classes in argument coding (Workshop of the Research Unit 742), 6/7 September
  • ConSOLE XX, 5–7 January

Decomposition and natural classes in argument coding

(Workshop of the Research Unit 742)

6/7 September

Speaker Topic
Artemis Alexiadou Building reflexives
Anke Assmann, Doreen Georgi & Philipp Weisser Argument encoding and its consequences for displacement
Sebastian Bank & Jochen Trommer Integrated learning of segmentation and morphosyntactic features
Joshua Birchall Exploring valency in South American languages
Petr Biskup & Gerhild Zybatow Verbal prefixation in Slavonic
Ina Bornkessel-Schlesewsky & Alena Witzlack-Makarevich
in collaboration with Balthasar Bickel
(Un)natural classes in processing and typology of argument encoding
John P. Boyle Valency and the Hidatsa dative
Pavel Caha Genitive singular and nominative plural: mystery solved?
Michael Cysouw Visualizing the typology of natural classes
Dorothee Fehrmann, Uwe Junghanns & Denisa Lenertová Decomposing decausatives
Daniel Harbour Objects, animacy, and portmanteaus in Tewa (Kiowa-Tanoan)
Iren Hartmann, Martin Haspelmath & Alexander Jahraus Natural Classes and Other Generalizations in the Valency Classes Database
Andreas Opitz & Stefanie Regel The Processing of Morphological Features: ERP-Evidence for Underspecification
Antje Roßdeutscher Prepositional Elements in a DM/DRT-based Syntax-Semantics-Interface
Linnaea Stockall Tracking the timecourse of morphological decomposition and recomposition


5–7 January


  • Americanist Meeting: Word formation in South American languages, 24 June
  • RRG workshop, 5 February

Americanist Meeting: Word formation in South American languages

24 June

RRG workshop

5 February

Speaker Topic
Maike Ludwig RRG und Koptisch
John Peterson RRG and Kharia
Hanna Thiele RRG und Finnisch
Tilman van der Wall RRG und Hindi
Robert D. Van Valin, Jr. Introduction to Role and Reference Grammar
Robert D. Van Valin, Jr. Introduction to RRG (cont’d)
  • Workshop The Fine Structure of Grammatical Relations, 10/11 December
  • Summer School on Linguistic Typology, 15 August–3 September
  • Workshop on Theoretical Morphology (WOTM 5), 25/26 June

Workshop The Fine Structure of Grammatical Relations

10/11 December

Speaker Topic
Artemis Alexiadou, Elena Anagnostopoulou, Gianina Iordachioaia & Mihaela Marchis Backward control revisited
Anke Assmann, Doreen Georgi & Philipp Weisser Analyzing switch reference
Sebastian Bank Automatic Segmentation of Transitive Paradigms
Jessica Coon The Role of Case in A-Bar Extraction Asymmetries: Evidence from Mayan
Michael Cysouw Inducing semantic roles from parallel texts
Silke Fischer Feature Stacks and Binding Relations
Denisa Lenertová Argument reduction by reflexive marking: A cross-Slavic parametrization
Sander Lestrade About case
Florent Perek Alternations in constructionist models of argument structure
Marc Richards Reappraising copy raising
Natalya Serdobolskaya Cross-linguistic parameters of raising
Barbara Stiebels Control structures, controllees and the role of GFs

Summer School on Linguistic Typology

15 August–3 September


Workshop on Theoretical Morphology (WOTM 5)

25/26 June

Speaker Topic
Oliver Bonami & Gilles Boyé Opaque Paradigms, Transparent Forms in Nepali Conjugation
Roberta D’Alessandro & Marc van Oostendorp Vocative morphology at the syntax-phonology Interface
Eric Fuß & Carola Trips The Northern Subject Rule
Doreen Georgi Chameleon Probes in Mordvin
Chris Golston Prosody as Morpheme Compression
Daniel Harbour Discontinuous linearization
Johannes Hein & Stefan Keine On the Geometry of Marker Inventories
Sharon Inkelas Optimal Construction Morphology: A Cyclic approach
Joost Kremers Bare Phrase Structure and DM
Andreas Opitz The Processing of Morphological Features: ERP-Evidence for Underspecification
Renate Raffelsiefen Affixes versus affixoids in German
Ian Roberts Blank generation
Sandhya Sundaresan PRO and anaphors are syntactically conditioned allomorphs
Barbara Stiebels Reevaluating position classes
Jochen Trommer Paradigmatic Generalization of Morphemes
Jochen Trommer & Eva Zimmermann Generalized Mora Affixation
Thomas Wier 'Trinsicity' In Rule Ordering and Georgian Agreement
Dieter Wunderlich Degenerated paradigms – radically underspecified


  • Workshop Morphological reflexes of long-distance dependencies, 23 November
  • Konferenz Morphology of the world's languages, 11–13 June
  • Konferenz Generative Grammatik des Südens, 22–24 May


  • Workshop Perspektiven minimalistischer Syntax, 27/28 October
  • Colloquia and workshops of the DFG Research Training Group Universalität und Diversität: Sprachliche Strukturen und Prozesse im Zentrum für Kognitionswissenschaft der Universität Leipzig
  • Workshop on Theoretical Morphology (WOTM 4), 20/21 June
  • Leipzig Spring School on Linguistic Diversity, 26 March–4 April


  • KOSMOS SPRACHE: Materialien zur Vorlesungsreihe im Rahmen des Studium universale (winter semester 2007/08)
  • Workshop on Phonological Words in South Asia and Southeast Asia, 19/20 September
  • Workshop on Theoretical Morphology (WOTM 3), 22/23 June
  • Workshop on Grammar and Processing of Verbal Arguments (Research Unit Grammatik und Verarbeitung verbaler Argumente), 20/21 April
  • Colloquium Information structure


  • Workshop on Theoretical Morphology (WOTM 2), 17/18 June


  • Workshop Grenzen der Linguistik überschreiten. Manfred Bierwischs Werk im Spiegel der Leipziger Sprachwissenschaft, 26 October
  • 3. Leipziger Vernetzungstreffen Korpuslinguistik, 29 September
  • Workshop Flexionstheorie im Osten (WOTM1), 14 July
  • Final Workshop Satz und Kontext of the DFG Research Unit Sprachtheoretische Grundlagen der Kognitionswissenschaft, 25/26 June


  • Workshop Event Structures in linguistic form and interpretation, 17–19 March
  • Conference Syntax of the World's Languages (SWL 1), 5–8 August
  • Workshop Experimental Prosody Research, 7–9 October


  • Workshop Ereignissemantik III, 26/27 March


  • Workshop Ereignissemantik II, 22 June
  • 23. Jahrestagung der DGfS, 28 February–2 March


  • Workshop Ereignissemantik I, 19/20 May


  • 3. Annual conference Gesellschaft für Semantik, 11–13 December

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