The Institute of Linguistics regularly organizes workshops and invites linguists of international renown for talks.
The mailing list /lingtalk/ provides information on talks and workshops at the Institute for Linguistics. If you want to subscribe to this list, please use the following link.
- Jutta Hartmann (Bielefeld): Feature gluttony in copular clauses in German? New data from Mistaken Identity Sentences (joint work with Caroline Heycock), 5 February
- Hossep Dolatian: Morphomic verb stems in Anatolia-Caucasus-Iran, 29 January
- Hossep Dolatian: Computational divisions in reduplication and pseudo-reduplication, 28 January
- Hossep Dolatian: Typological oddities of allomorphy across Armenian, 27 January
- Maria Polinsky (UMaryland): Making exceptions: Grammar and cross-linguistic variation of exceptive constructions, 23 January
- Katharina Hartmann & Adelaide Banafo (Frankfurt): A-bar-Interactions of Negation in African Languages (with Kwaku Sasu, Johannes Mursell), 22 January
- Adrian Stegovec (UConn) & Paula Fenger (Leipzig): Syntactic Structures meets Algonquian, 10. January
- Johannes Hein (Potsdam): Right Node Raising and Exceptional Inflection, 10. January
- Imke Driemel (York): DP/NP distinctions in Kwa languages, 8 January
- Ethan Poole (UCLA): Syntactic variables and crossover, 20. December
- Stefan Keine (UCLA): Two types of scales in Ch'ol, 20. December
- Doreen Georgi (Potsdam): New evidence for an antilocality constraint on Ā-movement: subject (sub)extraction in Igbo,18. December
- Matthew Hewett (GeorgetownU): The A-/Ā-distinction is categorial: the view from A-resumption in Arabic, 11. December
- Dmitry Privoznov (Göttingen): The syntax of discourse anaphora, 6. December
- Željko Bošković (UConn): Spelling out phases and labeling, 13 November
- Željko Bošković (UConn): Nominal and non-nominal subjects: Adieu to the A/A’-distinction, 12 November
- Stanislao Zompì (Potsdam): (*)ABA in multidimensional paradigms: A constraint-based optimization approach, 6 November
- Laura McPherson (Dartmouth): Grammatical tone acquisition in Seenku (Mande, Burkina Faso): tonal morphology vs. morphosyntactic sandhi, 30 October
- Irina Burukina (Budapest): Mechanisms of clausal adjunction: Rationale infinitives and imperatives in Mari, 23 October
- Kenyon Branan (Göttingen): Syntax-phonology interactions and the Left Edge Ban, 3 July
- Christopher Hammerly (UBC): Subatomic Agreement, 28 June
- Andrew Kostakis (APSU): Emergent Features on Rhotics and Nasals, 28 June
- Erik Zyman (Chicago): Nakajima-Clefts as a Window onto Verb Phrase Structure, 26 June
- Ruth Kramer (Georgetown U): The Interaction of Topic, Voice, Case, and Agreement: On O-Constructions in Jarawara (joint work with Luke Adamson, Berlin), 19 June
- Gísli Rúnar Harðarson (Reykjavík): The width of a cycle: Outlining a cyclic direct reference approach to the syntax-phonology interface, 22 May
- Ezer Rasin (Tel Aviv): On the absence of crucially-simultaneous phonological interactions in natural language, 15 May
- Barbara Stiebels (Leipzig): On the semantics of affix orders: the case of affixal negation, 8 May
- Eva Zimmermann (Leipzig): A typology of OCP-resolutions across morphological domains: An argument for Harmonic Layer Theory, 24 April
- Gregory Kobele (Leipzig): Agreement in Minimalist Grammars – towards a non-derivational characterization of cyclic optimization, 17 April
- Artemis Alexiadou (Berlin): NP+CP Constructions and Nominalized Clauses: Insights into Clausal Complementation (joint work with Nikos Angelopoulos & Dimitris Michelioudakis), 9 April
- Andrew Lamont (London): Deriving Mayo reduplication, 31 January
- Ksenia Shagal (München): On some peculiarities of partitive objects in Uralic, 26 January
- Ksenia Shagal (München): Negative participles: what people think they do vs. what they really do, 25 January
- Caroline Heycock (Edinburgh): When to revisit? investigating (un)ambiguity in temporal clauses, 24 January
- Frank Kügler (Frankfurt): On the nature of downstep – Comparing its form and function across languages, 18 January
- Kristina Liefke (Bochum): Remember is past-directed, parasitic imagine, 17 January
- Alessandro Jaker (Sisseton): A Crash Course in Tetsǫ́t'ıné Morphophonemics, 11 January
- Alessandro Jaker (Sisseton): Tetsǫ́t'ıné Prefix Vowel Length: Evidence for Systematic Underspecification, 10 January
- Wataru Uegaki (Edinburgh): Predicates of inquisitive emotion and distributivity at the clausal level, 3 January
- Ksenia Ershova (MIT): What’s in a (polysynthetic) phase: Dynamic domains, spellout and locality, 13 December
- Ksenia Ershova (MIT): The nuanced typology of syntactic ergativity: Insights from parasitic gaps in Samoan and West Circassian, 12 December
- Daniel Harbour (London): A Trommer-first account of Georgian agreement, 6 December
- Daniel Harbour (London): The Calculus of Kiowa Tone, 5 December
- Philipp Weisser (Leipzig): A typology of shifted coordinators - Implications for theories of clitics and their formal modelling, 15 November
- Jochen Trommer (Leipzig): The Morphophonology of Raramuri Affix Order, 8 November
- Nicholas Rolle (Berlin): What are the restrictions on exponent shape? Examining bipartite morphemes, 5 July
- Suzanne Urbanczyk (U of Victoria): Head-Dependent Asymmetries in Reduplication and Elsewhere, 28 June
- Keith Snider (SIL): The explanatory potential of Register Tier Theory, 21 June
- Magdalena Lohninger (Wien): Escaping CP: A typology of hyperraising, 14 June
- Arne Lohmann (Leipzig): The effect of occurrence profile on the phonetic realization of English adjectives, 7 Juni
- Aaron Steven White (U of Rochester): The role of discreteness in gradient inference judgments: A case study of lexically triggered inferences, 31 May
- Colin Davis (Konstanz): Diminutives of English irregular plurals and optionality of umlaut: Evidence for late-merge within words, 17 May
- Stefan Müller (Berlin): Minimal(ist) syntax: Towards a surface-based syntax of Germanic languages, 10 May
- Rajesh Bhatt (Amherst): Honor and Plurality in Hindi-Urdu, 3 May
- Francesc Torres-Tamarit (Barcelona): Stress in Spanish: an analysis using layered feet, 15 February
- Karolina Zuchewicz (Leipzig): Veridicality1 and total affectedness2 as a clausal1 and a nominal2 realization of a ‘maximal’ incremental theme in Polish, 8 February
- Karen De Clercq (Paris): Root suppletion in Korean: support for phrasal lexicalisation, 1 February
- Matthew Baerman (U of Surrey): Incongruent Analogy (joint work with Mirella Blum, Edinburgh), 18 January
- András Bárány (Bielefeld): Interaction, satisfaction, and (a)symmetric object agreement, 12 December
- Tibor Kiss (Bochum): Word order constraints on event-internal modifiers in German, 7 December
- Martin Salzmann (U Pennsylvania): Clitic Doubling in Greek -- Evidence for and Implications of an Agree-based approach, 10 November
- Stefan Keine (USC): Eliding Person Restrictions, 25 July
- Hedde Zeijlstra (Universität Göttingen): Absolute vs. relative locality, 20 July
- Imke Driemel, Johannes Hein, Yining Nie (Berlin): Redundant errors in child language (with Fabienne Martin and Artemis Alexiadou), 13 July
- Heather Newell (Montreal): Syntax, Phonology, Specifiers, and Underspecification, 6 July
- Bronwyn Bjorkman (Queen's University): Multiple ways to be multiply valued, 29 June
- Andrew Murphy (Chicago): Discontinuous NPs in Iquito, 24 June
- Coppe van Urk (London): A concatenative view of Dinka vowel grades, 22 June
- Renate Raffelsiefen (Mannheim/Berlin): A concatenative view of Dinka vowel grades, 1 June
- Klaus Abels (London): Hierarchy and order in the Kîîtharaka nominal phrase (with David Adger, Patrick Kanampiu, Alexander Martin, and Jennifer Culbertson), 17 February
- Jean-Pierre Koenig (U Buffalo): Natural and irrational syntactic change and the syntax/semantics interface, 2 February
- Martin Krämer (Tromsø): A typology of syllabic consonants and its implications for our understanding of syllable phonotactics, 26 January
- Emily Manetta (U Vermont): Some antecedents may be very, very small: verb phrase ellipsis, isomorphism, and gradience, 19 January
- Madeline Bossi (Berkeley): Epistemic indefinites in Kipsigis, 17 January
- Laura McPherson (Dartmouth College): When music speaks: The linguistic structure of musical surrogate languages, 1 December
- Hossep Dolatian: Representation vs. Procedure: Outwardly-sensitive allomorphy in Armenian, 24 November
- Isabelle Charnavel (Genf): The self-same analysis of intensifiers (and reflexives), 3 November
- Gabriela Caballero (San Diego): The interaction between lexical and grammatical tone in San Juan Piñas Mixtec (Tò’òn Ndā’ví), 21 July
- Adam McCollum (Rutgers University): Conditional neutrality in Tutrugbu ATR harmony: Empirical and analytical implications, 14 July
- Berthold Crysmann (CNRS): Morphotactic Dependencies in Yimas, 30 June
- Claire Halpert (Minneapolis): Monotonicity as a high-level principle of grammar, 23 June
- Thomas Graf (Stone Brook): Monotonicity as a high-level principle of grammar, 16 June
- Yining Nie (Berlin): Applicative necursion and nominal licensing, 15 June
- Laura Kalin (Princeton): Evidence from infix allomorphy on the fine timing of the morphosyntax-phonology interface, 2 June
- Mark Steedman (Edinburgh): Combinatory Minimalism: Projecting Dependency without Movement, 19 May
- Jennifer Smith (UNC-Chapel Hill): A tale of two alternations: Productivity and phonetic naturalness in a nonce-loanword judgment task, 17 February
- Paula Fenger (Leipzig): Movement in Disguise. Morphology as a diagnostic for verb movement in Algonquian, 10 February
- Neil Myler (Boston): Causative~Applicative Interactions and the Nature of Appl: The Case of isiXhosa, 3 February
- Ed Stabler (UCLA/PARC): Structure building operators for human languages, 27 January
- Mary Paster (Pomona College): Listener error as a source of morphological change, 20 January
- Dominique Sportiche (UCLA): (Self) Anaphors: Analytical Challenges and Paths, 16 December
- Doreen Georgi (Potsdam): Resumption in Igbo, 11 December
- Jeff Heinz (Stony Brook): Deterministic Analyses and Learning of Optional Phonological Processes, 9 December
- Jessica Coon (Montreal): Mayan Agent Focus and the Ergative Extraction Constraint (with Nico Baier and Theodore Levin), 11 November
- Andrew Murphy (Chicago): Argument-internal Parasitic Gaps, 24 July
- Joanna Blaszczak (Wrocław): Puzzling existential, locative, and possessive constructions in Polish: Some reflections on phases, feature valuation, case assignment and edge features, 5 February
- Bert Remijsen (Edinburgh): Floating quantity in Shilluk, 28 January
- Shin Ishihara (Lund): Match Theory and the Asymmetry Problem: An example from Stockholm Swedish (with Sara Myrberg), 22 January
- Idan Landau (BGU): A Selectional Criterion for Adjunct Control, 10 January
- Laura J. Downing (Gothenburg): Separating tone realization from segmental realization in Chichewa verb paradigms, 8 January
- Ethan Poole (UCLA): Improper case, 18 December
- Jens Hopperdietzel (Berlin): On resultatives with causative secondary predicates: Insights from Samoan verb serialization, 13 December
- Franc Marušič (Nova Gorica): On the order of prenumeral adjectives, 11 December
- Manfred Krifka (Berlin): Layers of assertive clauses: Propositions, Judgements, Commitments, Acts, 14 November
- Stefan Keine (USC): Feature gluttony in the syntax of hierarchy effects, 6 November
- Stefan Keine (USC): A crossover puzzle in Hindi scrambling, 5 November
- Maria Kouneli (New York): A relative clause analysis of Determiner Spreading, 27 August
- Artemis Alexiadou (Berlin): Case in the (Greek) DP, 12 July
- Ricardo Bermúdez-Otero (Manchester): English /aɪ/-raising: new insights into an old problem, 10 July
- Silke Fischer (Stuttgart): Event Control (with Inghild Flaate Høyem, Trondheim), 3 July
- Adam Albrigth (MIT): Faithfulness, not phrasing: misapplication in Lakhota derivatives and compounds, 1 July
- Roni Katzir (Tel Aviv): Restricting the role of anaphoricity in focus, 21 June
- Astrid van Alem (Leiden & Potsdam): Complementizer agreement is clitic doubling: evidence from intervention effects, 19 June
- Eric Fuß (Bochum): Wh-relatives in the history of German (and what gender’s got to do with it), 19 June
- Sergei Tatevosov (Moskau): Direct, non-direct and sociative causatives at the syntax-morphology interface, 12 June
- Jenny Audring (Leiden): The texture of the lexicon, 29 May
- Robert D. Borsley (Essex): Issues in Welsh Syntax, 3 April
- Rafael Abramovitz (MIT): Against the Richness of the Base: Two Koryak Case Studies, 6 February
- Nicholas Rolle (Princeton): The road or the door to exponence? Examining simultaneity at spell-out, 30 January
- Malte Zimmermann (Potsdam): The event semantics of Serial Verb Constructions in Igbo (Benue Congo) (with Mary Amaechi), 25 January
- Yuni Kim (Essex): Blocking and correspondence in Huave vowel copy, 23 January
- Beata Moskal (Frankfurt/M.): Vocabulary Insertion Initiation, 9 January
- Peter Ackema (Edinburgh): Processing differences between person and number: A view from feature theory (with Ad Neeleman, UCL), 19 December
- Claire Moore-Cantwell (Vancouver): Phonological Idiosyncrasy and the mental lexicon: acquisition and change over time, 14 December
- Emily Clem (Berkeley): Cyclicity in Agree: Maximal projections as probes, 5 December
- Constantin Freitag (Köln): Verb-second from a processing perspective: What you see is not what you get, 26 November
- Itamar Kastner (Berlin): Inductive biases: the view from allomorphy, 16 November
- Bronwyn Bjorkman (Queen's University): Against cross-clausal dependencies in tense, 8 November
- Eulàlia Bonet (Barcelona): Absence of morphosyntactic features vs absence of exponents: Evidence from Northern Italian varieties, 18 July
- Julie Anne Legate (U of Pennsylvania): Case Relationships, 11 July
- Sabine Laszakovits (U Connecticut): Dependent Case Licensing in Minimalist Grammars, 27 June
- Fenna Bergsma (Frankfurt/M.): Free relatives and case stacking, 26 June
- Peter Jurgec (Toronto): Slovenian palatalization consonant harmony and Agreement-by-Correspondence (with Rachel Evangeline Chiong, Andrea Macanović, and Peter Weiss), 13 June
- Silke Hamann (Amsterdam): Simultaneous phonetic and phonological processes: Degemination in Dutch and German, 6 June
- Coppe van Urk (London): Constraining VP-fronting: The role of prosodic factors in Imere, 30 May
- Peter Staroverov (Wayne State U): Input restrictions and Tundra Nenets dorsals, 12 February
- Eric Baković (San Diego): Some consequences of different approaches to Coalescence (with Katherine Hout), 9 February
- Jane Grimshaw (Rutgers U): DPs as complements to clause-taking predicates: constraints on reported speech events, 7 February
- Barbara Citko (U of Washington, Seattle): Multidominance and Structural Syncretism (with Martina Gračanin-Yuksek), 24 January
- Ivy Hauser (UMass, Amherst): Faithfulness based opacity in Harmonic Serialism (with Coral Hughto), 17 January
- Jerzy Rubach (U of Iowa): Derivational Optimality Theory from the perspective of Slavic Palatalization, 3 January
- Benjamin Bruening (U of Delaware): Idioms, Collocations, and Dtructure, 15 December
- Artemis Alexiadou (Berlin): Non-Agreeing Subjects in Copular Constructions, 15 December
- Andrea D. Sims (Ohio State U): Exploring interactions between directional syncretism and defectivenes, 13 December
- Gary Thoms (Glasgow): When does deletion happen, 1 December
- Pavel Caha (Brno): How (not) to derive a *ABA: The case of Blansitt's generalisation, 8 November
- Robert Frank (Yale U): Attention Hungry Subjects and Clause-Boundedness Effects (with Matt Barros), 13 October
- Andrew Nevins (UCL): Paucity: where is the upper bound? (with Paul Marty, ZAS), 2 October
- Irina Monich (U of Surrey): Consonantal mutation in Nuer, 13 September
- James Griffiths (Konstanz): Beyond MaxElide: An investigation of extraction out of ellipsis demains, 1 September
- Paul Kiparsky (Stanford): Typologies as Fitness Landscapes: Modeling Word Order Change, 19 July
- Dunston Brown (York): Morphological complexity as a compromise between lexicon and grammar, 12 July
- Ad Neeleman (London): Anonymous person features (with Peter Ackema, Edinburgh), 5 July
- Anke Holler (Göttingen): Salience in corpora? Scrutinizing the ecological validity of the so-called implicit causality bias, 21 June
- Laura Kalin (Princeton U): Nominal licensing is driven by valued (phi-)features, 14 June
- Kyle Johnson (U of Massachusetts): QR and Hydras, 2 June
- Karlos Arregi (Chicago): Is Basque an ergative language?, 31 May
- Ezer Rasin (MIT): An argument for severing stress from phonology, 24 May
- Emily Elfner (U of British Columbia): Re-examining default-to-opposite stress in Kwak’wala: An approach using Harmonic Serialism, 10 May
- Kazuko Yatsushiro (Berlin): German Determiner Presuppositions in First Language Acquisition, 11 May
- Antje Sauermann (Berlin): Impact of type of referring expression on the acquisition of word order in German, 4 May
- Stefan Th. Gries (Leibniz-Professor, Leipzig/U of California Santa Barbara): Operationalizations of domain-general mechanisms cognitive linguists often rely on: a perspective from quantitative corpus linguistics, 3 May
- Mira Grubic (Leipzig): Definiteness and Indefiniteness in Ngamo (West Chadic), 26 April
- Ryan Bochnak (Leipzig): Temporal interpretation in Washo, an optional tense language, 8 February
- Draga Zec (Cornell U): Interactions between tone and stress: a typology of their convergence and separation, 1 February
- Farrell Ackerman (San Diego): Implicative organization in grammar systems: Word structure, paradigm organization and learnability, 18 January
- Stephanie Solt (Berlin): Approximators as polarity items: empirical findings, 12 January
- Jenneke von der Wal (Harvard): The AWSOM and RANDOM in Bantu object marking, 11 January
- Berit Gehrke (Paris 7): 'Good' as an evaluative intensifier, 15 December
- Tibor Kiss (U Bochum): Determiner Omission in PPs, 7 December
- Jonathan Bobaljik (UConn): Features, structure, and morphological universals, 23 November
- Julie Anne Legate (U of Pennsylvania): On the Ergative as a Dependent Case, 15 November
- Mira Grubic (U Potsdam): Association with focus in Ngamo (West Chadic), 10 November
- Daniel Harbour (Queen Mary U of London): Person features are operations, not predicates, 9 November
- Eva Csipak (U Konstanz): Discourse particles as a window into the interrogative/conditional link (joint work with Sarah Zobel, Tübingen/Göttingen), 3 November
- Juliet Stanton (MIT): Non-myopia in Gurindji and beyond: implications for the phonological grammar, 2 November
- Eva Csipak (U Konstanz): Some remarks on the aquisition of conditionals, 1 November
- Douglas Pulleyblank (University of British Columbia): Emergent Phonology: inter-morpheme relations and derived environment effects, 6 July
- Geoffrey K. Pullum (U of Edinburgh): Formalizing syntactic theories model-theoretically: what it involves, and why it is a good idea, 22 June
- Sabine Arndt-Lappe (U Trier): Emergent generalisation in an analogy-based theory of word-formation: predictions, evidence, and challenges, 15 June
- Patrick Jones (Harvard U): Opacity, Ordering and Abstractness in Kinande tone, 8 June
- Ruth Kramer (Georgetown U): The Syntax of Plurality: Typology, Predictions, and Afroasiatic Case Studies, 1 June
- Karen de Clercq (U of Ghent): The internal structure of FEW/MANY: Cross-linguistic explorations, 25 May
- Omer Preminger (U of Maryland): Feeding relations and their breakdowns: a theory of dative intervention, 18 May
- Harald Baayen (U Tübingen): Interactions of bottom-up information and top-down lexical priors in reading English two-constituent compounds, 3 February
- Tanja Temmerman (CRISSP, Brussels): The syntax of idioms Macro-variation in the size of verbal idioms, 27.January
- Katharina Hartmann (U Frankfurt/M.): Indicative V2 and Vend in German complement clauses, 20 January
- András Bárány (U of Cambridge): A unified approach to inverse agreement and global case splits, 15 January
- Maria Gouskova (NYU): Phonological Selection and the Bracketing Paradox in English Adjectival Morphology, 16 December
- Gregory M. Kobele (U of Chicago): Derivational Structure and Ellipsis, 9 December
- Phoevos Panagiotidis (U of Cyprus): Odd ones out: are adjectives a basic lexical category?, 4 December
- Heidi Harley (U of Arizona): Root suppletion in Hiaki really is suppletion, 2 December
- Matthias Passer (U Amsterdam): Typology and diachrony in nominal classification: Accounting for functional and formal shifts in classifiers and gender in the absence of data, 21 October
- Ken Safir (Rutgers U): It's a conspiracy! The A/A'-distinction as an Epiphenomenon, 7 October
- Chris Collins (NYU): NEG Raising, Deletion and Parentheticals, 15 July
- Gregory Stump (Kentucky): Morphomic properties and the interface of syntacticosemantic content with morphological form, 8 July
- Klaus Abels (UCL): Remarks on the fundamental left-right asymmetry of natural languages and verb clusters, 1 July
- Sara Finley (Pacific Lutheran U): Morpheme Segmentation in Adult Learners: Effects of Frequency and Regularity, 3 June
- Amy Rose Deal (UC Santa Cruz): Interaction and satisfaction in phi-agreement, 26 May
- Neda Todorovic (UConn): On the cross-linguistic presence/absence of TP: syntactic properties and temporal interpretations, 18 May
- Olivier Bonami (Paris-Sorbonne): A theory of inflectional periphrasis at the morphology-syntax interface, 13 May
- Gisbert Fanselow (U Potsdam): Superiority - a crosslinguistic and experimental perspective, 29 April
- Artemis Alexiadou (U Stuttgart): Voice syncretisms and the theory of underspecification, 4 February
- Michael Erlewine (McGill): Focus adverbs at the vP and higher edges, 21 January
- Rajesh Bhatt (U Mass., Amherst): Polar questions and disjunction: clues from Hindi-Urdu 'kyaa', 17 December
- Kie Zuraw (UCLA): Of mice and (of) men. Phonological influences on the omissibility of French "de" in coordination, 10 December
- Geert Booij (U Leiden): Construction morphology and the architecture of grammar, 3 December
- Wendell Kimper (U Manchester): Cumulative constraint interaction and trigger competition in vowel harmony, 26 November
- Caroline Féry (U Frankfurt/M.): Prosodic monsters and extraposition, 19 November
- Peter Arkadiev & Yakov Testelets (Moskau): The challenges of differential nominal marking in Circassian languages, 30 October
- Andrew Nevins (UCL): Georgi's Pattern III in Phonology: Nonfinal Chains of Tone, 23 July
- Maria Polinsky (Harvard): What agreement theory can learn from closest conjunct agreement, 17 July
- Andrew Nevins (UCL): Brazilian Portuguese confronts Experimental Methods and Morphological Productivity, 16 July
- Tom Roeper (UMass): UnLabelled Nodes in Acquisition and Morphology: How the Acquisition Path and Derivational Morphology Reveals Fundamental Operations, 4 July
- Ewa Dabrowska (Northumbria): Speakers, usage, culture: language as a phenomenon of the third kind, 2 July
- Ingo Plag (U Düsseldorf): Homophony in morphology: The acoustic properties of English /s/ morphemes, 25 June
- Ricardo Bermúdez-Otero (U of Manchester): French adjectival liaison: evidence for underlying representations, 4 June
- Roberta d'Alessandro (U Leiden): Syntactic domains at PF, PF domains in syntax, 21 May
- Tobias Scheer (Nizza): Melody-free syntax, 14 May
- Sharon Rose (UCSD): Phonology-conditioned affix order: the case of Moro object markers, 23 April
- Jeffrey Parrott (Palacký U, Olomouc): Patterns and mechanisms of pronominal case variation in (North) Germanic, 14 April
- Marlou van Rijn (U Amsterdam): Marking possession: a new approach to locus and agreement, 5 February
- Hazel Pearson (ZAS Berlin): Counterfactual attitudes and the syntax-semantics interface, 31 January
- Elisa Kellner (ZAS Berlin): Embedded questions in Kamtok, 29 January
- Hedde Zeijlstra (U Göttingen): Upward Agree is superior, 22 January
- Andrew Newins (UCL): Artificial Words and Artificial Grammars: Probing the Veridicality of Intra- and Cross-Linguistic Generalizations, 9 January
- Stefan Keine (University of Massachusetts at Amherst): Improper Agreement, 19 December
- Marcel Pitteroff (Universität Stuttgart): Restructuring infinitives and unmarked passives: the case of German let-middles and let-passives, 13 December
- Stefan Müller (FU Berlin): Wiedervereinigung: Unifying Everything: Einige Bemerkungen zu Simpler Syntax, Construction Grammar, Minimalism und HPSG, 27 November
- Cécile Meier (Universität Frankfurt): Gradrelativsätze als generalisierte Quantoren, 22 November
- Luis Vicente (University of Potsdam): Conjunction-internal 'as'-parentheticals, 12 July
- Erich Groat (Universität Frankfurt): Transfer Remnants, 24 May
- Luis López (University of Illinois at Chicago): Parallel computation in word formation, 26 April
- Patrick Grosz & Pritty Patel-Grosz (Universität Tübingen): Deep Anaphoric or Surface Anaphoric Pronouns?, 19 April
- Marc Richards (Universität Frankfurt): Weak Transfer and Immobile Goals: A different view of the relation between Feature Inheritance and Germanic Complementizer Agreement, 30 January
- Volker Struckmeier (Universität Köln): Zur architektonischen Integration von syntaktischen, semantischen und prosodischen Wortstellungsfaktoren: Ein Vorschlag, 25 January
- Markus Bader (Universität Frankfurt): Objektspronomen im Mittelfeld - Korpusevidenz und experimentelle Resultate, 23 January
- Guido Mensching (FU Berlin): Minimalistische Anmerkungen zur Extraktion aus DPn im Französischen, 18 January
- Carola Emkow (FU Berlin/MPI EVA Leipzig): Reciprocity in Bena Bena, 12 December
- Radek Šimík (Universität Potsdam): Modal existential wh-constructions, affordances, and the grammar-cognition interface, 7 December
- Dieter Wunderlich (TU Düsseldorf/ZAS Berlin): Case and agreement variation in Indo-Aryan, 5 December
- Martin Haspelmath (MPI EVA Leipzig): Form-Frequenz-Entsprechungen bei Kausal-Alternationen, 28 November
- Lucie Medová & Tarald Taraldsen (University of South Bohemia, Ceske Budejovice & CASTL, University of Tromsø): Out of control, 5 July
- Holger Diessel (Universität Jena): Usage-Based Construction Grammar, 27 June
- Eric Fuß (IDS Mannheim): Freie Relativsätze mit d-Pronomen, 15 June
- Kilu von Prince (ZAS Berlin): Event argument serializations in Daakaka, 6 June
- Benjamin Bruening & Thuan Tran (U Delaware): East Asian "passives": A Vietnamese perspective, 30 May
- André Meinunger (ZAS Berlin): Eine Anwendung für mulitidimensionale Bäume: komplexe Numeralia, 24 May
- Uli Sauerland (ZAS Berlin): Syncretism Distribution Modeling and Person Paradigms, 4 May
- Marjo van Koppen (Universiteit Utrecht/UiL-OTS): NPE vs. NPP, 12 March
- Daniel Hole (Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin): Ereignissemantische Modellierung von Diathesen und Alternationen, 26 January
- Ian Roberts (University of Cambridge): Parametric Hierarchies, 9 January
- Stefan Keine (University of Massachusetts, Amherst): Reflexivierung im Hindi, 9 January
- Marcel den Dikken (Linguistics Program – CUNY Graduate Center): On Feature Interpretability and Inheritance, 4 January
- Dennis Ott (Universität Groningen): Do locally unstable structures exist?, 12 December
- Willem de Reuse (U North Texas/MPI EVA): The 'Occupy prefix' movement inthe Western Apache verb, 30 November
- Barbara Vogt (Università degli Studi di Verona): Linear Order in Language Games, 11 November
- Nicholas Asher (Institut de Recherche en Informatique de Toulouse): Lexical Meaning in Context, 13 Juliy
- Katja Hannß (Universität Bonn, Radboud Universitet Nijmegen): Reduplication strategies in Andean languages, 23 June
- Klaus Abels (Linguistics University College London): Bewegung und Ellipse, 1 June
- Jana Häussler (Universität Potsdam) & Martin Salzmann (Universität Zürich): That-trace effects without traces. An experimental investigation., 27 May
- Felix Rau (Universität Leiden): Agreement in Gorum, 3 February
- Shin-Sook Kim (SOAS, London): Negation, Scope and Negative Polarity Items in Korean, 21 January
- Bart Jacobs (Ludwig-Maximilian-Universität München): Language transfer and language mixing: from Cape Verdean Creole to Papiamentu, 20 January
- Werner Frey (ZAS Berlin): Einige Überlegungen zu Korrelat-Konstruktionen im Deutschen, 14 December
- Alex François (LACITO-CNRS, Paris; Australian National University, Canberra): Language divergence and convergence in north Vanuatu: Competing social forces and their linguistic correlates, 4 November
- Anatol Stefanowitsch (Universität Bremen): Warum wir Konstruktionen brauchen, 6 July
- Stefan Müller (FU Berlin): Kopulakonstruktionen im Deutschen, Englischen und Dänischyn, 2 July
- Cliff Goddard (University of New England & MPI for Evolutionary Anthropology): Manner, result and Aktionsart in English physical activity verbs (NSM approach), 10 June
- Luca Ciucci (Il Laboratorio di Linguistica, Scuola Normale Superiore, Pisa): Morphological evidence for Zamucoan: the case of possessed nouns, 3 June
- Gerhard Jäger (Universität Tübingen): The semantics of color terms. A quantitative cross-linguistic investigation, 20 May
- Cliff Goddard (University of New England, Australia): Lexical Semantics using reductive paraphrases (NSM approach), 29 April
- Pieter Muysken (Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen): South American Historical Linguistics - promises and limitations of phylogenetics, 27 April
- Terje Lohndal (University of Maryland): Freezing effects and Objects, 23 April
- Pier Marco Bertinetto (Scuola Normale Superiore, Pisa): How the Zamuco languages dealt with verb affixes, 22 April
- Martin Salzmann (Universität Zürich): ATB - movement as asymmetric extraction + derivational ellipsis, 25 March
- Kevin Tuite (Université de Montréal und Universität Jena): Cryptoantipassivization in Kartvelian, 2 February
- Artemis Alexiadou (Universität Stuttgart): Roots, 29 January
- Hans-Martin Gärtner (ZAS Berlin): Multidominanz, 29 January
- Eva van Lier (University of Lancaster) and Kasper Boye (University of Copenhagen): Epistemic complementizers, a cross-linguistic survey, 14 January
- Nicholas Evans (Australian National University, Canberra): Indexing vs marking – extending Johanna Nichols' head-marking vs. dependent-marking typology, 5 January
Workshops and conferences
- Workshop Myopia in Grammar, 13/14 June
- Grammatical Structures of Nilo-Saharan Workshop, 13/14 May
- Old World Conference in Phonology (OCP21), 14/15 February
- Workshop Traces in Phonology and Morphology, 19 February
- Workshop Tone in Grammar, 13 February
Workshop Myopia in Grammar
13/14 June
Speaker | Topic |
Felicitas Andermann | Myopia in Morphology |
Karlos Arregi | No lookahead when you move a head |
Emily Clem | Global case splits via local Agree |
Nadja Fiebig, Paula Fenger, Sören E. Tebay & Philipp Weisser | Explaining the Size-Height Correlation |
Leonel Fongang & Mariia Privizentseva | Class drop in Isu: A case for cyclic morphology |
Kenneth Hanson | The Computational Basis of Locality in Syntactic Agreement |
Greg Kobele | tba |
Yuriy Kushnir | The variable position of the reflexive affix in Lithuanian |
Andrew Lamont | Myopic spreading with weighted string constraints and gradient activity |
Anna Laoide-Kemp | Myopic effects in the Irish initial consonant mutation system |
Adam McCollum, Eric Baković & Anna Mai | Non-myopic phonological patterns exist. How could they not? |
Tom Meadows & Qiuhao Charles Yan | Deriving the PF-Sensitivity of Chain Resolution without Look-Ahead |
Heather Newell | English Irregular Verbs Do Not Condition Allomorphy on T (or vice versa) |
Mary Paster | What, if anything, is myopia in grammar? |
Marie-Luise Popp | Myopia in phonologically-conditioned affix order in Yidiɲ |
Renate Raffelsiefen | Challenges for incremental models: outwardly sensitive phonologically conditioned affix allomorphy and the affix pervasiveness effect |
Nik Rolle | Myopia and the dominant tone asymmetry |
Bettina Spreng | Functional and Phonological domains in Inuktitut |
Helene Streffer | How much can you see: What a reprojection-based account of discontinuous agreement would say |
Jochen Trommer | Gradient Symbolic Representations Resolve Stratal Paradoxes: A Case Study on Margi |
Xinran Yan | ‘Think’ or ‘want’: look-ahead problems in semantics |
Grammatical Structures of Nilo-Saharan Workshop
13/14 May
Sprecherin/Sprecher | Thema |
Leonie Barabas-Weil | Further evidence for cyclic movement from Turkana |
Nadja Fiebig | Kalenjin - two types of verbal number |
Siri Gjersøe | Tone in the Ethiopian variant of Nuer |
Fabian Heck | Comparative perspectives on extraction from EV2 |
Armel Jolin | The three lives of Shilluk right-edge H: unification under deficiency and timing |
Roland Kießling | The nominal number system of Datooga |
Maria Kouneli | Marked nominative as a type of ergative |
Tatiana Reid | Morphological stratification as the key to unlocking the vowel inventory in Nuer |
Helene Streffer | Discontinuous agreement in Eastern Sudanic |
Jochen Trommer | Counting, polarity and strata in Karimojong tone |
Thom van Hugte | Reanalysing Gaahmg tonal patterns with representations in Element Theory |
Coppe van Urk | Outermost wins in Dinka tone |
Old World Conference in Phonology (OCP21)
14/15 February
Speaker | Topic |
Sabine Arndt-Lappe, Quentin Dabouis, Marie Gabillet & Aaron Seiler | Stress assignment in English pseudo-words: On the role of weight, prefixation and syntactic category |
Ricardo Bermudez-Otero | Architectural restrictions on affixal nonuniformity in Stratal Phonology |
Natália Brambatti Guzzo & Guilherme Duarte Garcia | Effects of allophony and the representation of English loanwords in Brazilian Portuguese |
Maddalena Bressler, Maria Giavazzi | Looking for the origins of stress-conditioned palatalization in 13th and 14th century Italian |
Rebeka Campos-Astorkiza | Variable phonological phenomena in speech perception: Regressive voicing assimilation and the perception of voicing contrasts in Spanish |
Noam Faust | The metrics of epenthetic [i], [ə] and [a] in Tiberian Hebrew |
Noam Faust & Ori Shachmon | Glides, hiatuses and universal effects on [h] loss in Palestinian Arabic |
Adamantios Gafos | Entropic bases for artificial grammar learning and infant mispronounciation studies |
Paul Kiparsky | The Morphology of Bidirectional Vowel Harmony |
Mohamed Lahrouchi, Georgia Zellou & Karim Bensoukas | Word-Initial Clusters in Tashlhiyt Berber: how perception informs phonological processing |
Katie McCann & Jochen Trommer | Gemination in Malayalam compounds is morphological and bounded by prosodic structure |
Joseph Perry & Shanti Ulfsbjorninn | Sanskrit Accent without Gradience or Readjustment: Fixed and Floating tones |
Péter Rebrus, Péter Szigetvári, Miklós Törkenczy | Systematic vacillation in vowel–zero alternation in Hungarian |
Tobias Scheer, Göktuğ Börtlü | Soft g in Turkish: two types and x-slots |
Varvara Tiutiunnikova | Overcoming contextual quantity-sensitivity in Kazym Khanty through constraint interaction |
Rachel Walker | Stressed syllables are not singled out for transparency: A gestural account |
Chen Xie | Tones and iambic stress in Wenzhounese |
Florence Yukun Zhang | Misalignment between Syntax and Phonology: Evidence from Mandarin Chinese |
Chao Zhou & Silke Hamann | Orthographic and perceptual cue integration in cross-language categorisation of two Romance languages |
Workshop Traces in Phonology and Morphology
19 February
Speaker | Topic |
Felicitas Andermann | Two-level alignment in Harmonic Serialism |
Daniel Gleim | Perfect Polarity in Akan |
Yuriy Kushnir | Word accent in Lithuanian: what surface position can tell us about underlying strength |
Ekaterina Medvedeva | Traces of the Plural Morpheme. Towards an analysis of stress in the Russian noun inflection paradigm |
Andrew Nevins | Representational Opacity in Xiamen Tone Sandhi |
Ludger Paschen | Full Rebirthing: Some features are late bloomers |
Prithivi Pattanayak | The typology of degrees in tonal overwriting: An argument for gradient representations |
Razieh Shojaei | Japanese tonal accent without two-dimensional concaTenation: an argument for gradient symmbolic representations |
Galina Sim | Floating tones blocking spreading |
Jelena Stojković & Marko Simonović | Allomorphy reveals the trace of a (different) theme vowel |
Helene Streffer | Timing of discontinuous agreement |
Sören E. Tebay | Igbo phrasal overwriting as tonal circumclitics |
Thom van Hugte | Tonal Representation in Element Theory: its merits and shortcomings |
Joanna Zaleska | Slovak phonology with a kitchen knife |
Workshop Tone in Grammar
13 February
Speaker | Topic |
Lee Bickmore | Where in the Grammar do Bantu Grammatical Tones get Generated and Linked? |
Yuni Kim | Toward some bottom-up limits on tonal grammars in grammatical tone |
Ryan Klint | Grammatical tone and underspecification in TAM inflection of Mazatlán Mazatec |
Frank Kügler, Anja Arnhold, Corinna Langer & Nele Ots | Prosodic prominence within noun phrases in Finno-Ugric languages |
Natalia Kuznetsova | Matches and mismatches between the grammatical tonal change domain, the featural foot, and the morphosyntactic word in Guro (South Mande) |
Nicholas Rolle | Tonal exchange rules in Khoekhoe: The role of defective nodes and prosodic subcategorization |
Ronald P. Schaefer & Francis O. Egbokhare | Prosodic Asymmetry in Emai: Tense-Aspect Tone |
Joshua Smolders | The Functional Load of Tone in Bilugu Opo |
Adam Tallman | Grammatical tone, tone reduction and phonetic declination in Chácobo (Pano) |
Sören E. Tebay | Phrase-level tone opacity as shared activity in Kere |
29/30 May (as video conference)
Speaker | Topic |
Joanna Ampofo | True self-counterfeeding vowel harmony in Akan serial verb constructions |
Anna Bliß | Opacity and intrinsic process ordering |
Anna Bliß & Daniel Gleim | A re-analysis of mutual counterfeeding in Kimatuumbi |
Robert Fritzsche | Two cases of counterfeeding in Bari & Ordering probes: Bleeding and counterbleeding in English agreement |
Daniel Gleim | Opacity and countercyclicity |
Hyungjung Lee | Counterbleeding: Movement and condition A |
Gereon Müller | Pre-syntactic impoverishment |
Mariia Privizentseva | Counterfeeding PF: Concord, ellipsis, and beyond |
Ezer Rasin | Shifting interactions and countershifting opacity: On opacity in Harmonic Serialism & A brief introduction to mutual counterfeeding |
Sören Tebay | Opacity at the Interfaces: Infixation and Morpheme Structure Rules |
Jochen Trommer | Mutual counterfeeding in Bari |
Joanna Zaleska | The Cloning Hypothesis and the typology of opaque process interactions |
- Workshop Iterativity in Grammar, 2/3 December
- Workshop on Dependency in Syntactic Covariance (DISCO), 16/17 April
- Micro-Workshop on Accent, 29 January
Workshop Iterativity in Grammar
2/3 December
Speaker | Topic |
Marius Albers | Particle-Prefix-Iteration in German Verb Formation: Synchronic and Diachronic Perspectives |
Andreas Blümel | Iterating Nouns and its Guises - Applying the Hεo in the Nominal Domain |
Doreen Georgi | Iterative Island Violations in Igbo |
Anke Himmelreich | Syntax Tutorial |
Greg Kobele | Formal Tutorial |
Maria Kouneli | The Typology of Determiner Spreading |
Nancy Kula | Iterativity in Bemba H Tone Spread |
Kevin McMullin & Jane Chandlee | The Computational Nature of Iterativity in Long-Distance Phonology |
Gereon Müller | Iterative Optimization Predicts Movement in Morphology |
Andrew Nevins | Iterativity across Modules |
Ezer Rasin & Jochen Trommer | Phonology Tutorial |
Milan Rezac | Unsatisfiable Probes: Iterated Case after Partial Intervention |
Sören Tebay | Bidirectional Inwards Spread: Constraints vs. Iterative Rules |
Jochen Trommer | Parallel Across-The Board Changes of Tone |
Rachel Walker | Locality and Iterativity in Jingulu Vowel Harmony |
Philipp Weisser | Different Levels of Prosodic Dislocation |
Taylor Woodfine & Kevin McMullin | Inductive Learning of (Non-)Iterative Consonant Harmony |
Eva Zimmermann | Non-iterative Iterative Reduplication |
Workshop on Dependency in Syntactic Covariance (DISCO)
16/17 April
Speaker | Topic |
Karlos Arregi & Emily Hanink | Reference tracking via agreement: Evidence from Washo switch reference |
Imke Driemel, Ahmet Bilal Özdemir & Marie-Luise Popp | When order matters - on the reverse PCC in Shapsug Adyghe |
Henry Fominyam & Doreen Georgi | Subject marking in Awing: on referentiality & the nature of anti-agreement |
Gurmeet Kaur | Addressee in imperatives: locus and interpretation |
Christine Marquardt | Agreement Splits in the C-T-Domain: The Case of Jarawara Gender Agreement |
Louise Raynaud | Person effects with reflexives: referential features in anaphors and participants |
Eric Reuland (joint work with Peter Zubkov) | Agreeing to Bind: the case of Russian |
Susi Wurmbrand | Thoughts on uniformity, covariance, and fake indexicals |
Michelle Yuan | Case discrimination and the Anaphor Agreement Effect: Consequences in Inuktitut and beyond |
Micro-Workshop on Accent
29 January
Speaker | Topic |
Ludger Paschen | Morphological Accent in Lakota |
Ezer Rasin | A Candidate for a Universal Constraint on the Interaction of Phonological Processes |
Nik Rolle | Does Polysynthesis Pose a Problem when the Triggers of Morphological Accent and the Stress Window are at Opposite Edges? |
Donca Steriade | Multiple Bases and Nominal Accent in Ancient Greek |
Sören Tebay | Register Circumfixes Overwrite Downstep in Hausa and Chimiini |
Jochen Trommer | A Concatenative Account of Japanese Subtractive Accent |
Joanna Zaleska | The Rising-falling Pitch Movement in Indonesian: Right-aligned or Floating? A Proposed Experimental Study |
Eva Zimmermann | Optimal Feet vs. Optimal Tone Placement: A HS Account of Accent in Goizueta Basque |
- 20th Anniversary of the Institute for Linguistics, 7 December
- Workshop on Repairs in Morphosyntax, 9 November
- Micro-Workshop on Cyclic Optimization, 18 May
- Workshop on Shrinking Trees in Morphology, 27 April
20th Anniversary of the Institute for Linguistics
7 December
Speaker | Topic |
Kai Alter | Prosodic phrasing, working memory, and brain responses |
Anke Holler | Brücken zur Insel? Wie Wortkonstituenten erreichbar werden |
Gerhard Jäger | Und sie sind doch universal. Zu Dunn et al.'s Kritik der typologischen Wortstellungs-Universalien |
André Meinunger | Überlegungen und Befunde zu Relativsätzen mit gespaltenen Bezugsnomen |
Beat Siebenhaar | Gruβwort des Dekans der Philologischen Fakultät |
Anita Steube, Gerhild Zybatow, derzeitige und ehemalige Institutsmitglieder, Alumni | Das Institut und ich |
Workshop on Repairs in Morphosyntax
9 November
Speaker | Topic |
Bronwyn Bjorkman | Realization vs. Repair in the logic of ‘last resort’ |
Greg Kobele | Deconstructing Repair |
Gereon Müller | R-Pronoun Repair by Defect-Driven Rules |
Andrew Murphy | On the cross-modular parallelism of repairs |
Gurujegan Murugesan | Repair and pseudo-Repair in Anaphor Agreement Effect |
Martin Salzmann & Philipp Weisser | Two ways of Repairing the Non-Finality Requirement: Prosodic Inversion and BE-Support in Mari |
Micro-Workshop on Cyclic Optimization
18 May
Speaker | Topic |
Ricardo Bermúdez-Otero | Nonuniformity in Cyclic Phonological Frameworks: Strata vs. Cophonologies |
Daniel Gleim | Intermorphemic Agreement in Acoma |
Fabian Heck | Motivation for Strict Cyclicity in Syntax |
Andrew Murphy | Cumulativity and Seriality |
Jochen Trommer | The Layered Phonology of Levantine Arabic Syncope |
Eva Zimmermann | Serial Computation of Accent in Mayo |
Workshop on Shrinking Trees in Morphology
27 April
Speaker | Topic |
Karen de Clercq & Guido Vanden Wyngaerd | Unmerging Analytic Comparatives |
Christina Dschaak | A structure removal approach to restructuring in Russian |
Johannes Englisch | Gradient Frequency Effects in German DP Extraction |
Hyunjung Lee & Irene Amato | Optional Removal in Korean: a new insight on free variation |
Beata Moskal & Pete Smith | Non-adjacent allomorphy without structural removal |
Gereon Müller | Structure Removal in Disjunctive Blocking |
Andrew Murphy | Removing DP shells in Kwa |
Jelena Stojković | DP-Exfoliation, Lowering, and Local Dislocation |
Philipp Weisser | Distinctness and DOM in Mari |
- Workshop on tough-movement and modal passives, 20 December
- Workshop Strength in Grammar, 10/11 November
- Workshop on Strata, 20 July
- Workshop Challenges of Electronic Dictionary Publication 2.0, 30/31 March
- Workshop on Superiority, 13 February
- Special colloquium for Gerhild Zybatow, 10 February
- ConSOLE XXV, 4–6 January
Workshop on tough-movement and modal passives
20 December
Speaker | Topic |
Ulrike Demske | How German Lost Tough Movement |
Stephan Keine & Ethan Poole | Tough interpretations |
Marie-Luise Schwarzer | Towards A Novel Approach to German Tough Movement |
Workshop Strength in Grammar
10/11 November
Speaker | Topic |
Noam Faust | How much for that vowel? |
Yuriy Kushnir | Accent Strength in Lithuanian |
Florian Lionnet | Subfeatural representations in phonology: Encoding coarticulatory strength |
Xiaoliang Luo and Guillaume Enguehard | Representing Strength without Licensing |
Jude Nformi & Sören Worbs | Gradient tones obviate floating features in Oku tone sandhi |
Renate Raffelsiefen | Positional faithfulness in stem-final position in German |
Anthi Revithiadou | Sources of strength in lexical accent systems |
Eric Rosen | Predicting semi-regular Japanese accent through gradient feature strengths |
Hannah Sande | Encoding strength as a unified explanation of two Guébie (Kru) vowel alternations |
Caitlin Smith | Deriving Apparent Exceptionality from Contrastive Gestural Strength |
Paul Smolensky (joint work with Matt Goldrick) | Gradient Symbolic Representations in Grammar: The case of French Liaison |
Vassilios Spyropoulos, Giorgos Markopoulos & Anthi Revithiadou | Root strength as (under)specification: Evidence from root allomorphy in Greek |
Jochen Trommer | Scalar Cumulativity in German Umlaut |
Shanti Ulfsbjorninn | Not all Strength is Length: Positional-strength is Universal and BRANCHINGNESS-strength is phonotactic-specific |
Alexandre Vaxman | Integrating accentual generalizations and morpheme-specific exceptions: the role of diacritic weight |
Eva Zimmermann | Being (slightly) stronger: Lexical stress in Moses Columbian Salish |
Workshop on Strata
20 July
Speaker | Topic |
Johanna Benz | Phonologically conditioned Affix Order in Washo |
Siri Moen Gjersøe | A Strict Cycle Effect in Nuer |
Daniel Gleim | Duke-of-York Epenthesis in Arapaho |
Fabian Heck | A Note on embedded V2 and the Wh-copy Construction in German |
Greg Kobele | (1) Cyclicity from above (2) Semantic Strata |
Gereon Müller | Prospects of Harmonic Serialism in Morphology |
Andrew Murphy | Phases and Asymmetries |
Jude Awasom Nformi | Cumulativity and Cyclicity in Limbum Associative Constructions |
Zorica Puškar | The Condition on Agree Domains: On the Locality of φ-agreement |
Barbara Stiebels | Lexically induced Domains (Strata?): The Role of clause-embedding Predicates |
Sandhya Sundaresan & Thomas McFadden | The Countercyclicity of the EPP and the Status of Edges |
Jochen Trommer & Daniel Gleim | Stratal Tone Allomorphy in Bari |
Joanna Zaleska & Karolina Broś | Establishing Counterfeeding Relations for optional Processes |
Joanna Zaleska | Strata-dependent Opacity in Containment Theory |
Eva Zimmermann | Strength as an alternative to cycles |
Workshop Challenges of Electronic Dictionary Publication 2.0
30/31 March
Speaker | Topic |
Hauke Bartels | Can we make dictionaries suitable for scientific use, documentation and language learning? |
Alexander Cobbinah | The long road from research database to dictionary: experiences from Bainounk Gubeeher< |
Robert Forkel | Dictionaria as a member of the CLLD family |
Iren Hartmann | What is Dictionaria? |
Martin Haspelmath | Dictionaria workflow |
Ulrike Mosel | The Better-than-Nothing Principle applied in under-researched language dictionaries (ULDs) |
Pamela Munro | Verbs in our dictionaries |
Gabriela Pérez-Báez | Lexical documentation: How much is too much, how much is too little? |
Sonja Riesberg | The Yali-German lexicon and the challenges of publishing a „legacy dictionary“ |
Lena Sell & Lena Terhart | Revision and republication of a historical Guarayu dictionary |
Sven Tarp | How we prepare an online dictionary project |
Workshop on Superiority
13 February
Speaker | Topic |
John Bailyn | Multiple Wh and Superiority in Bulgarian and Russian |
Fabian Heck | Superiority and Nonmonotonic Derivations |
Andrew Murphy | Multiple Left Branch Extraction and Superiority |
Special colloquium for Gerhild Zybatow
10 February
Speaker | Topic |
Beat Siebenhaar, Danuta Rytel-Schwarz | Grußworte von Fakultät und Institut |
Klaus Abels | A Partial Analysis of 'Topicalized Sluicing' |
John Frederick Bailyn | 20 Years in Focus: The Legacy of 'Syntax and Information Structure of Russian Clauses' |
Imke Driemel & Jelena Stojković | Agreement Alternations with Quantified Nouns in Serbo-Croatian |
Matías Guzmán Naranjo | Overabundance as Hybrid Inflection. Quantitative Evidence from Czech |
Uwe Junghanns | Konditionale Infinitive im Tschechischen |
Yurij Kushnir | Lithuanian Nominal Accent: Revisited |
Roland Meyer | Quasiargumental TO in Czech Impersonals |
Andrew Murphy | Evaluating Current Theories of Left-Branch Extraction |
Ludger Paschen | Beobachtungen zur prosodischen Topikmarkierung in russischen Dialekten |
Zorica Puškar | The Structure of Hybrid Nouns in BCS: Evidence from NP-Ellipsis |
Tobias Scheer & Markéta Ziková | Wordfinal Branching Onsets: Evidence from Old Czech |
Anita Steube | Warum konnten und mussten die ‘Laute’ in der frühen Sprachgeschichteschon immer Phoneme sein? |
Barbara Stiebels | Polysemy and Coercion of Clause-Embedding Predicates |
Luka Szucsich | Interclausal Feature Relations and Obviation in North Slavic Subjunctives |
- Workshop Genus Verbi, 16/17 November
- 42. Tagung zur Generativen Grammatik des Südens (GGS), 20 – 22 October
- Workshop on Shrinking Trees, 10 October
- Workshop on Advancing Gender Equality in Scientific Research, 4/5 October
- Workshop Replicative Processes in Language, 8/9 July
- Workshop Electronic Dictionary Publication, 8/9 April
Workshop Genus Verbi
16/17 November
Speaker | Topic |
Artemis Alexiadou | Passive (in) Nominalizations |
Berit Gehrke & Nils Hirsch | Passives are Not Inherently More Complex than Actives: Insights from Processing Verbal Passives in German |
Fabian Heck | A Non-Monotonic Analysis of Non-Local Movement in Passives |
Johannes Hein | How Referral by Vocabulary Items Derives Deponency |
Itamar Kastner | Passives in Non-Concatenative Morphology |
Julie Anne Legate | External Arguments in Noncanonical Passives |
Gereon Müller | Structure Removal in Long-Distance Passives |
Stefan Müller | A Lexical Analysis of Passive |
Andrew Murphy | Double Passivization in Turkish: A Structure Removal Approach |
Despina Oikonomou | Voice Allosemy in Synthetic Passives: Towards a Phasal Account |
Marcel Pitteroff & Florian Schäfer | Implicit Control: On Landau’s Generalization and Its Exceptions |
Florian Schäfer | Medio-Passives with and without By-Phrase |
Barbara Stiebels | Instrumental Voice |
Sandhya Sundaresan & Tom McFadden | The Articulated v Layer: Evidence from Tamil |
Philipp Weisser | Voice in Derived Coordination |
42. Tagung zur Generativen Grammatik des Südens (GGS)
20 – 22 October
Speaker | Topic |
Julia Bacskai-Atkari | The syntactic category of comparative complements cross-linguistically |
András Bárány | DOM - Dative: Syntax or morphology |
Caroline Féry | Can a typological relation be established between tonal type and the reflexes of information structure? |
Silke Fischer & Marcel Pitteroff | Psych verbs and control into subject clauses |
Werner Frey | Syntaktische und interpretative Aspekte von weil-/ und obwohl-Verb-zweit-Sätzen |
Dimitry Ganenkov & Natalia Bogomolova | Indexical shift and agreement in Aqusha Dargwa and Southern Tabasaran (Nakh-Dagestian) |
Doreen Georgi | On person-number-interactions in Hayu and prominence scores |
Alexander Grosu & Radek Šimík | A novel semantic distinction between transparent free relatives and homophonous free relatives |
Hubert Haider | "It’s economy, stupid!" – Zum ökonomischen Umgang mit einem unverstandenen Konzept in der Grammatiktheorie |
Nils Hirsch | Different types of causatives in German |
Inghild Flaate Høyem | Adjunktkontrolle in adverbialen Infinitiven des Deutschen |
Dalina Kallulli | Rethinking the Person Case Constraint: Insights from clitic doubling patterns |
Itamar Kastner | Impossible morphemes: The case of Semitic templates |
Göz Kaufmann | Zwischen Morphologie und Syntax: Überlegungen zu komplexen Köpfen im Pommerschen Südbrasiliens |
Gerrit Kentner | Zur prosodischen Syntax des Deutschen |
Mihaela Marchis Moreno & Ludovico Franco | Derivational Suffixes in Romance at the borderline between inflection and derivation |
Thomas McFadden | Phase Stitching |
Andrew McIntyre | Nichtlokale Argumentrealisierung und komplexe Prädikate |
Guido Mensching | Clause typing and information structure: Considerations on Sardinian yes/no questions |
Beata Moskal | The Markedness of Morphological Features |
Andrew Murphy | Strong inflection on pronouns in German: A Distributed Morphology approach |
Sophia Oppermann | Nicht-koordinierendes "und" in der Geschichte des Deutschen |
Marie-Luise Popp | Typological insights into NEG-Raising |
Joachim Sabel | Restriktionen für V3 im Deutschen |
Martin Salzmann | Late Merger and raising relative clauses |
Philipp Weisser | Why there is no such thing as Closest Conjunct Case |
Susi Wurmbrand | Girls, glasses, and you – The distribution of formal vs. semantic agreement |
Hedde Zeijlstra | Selection, categories and features |
Workshop on Shrinking Trees
10 October
Speaker | Topic |
Katja Barnickel | Derived Non-Monotonic Coordination in German |
Caterina Donati | Successive Cyclic Movement as a Shrinking Tree Epiphenomenon |
Fabian Heck | Non-Monotonic Raising-to-Subject |
Howard Lasnik | Shrinking Trees: Some Early History |
Gereon Müller | Restructuring by Removal |
Andrew Murphy | Arguments for Ellipsis as Syntactic Deletion |
David Pesetsky | Exfoliation: Towards a Derivational Theoryof Clause Size |
Susi Wurmbrand | Restructuring as the Regulator of Clause Size |
Workshop on Advancing Gender Equality in Scientific Research
4/5 October
Speaker | Topic |
Artemis Alexiadou | Grant writing |
Roswitha Kersten-Pejanic | Gender and language: demands, possibilities and limitations for fair language use |
Workshop Replicative processes in language
8/9 July
Speaker | Topic |
Evangelia Adamou | From conceptual transfer to grammatical replication: The influence of the Spanish copulas on Romani spoken in Latin America |
Isabelle Buchstaller | Exploring transfer (including metatype) phenomena in Marshallese English |
Mariapaola D'Imperio | Dialect imitation across typologically distinct prosodic systems |
Hubert Haider | Do not copy & paste in syntactic derivations |
Fabian Heck | Order perservation without reference to linear order — the case of Holmberg's generalization |
Andrew Kostakis | Spreading height features in Germanic metaphony |
Gereon Müller | Copies without Copy Theory |
Andrew Nevins | Copying and resolution in South Slavic and South Bantu conjunct agreement |
Doug Pulleyblank | Reduplication in Nuu-chah-nulth |
Hannah Sande | Apparent weight-dependent infixing reduplication in Amharic |
Beat Siebenhaar | What could be replication in written interaction? First insights to the analysis of WhatsApp-data |
Donca Steriade | Grammars of rhyming |
Barbara Stiebels | Multiple exponence in a lexical-incremental framework |
Sandhya Sundaresan | Replicative processes in reference and their failures: pro vs. PRO |
Jochen Trommer | Featural affixation and featural spreading in Gaahmg |
Stephen Wechsler | Explaining grammatical agreement |
Richard Wiese | How language can be as regular as music |
Eva Zimmermann | Multiple reduplication as an argument against the Red-morpheme |
Workshop Electronic Dictionary Publication
8/9 April
Speaker | Topic |
Robert Forkel | Dictionaria as a member of the CLLD family |
Alexandre François | Building (on) a few dictionaries from Asia & the Pacific |
Martin Haspelmath & Iren Hartmann | About the project and our data model |
Henrik Liljegren | Doing justice to a small language: Challenges and opportunities in lexical categorisation |
Friederike Lüpke | Contested words – challenges, limits and models of language reification in dictionary creation |
Ulrike Mosel | Dictionaries of under-researched languages |
Gilles Polian | Reflections from the Multidialectal Tseltal Dictionary Project |
Kilu von Prince | Prioritizing entries and choosing example sentences |
Felix Rau | What I learned as a field linguist helping with the Cologne Digital Sanskrit Dictionaries |
Bonny Sands & Alena Witzlack-Makarevich | Towards a dictionary of Nǀuu |
Antoinette Schapper | Dictionaries of small languages and their writers in Indonesia |
Barbara Stiebels | Bridging the gap between dictionaries and grammars |
Joshua Wilbur | Towards a Pite Saami lexicography: Creating a dictionary from a community-driven wordlist |
- Workshop What's in a noun?, 23 October
- Workshop Replicative processes in grammar: Harmony, copying, doubling, and repetition, 1/2 October
- Workshop on Non-Local Dependencies, 15 July
- Workshop Morphosyntactic Triggers of Tone: New Data and Theories, 12/13 June
- 37. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Sprachwissenschaft an der Universität Leipzig: Grammatische Modellierung und sprachliche Verschiedenheit, 4–6 March
Workshop What’s in a noun?
23 October
Speaker | Topic |
Katja Barnickel | Trinken Sie lieber aus der Gute-Laune-Tasse oder aus der Guten-Laune-Tasse? Zur Kasuskonkordanz in deutschen A-N-N-Komposita |
Manfred Bierwisch | Was ein Nomen mindestens enthält: eine lexikalische Inventur |
Gisbert Fanselow | Fersengeld |
Janet Grijzenhout | Words, words |
Albert Ortmann | What is in a noun and what is not? |
Kerstin Schwabe | On straying ob-clauses |
Dieter Wunderlich | Wo Nomina den Typus der Grammatik festlegen |
Workshop Replicative processes in grammar: Harmony, copying, doubling, and repetition
1/2 October
Speaker | Topic |
Manfred Bierwisch | The role of replication in different sign systems |
William Bennett | Identity and consonant correspondence |
Jonathan Bobaljik | Some differences between case and agreement |
Gabriella Caballero | Motivating multiple exponence |
Rita Finkbeiner | Reduplication here, reduplication there. Is German N hin, N her an instance of syntactic reduplication? |
Siri Gjersøe | Sharing properties of pseudo-coordination in Norwegian |
Jason Haugen | Reduplication of affixes |
Johannes Hein | Asymmetric verb doubling in Asante Twi and the order of operations at PF |
Jason Kandybowicz | Parallel Chains at PF: Insights from Krachi predicate fronting with verb doubling |
Greg Kobele | Making copies: insights from computation |
Sampson Korsah | From polarity to reduplication in Gã |
Alexander Letuchiy | Syntactic doubling as a type of syntactic repetition |
Jason Merchant | Perfect and imperfect copies |
Beata Moskal | Building bridges: Labial harmony in Altaic languages |
Peter Smith | AGREE, the agreement hierarchy and late adjunction |
Alan Yu | Iterative infixation as rhythmic-induced compensatory reduplication |
Eva Zimmermann | Copy affixes in Kiranti |
Workshop on Non-Local Dependencies
15 July
Speaker | Topic |
Anke Assmann | Case Matching Effects as Evidence for a Bidirectional AgreeOperation |
Chris Collins | Neg Raising, Deletion and Parentheticals |
Stefan Keine | Locality Domains in Syntax: Evidence from Sentence Processing |
Andrew Murphy | Cumulative Interactions in Syntax with Weighted Constraints |
Workshop Morphosyntactic Triggers of Tone: New Data and Theories
12/13 June
Speaker | Topic |
Jeroen Breteler | Tone Classes in Wan Japanese |
Gerrit Dimmendaal | How much non-concatenative morphology can speakers cope with? |
Susanne Genzel & Reginald Duah | H tone insertion on verbs in na-focus sentence in Akan |
Siri M. Gjersøe | Floating L tones in Kikuyu: Evidence supporting a Stratal OT analysis |
Rozenn Guérois | Tonal variation within NPs in Cuwabo (Mozambique, Bantu P34) |
Yuni Kim | Multiply conditioned tonal allomorphy in Amuzgo |
Sampson Korsah & Andrew Murphy | High tone insertion in Akan as a re‑ex of successive-cyclic movement |
Frank Kügler | Pitch register reset and embedded clauses in Akan |
Xiaoliang Luo | Mandarin Chinese: morphological right boundary and its consequences on tones |
Laura McPherson | Word-level and phrase-level replacive tone: an implicational relationship |
Tian Mimi | A grammatical analysis of the ’induced creaky tone’ in Burmese |
Irina Monich | Tone as a diagnostic of morphosyntactic structure in South African Bantu languages |
Robindra Nath Banerji | Huichol (Wixárika) Word Accent: Typology, Interactions, and Implications |
Mary Paster | Approaches to the Bantu Melodic H |
Bert Remijsen | Compositionality in the lexical and morphological specifications for tone in Shilluk |
Aida Talić | Tonal marking of specificity in BCS |
Kristine M. Yu | Tonal marking of absolutive case in Samoan |
Sabine Zerbian | Adjacent high tones at word- and phrase level in Tswana |
Workshop on Building Blocks
21/22 November
Speaker | Topic |
Pavel Caha | Lexical Items and Syntactic Categories: Some Lessons from Shona and Luganda Locatives |
Berthold Crysmann | Deconstructing Exuberant Exponence |
Kleanthes Grohmann | Localities: Building Blocks and Other Pieces of the Puzzle |
Karen Jesney | Complex Process Interaction: Weighted Constraints vs. Ranked Constraints and Rules |
Olaf Koeneman | Do-Support and the Syntax of Finiteness |
Björn Köhnlein | Rules vs. Constraints in Studies on Tonal Accent |
Laura McPherson | Phrasal Phonology, Restructured: The Place of Dogon Tonosyntax |
Katya Pertsova | Conflicting Pressures Can Lead to Ungrammaticality |
Michelle Sheehan | Ergative Alignment in Romance Causatives: A Parameter Hierarchy Approach |
Francesc Torres-Tamarit | Voicing-Dependent Vowel Lengthening and Final Devoicing in Milanese: A Transparent or an Opaque Interaction? |
Luis Vincente | A remnant-correlate identity condition on ellipsis |
Geraldine Walther | The Realisational Lexicon |
- Workshop on Opacity in Grammar (WOPiG), 3 October
- Comparative Germanic Syntax Workshop 28 (CGSW28), 4/5 October
Workshop on Opacity in Grammar (WOPiG)
3 October
Speaker | Topic |
Eric Baković | Opacity to Ordering Hammer: not everything is a nail |
Marta Domagala | To re-rank or not to re-rank: Old Church Slavic evidence against invariant EVAL |
Youssef Haddad & Susi Wurmbrand | Cyclic spell-out and agreement options in raising constructions |
Jeffrey Heinz & William Idsardi | Opacity between local and long distance processes in Samala |
Paul Kiparsky | The Residue of Opacity |
Howard Lasnik | On Certain Bleeding Orders |
Geoffrey Pullum | Opacity: The Last Thing We Need |
Peter Smith | Bringing order(ing) into chaos: the placement of Udi endoclitics |
Bruce Tesar | Output-driven maps in phonology |
Comparative Germanic Syntax Workshop 28 (CGSW28)
4/5 October
Speaker | Topic |
Artemis Alexiadou, Florian Schäfer & Giorgos Spathas | Delimiting Voice in Germanic: on object drop and naturally reexive verbs |
Julia Bacskai-Atkari | Comparative deletion in Germanic |
Theresa Biberauer | Germanic verb clusters again – with Afrikaans centre-stage |
Federica Cognola | Wh-long extraction in Mòcheno and the derivation of OV word order in West Germanic |
Marijke De Belder & Gunlög Josefsson | The Germanic complex compound's marker |
Karen De Clercq | The upward path of negation |
Silke Fischer | Object extraposition in Germanic – a challenge for control theory? |
Eric Fuß | C-agreement revisited: core syntax or morphological ornament? |
Kyle Johnson | The Empty Category Principle and linearization |
Ida Larsson & Peter Svenonius | Phases and categories in passive and perfect participles |
Thomas McFadden | Resultativity and the development of Germanic preverbal ge- from Old to Middle English |
Marcel Pitteroff | The expletive puzzle – impersonal (let-)middles |
Dorian Roehrs | Agreement in the DP: Dutch vs. Norwegian |
Florian Schäfer | Reconciling Burzio's Generalization with unexpected accusatives: from German to Icelandic |
Ulrike Steindl | Corrective coordination with but across languages |
Sandhya Sundaresan | Perspectival binding: a Dravidian perspective into Germanic |
Marjo van Koppen & Marijke De Belder | Looking into ANN-compounds: idiolectal variation |
- Decomposition and natural classes in argument coding (Workshop of the Research Unit 742), 6/7 September
- ConSOLE XX, 5–7 January
Decomposition and natural classes in argument coding
(Workshop of the Research Unit 742)
6/7 September
Speaker | Topic |
Artemis Alexiadou | Building reflexives |
Anke Assmann, Doreen Georgi & Philipp Weisser | Argument encoding and its consequences for displacement |
Sebastian Bank & Jochen Trommer | Integrated learning of segmentation and morphosyntactic features |
Joshua Birchall | Exploring valency in South American languages |
Petr Biskup & Gerhild Zybatow | Verbal prefixation in Slavonic |
Ina Bornkessel-Schlesewsky & Alena Witzlack-Makarevich in collaboration with Balthasar Bickel | (Un)natural classes in processing and typology of argument encoding |
John P. Boyle | Valency and the Hidatsa dative |
Pavel Caha | Genitive singular and nominative plural: mystery solved? |
Michael Cysouw | Visualizing the typology of natural classes |
Dorothee Fehrmann, Uwe Junghanns & Denisa Lenertová | Decomposing decausatives |
Daniel Harbour | Objects, animacy, and portmanteaus in Tewa (Kiowa-Tanoan) |
Iren Hartmann, Martin Haspelmath & Alexander Jahraus | Natural Classes and Other Generalizations in the Valency Classes Database |
Andreas Opitz & Stefanie Regel | The Processing of Morphological Features: ERP-Evidence for Underspecification |
Antje Roßdeutscher | Prepositional Elements in a DM/DRT-based Syntax-Semantics-Interface |
Linnaea Stockall | Tracking the timecourse of morphological decomposition and recomposition |
- Workshop The Fine Structure of Grammatical Relations, 10/11 December
- Summer School on Linguistic Typology, 15 August–3 September
- Workshop on Theoretical Morphology (WOTM 5), 25/26 June
Workshop The Fine Structure of Grammatical Relations
10/11 December
Speaker | Topic |
Artemis Alexiadou, Elena Anagnostopoulou, Gianina Iordachioaia & Mihaela Marchis | Backward control revisited |
Anke Assmann, Doreen Georgi & Philipp Weisser | Analyzing switch reference |
Sebastian Bank | Automatic Segmentation of Transitive Paradigms |
Jessica Coon | The Role of Case in A-Bar Extraction Asymmetries: Evidence from Mayan |
Michael Cysouw | Inducing semantic roles from parallel texts |
Silke Fischer | Feature Stacks and Binding Relations |
Denisa Lenertová | Argument reduction by reflexive marking: A cross-Slavic parametrization |
Sander Lestrade | About case |
Florent Perek | Alternations in constructionist models of argument structure |
Marc Richards | Reappraising copy raising |
Natalya Serdobolskaya | Cross-linguistic parameters of raising |
Barbara Stiebels | Control structures, controllees and the role of GFs |
Workshop on Theoretical Morphology (WOTM 5)
25/26 June
Speaker | Topic |
Oliver Bonami & Gilles Boyé | Opaque Paradigms, Transparent Forms in Nepali Conjugation |
Roberta D’Alessandro & Marc van Oostendorp | Vocative morphology at the syntax-phonology Interface |
Eric Fuß & Carola Trips | The Northern Subject Rule |
Doreen Georgi | Chameleon Probes in Mordvin |
Chris Golston | Prosody as Morpheme Compression |
Daniel Harbour | Discontinuous linearization |
Johannes Hein & Stefan Keine | On the Geometry of Marker Inventories |
Sharon Inkelas | Optimal Construction Morphology: A Cyclic approach |
Joost Kremers | Bare Phrase Structure and DM |
Andreas Opitz | The Processing of Morphological Features: ERP-Evidence for Underspecification |
Renate Raffelsiefen | Affixes versus affixoids in German |
Ian Roberts | Blank generation |
Sandhya Sundaresan | PRO and anaphors are syntactically conditioned allomorphs |
Barbara Stiebels | Reevaluating position classes |
Jochen Trommer | Paradigmatic Generalization of Morphemes |
Jochen Trommer & Eva Zimmermann | Generalized Mora Affixation |
Thomas Wier | 'Trinsicity' In Rule Ordering and Georgian Agreement |
Dieter Wunderlich | Degenerated paradigms – radically underspecified |
- Workshop Morphological reflexes of long-distance dependencies, 23 November
- Konferenz Morphology of the world's languages, 11–13 June
- Konferenz Generative Grammatik des Südens, 22–24 May
- Workshop Perspektiven minimalistischer Syntax, 27/28 October
- Colloquia and workshops of the DFG Research Training Group Universalität und Diversität: Sprachliche Strukturen und Prozesse im Zentrum für Kognitionswissenschaft der Universität Leipzig
- Workshop on Theoretical Morphology (WOTM 4), 20/21 June
- Leipzig Spring School on Linguistic Diversity, 26 March–4 April
- KOSMOS SPRACHE: Materialien zur Vorlesungsreihe im Rahmen des Studium universale (winter semester 2007/08)
- Workshop on Phonological Words in South Asia and Southeast Asia, 19/20 September
- Workshop on Theoretical Morphology (WOTM 3), 22/23 June
- Workshop on Grammar and Processing of Verbal Arguments (Research Unit Grammatik und Verarbeitung verbaler Argumente), 20/21 April
- Colloquium Information structure
- Workshop on Theoretical Morphology (WOTM 2), 17/18 June
- Workshop Grenzen der Linguistik überschreiten. Manfred Bierwischs Werk im Spiegel der Leipziger Sprachwissenschaft, 26 October
- 3. Leipziger Vernetzungstreffen Korpuslinguistik, 29 September
- Workshop Flexionstheorie im Osten (WOTM1), 14 July
- Final Workshop Satz und Kontext of the DFG Research Unit Sprachtheoretische Grundlagen der Kognitionswissenschaft, 25/26 June
- Workshop Event Structures in linguistic form and interpretation, 17–19 March
- Conference Syntax of the World's Languages (SWL 1), 5–8 August
- Workshop Experimental Prosody Research, 7–9 October
- Workshop Ereignissemantik III, 26/27 March
- Workshop Ereignissemantik II, 22 June
- 23. Jahrestagung der DGfS, 28 February–2 March
- Workshop Ereignissemantik I, 19/20 May
- 3. Annual conference Gesellschaft für Semantik, 11–13 December