The Institute of Applied Linguistics and Translatology traditionally holds two big international conferences where scholars from all over Germany and the world gather to foster international exchange.

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Plakat zur CILH 2016

Leipziger Internationale Konferenz zu Grundfragen der Übersetzungswissenschaft (LICTRA)

Leipzig International Conference on Translation and Interpretation Studies (LICTRA)

LICTRA and its predecessor conferences have been taking place at the University of Leipzig since 1965. The conferences are an indicator and catalyzer for translatological research and aim to expand horizons and provoke thought.

LICTRA is also a forum for young researchers working in Germany as well as abroad. The conference does not only offer an overview of state-of-the-art research, but also an opportunity to appear on an international stage, establish valuable personal contacts, and find ideas as well as partners for research projects.


In March 2017, the tenth International Conference on Translation and Interpretation Studies was held.

The focus was on translatology in the age of “Industry 4.0” or “Internet 4.0”, as the application of internet technologies for communication between humans, machines, and products is called. Participants analyzed important current issues and discussed “classic” questions in the light of new dynamics and in the light of the effects technological developments are having on translation itself as well as on the continuously changing and expanding opportunities for translation research.

The conference proceedings are available in Englisch and German:

  • Translation 4.0 - Dolmetschen und Übersetzen im Zeitalter der Digitalisierung (Link)

  • Translation in the Digital Age: Translation 4.0 (Link)

Dr. Christine Paasch-Kaiser

Dr. Christine Paasch-Kaiser

Research Fellow

Beethovenstraße 15, Room 5514
04107 Leipzig

Phone: +49 341 97 - 37619
Fax: +49 341 97 - 37649

Office hours
nach Vereinbarung

Congreso Internacional de Lingüística Hispánica de Leipzig (CILH)

The international conferences on Hispanic linguistics promote exchange in the fields of semantics, phraseology, word formation, variety linguistics, cognitive linguistics, and contrastive linguistics. Attendees include scholars from all over the world and teachers of Spanish.


Prof. Dr. Carsten Sinner

Prof. Dr. Carsten Sinner


Beethovenstraße 15, Room 5511
04107 Leipzig

Phone: +49 341 97 - 37602
Fax: +49 341 97 - 37649

Office hours
Mi 10–11 Uhr; während der vorlesungsfreien Zeit nur nach Vereinbarung per E-Mail, auch Online-Termine sind möglich

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LICTRA press release (German link)

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CILH press release (German link)

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Events on linguistic topics (German link)

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