Students from Leipzig and Havana come together to earn a bi-national bachelor’s degree focusing on translation in a German-Cuban context.

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Studying in Leipzig and Havana

The bi-national programme optimally prepares you for working with organizations operating internationally. It will also provide you with expertise in the cultural and linguistic areas of Cuba and the Caribbean.

The Institute of Applied Linguistics and Translatology (IALT) at the University of Leipzig does not only stand out due to its decades-long tradition and experience in research and teaching, but also due to the wide range of international relationships with other institutions of higher learning. We have exchange agreements with more than 50 universities worldwide. The foreign language department of the Universidad de La Habana in Cuba, the Facultad de Lenguas Extranjeras (FLEx) has been a cooperation partner of IALT (and its predecessor institutions) since 1959. Our bachelor students focusing on translation in a German-Cuban context and looking to earn a bi-national dual degree (Bachelor of Arts / Licenciatura) enjoy the following benefits:

  • a two-year programme done jointly in a group made up of German and Cuban students
  • a tandem programme
  • a compulsory one-year stay at the partner university abroad
  • a higher number of interpreting and translation courses into the foreign language during the exchange
  • the acquisition of a broad cultural competence

The programme is supported by the DAAD out of funds provided by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF).

  • You are enrolled in the B. A. Translation and have Spanish as your first B language or as your second B language as an elective (Wahlfach). This means you have passed the entrance exam for Spanish.
  • At the end of your 2nd semester, you apply to be accepted into the bi‑national programme. After a selection process, you will be accepted into the programme on a provisional basis.
  • In your 3rd semester, you pass the module 04-005-1007-DK Translation I Spanisch-Deutsch.
  • In your 5th and 6th semester, you do the compulsory one-year stay at the partner university, Universidad de La Habana in Cuba.


The cooperation agreement between the University of Leipzig and the Universidad de La Habana provides for up to five places for which students are exempt from tuition fees. Provided that DAAD confirms funding, up to five students doing the Translation in a German‑Cuban context programme receive a scholarship for their stay abroad (awarded on the basis of achievement, see examination regulations).

The application deadline is on August 31 of the year in which you would like to begin the programme. Please submit a letter of motivation and a transcript of records. You need to have at least 30 credit points (10 CP for module 04-005-1001 Allgemeine Translatologie and 20 CP for two modules in Spanish as B language).

About the partner university

The Universidad de La Habana was one of the first universities in Latin America to offer a programme in translation and interpreting. This is the reason why it still has a special position among Latin American universities in this discipline. It is the only university to offer German as a B language. Thus, students from our university have the unique opportunity to earn a dual degree from one of the most renowned institutions in Latin America in the fields of translation and interpreting.