Faculty of Philology
work Geisteswissenschaftliches Zentrum Beethovenstraße 1504107 Leipzig
Phone: work +49 341 97 - 37300 Fax: fax +49 341 97 - 37349
Dean Prof. Dr. Beat Siebenhaar
Dean of Studies Prof. Dr. Benjamin Lucas Meisnitzer
Dean of Studies Prof. Dr. Eduard Werner
Dean of Studies Jun.-Prof. Dr. Julia Fuchs
Dean of Studies Prof. Dr. Katja Kanzler
Dean of Studies Prof. Dr. Klaus Grübl
Vice-Dean for Research Prof. Dr. Tinka Reichmann
Deanery Dr. Stephan Thomas
Secretariat Annett Lutschin
Institutes & Facilities
Institute of Applied Linguistics and Translatology
BA Translation
Are you interested in the relation between languages and cultures? The translation programme will enable you to acquire the intercultural and linguistic skills that will allow you to transfer content between languages.
Students from Leipzig and Havana study together in the bi-national translation programme in a German-Cuban Context and obtain a bi-national degree.