Research in the field of translatology at the University of Leipzig dates back to the middle of the last century. The results of this research have had an international impact and are the basis for the reputation of the "Leipzig School of Translation Studies", which has been in existence for over 50 years. On this page, we inform you about current research projects at the Institute of Applied Linguistics and Translation Studies (IALT).

enlarge the image: Englische Wörter im Zusammenhang mit Forschung
Foto: Colourbox

Specialised Research

The specialised areas of research at the Institute of Applied Linguistics and Translatology (IALT) comprise the transfer of cultural expertise, knowledge and - following on from the Leipzig School of Translation Studies - translation studies, which include, among other things, the translation of specialised texts, quality management, terminology research and interpreting/translation didactics. These specialities can be linked with research in specialised communication, comparative translation linguistics and lexical semantics.


IALT also offers new research perspectives, such as the combination of variety linguistics and translatology, the translation of minority languages, the history of translation, legal translation and audiovisual translation (subtitling, audio description, surtitling), digital methods in translation (collective techniques, automatic processing procedures) and the combination of cognitive linguistics and translatology (frame semantics, discursive linguistics)


The Institute of Applied Linguistics and Translatology (IALT) is part of the research profile Language and Culture in the Digital Age. This research profile includes the application, development and critical analysis of digital technologies and media in humanities and social sciences research, as well as the role of language, culture and the transfer of knowledge and cultures in the digital age. From a translational perspective, IALT is particularly interested in studying the impact of digitisation on the communication to be translated/interpreted and on translation/interpreting itself.


Research Topics at the Institute of Applied Linguistics and Translatology

  • Perceptive Translatology
  • Translation and Law
  • Translation and digitisation
  • Hermeneutics and creativity in translation
  • History of translation and translatology, Oral history of translation
  • Translation didactics
  • Translation science and corpus-based linguistics
  • Computer-assisted translation and its impact on translation
  • Software localisation
  • Cognitive perspectives on translation research
  • Political framing
  • Audio-visual translation
  • Translation evaluation
  • Translational Basics of Literary Translation
  • Simulated orality
  • Didactics in conference interpreting
  • Interpretation technologies and remote interpreting
  • History of interpretation
  • Interpreting in the cultural field (e.g. theatre, festivals)
  • Legal interpretation
  • Variety linguistics
  • Language contact and minority languages
  • Synchronous description of the vocabulary of selected Romance languages (within a language or in comparison with others)
  • Terminology and Phraseology
  • Specialised contrastive linguistics
  • Translation Didactics
  • History of Linguistics and Grammaticography
  • Methodological-methodical development of interdisciplinary research models in specialised communication
  • Contrastive research on specialised communication in different languages
  • Conceptual expansion of interdisciplinary foreign language research, especially in the fields of cognitive science, cultural science, specialised science (specific thinking, technicality, comprehension, textualisation strategies specific to foreign languages or specialised fields, analysis of knowledge systems relevant to specialised communication, etc.)
  • Interdisciplinary analysis of specialised translation strategies (specialised translation as a complex structure of actions, factors of specialised translation skills, etc.)
  • Historical-scientific analysis of specialised language research as a discipline of applied linguistics (linguistic interaction - applied linguistics - specialised language research).