Faculty of Philology
work Geisteswissenschaftliches Zentrum Beethovenstraße 1504107 Leipzig
Phone: work +49 341 97 - 37300 Fax: fax +49 341 97 - 37349
Dean Prof. Dr. Beat Siebenhaar
Dean of Studies Prof. Dr. Benjamin Lucas Meisnitzer
Dean of Studies Prof. Dr. Eduard Werner
Dean of Studies Jun.-Prof. Dr. Julia Fuchs
Dean of Studies Prof. Dr. Katja Kanzler
Dean of Studies Prof. Dr. Klaus Grübl
Vice-Dean for Research Prof. Dr. Tinka Reichmann
Deanery Dr. Stephan Thomas
Secretariat Annett Lutschin
Institutes & Facilities
Institute for Applied Linguistics and Translatology
MA Translatology
In a globalised world, translators play a vital role in the field of communication. The Master's degree in Translation Studies provides translation skills as well as important technical skills.
This programme enables translation students to obtain a degree from the universities of Leipzig and Strasbourg.
IALT is a member of the international programme of excellence European Mobilities in Specialised Translation (METS).
IALT has an international teaching and training partnership with the Universidad de Concepción in Chile.