Our wide range of courses, the use of modern tools in translation teaching, study opportunities abroad, and international programmes – all of this is possible thanks to the many partners of the Institute of Applied Linguistics and Translatology (IALT). Here, you can learn more about the institutions and companies that support our teaching and research endeavors.
- across
- The Dirctorate-General for Translation
- Langenscheidt
- Memsource
- Sisulizer
- Xunta de Galicia
- Institut Ramon Llull
- Instituto Etxepare
- Department of Arts, Heritage and the Gaeltacht
German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD)
- International study and training partnership with the University of Concepción/Chile (2015-2019 and 2019-2024)
- Establishment of a dual degree programme in translation with the Ain Shams University in Cairo/Egypt (2013)
- Lecture trip to Buenos Aires/Argentina (2012)
- Research stay as part of the PhD project “Place names in Ibero-Romance language contact” in Mexico (2012)
- International study and training partnership with the University of Concepción/Chile (2011-2013 and 2013-2017)
- Guest professorship for Russian translatology at the University of Leipzig (2011)
- Advanced training course in translatology for alumni at the University of Havana/Cuba (2011)
- International translatology summer course in Leipzig (2010 and 2011)
German Research Foundation (DFG)
- 23rd International Catalan Day Berlin/Leipzig (2012)
Konrad Adenauer Foundation (German Link)
- PhD project “El castellano de Getxo - Estudio empírico de aspectos morfológicos, sintácticos y semánticos de una variedad del castellano hablado en el País Vasco” (2012-2013)
Spanish Ministry of Education and Science
- Lecture series “Traduciendo entre culturas - un camino de ida y vuelta” (2015)
- Summer course “El número 193. Novela judeoespañola y holocausto” (2014)
- Imágenes y estereotipos españoles en libros de viaje alemanes: Evolución histórica entre realidad y ficción interculturales (2011-2013)
- La traducción del diálogo ficcional. Textos literarios y textos multimodales (TRADIF) (2012)
- La oralidad fingida: descripción y traducción (OFDYT) (2007-2010)
- Los comienzos de la moderna sintaxis: análisis lógico y análisis gramatical en la enseñanza del español” (ANAGRAMA) (2007-2010)
- Training seminar Judeo-Spanish (2007)
- Bauhaus Dessau
- International Table Tennis Federation – ITTF Foundation
- Leipziger Dok-Filmwochen GmbH
- Kindervereinigung Leipzig e.V. – Internationale Jugendbegegnungen
- Berliner Festspiele – Projekt Theatertreffen
- Frauen für Frauen e.V. Leipzig
- Gesellschaft für Inklusion und soziale Arbeit (ISA) e.V. Potsdam
- Schauspiel Leipzig