You can find the course listings of our BA program, MA program, and teacher-training classes for the current semester below.

Please see the following PDF listing all of our courses in the Winter Term 2024/25:

PDF 356 KB


Contact Information

The Institute for American Studies is located at the University’s Humanities Building (Geisteswissenschaftliches Zentrum, GWZ), Beethovenstraße 15, on the 5th floor, in house 3, which is opposite the elevators/stairs.

Contact information on individual faculty members can be found on the faculty page.

Registration for Classes

Most classes require prior registration. To learn more about registration procedures for students in different ASL programs (BA, MA; courses for Lehramt), please have a look at the Registration Information Sheet.

As access to some classes is quite competitive, please take the procedures and deadlines for registration seriously.

American Studies Modules

Modules in the BA and MA programs are designed to achieve specific learning goals, they entail a specific amount and specific types of coursework and examinations, and they may have prerequisites. To learn more about these, we strongly encourage you to have a look at our program’s Module Catalog and at the appendix to our Conditions of Study (see the Downloads and Documents page).

International Students

International Students are very welcome in the courses offered by the Institute for American Studies. To learn more about places available in individual courses, please contact the instructor, and describe your situation briefly (i.e., exchange student, international guest student, participating in an international degree program). We will do our very best to include you in our courses. Also see our page for international students for more information.


Course catalogs of past semesters can be found in the Downloads and Documents page.

For more information on course offerings in linguistics, please consult the British Studies course catalog, available at the website of the Institute for British Studies.

Unless stated otherwise, classes start in the week of October 14, 2024. Students are responsible for keeping track of updates on actual course dates (some are alternating).


GWZ (Geisteswissenschaftliches Zentrum, or: Humanities Building), Beethovenstr. 15
NSG (Neues Seminargebäude, or: New Seminar Building), Universitätsstr. 5
HSG (Hörsaalgebäude, or: Lecture Hall Building), Universitätsstr. 7

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