I have been a PhD candidate at the Institute for American Studies and the Graduate School Global and Area Studies (GSGAS) at Leipzig University since 2023. In my PhD project, I investigate perceptions of nature in US-American society from the 1970s to the 1990s, discourse-historically, based on nature-culture conflicts in US-American blockbuster movies.
Before I started my doctoral studies, I was a predoctoral fellow at the GSGAS and the Collaborative Research Center (CRC) 1199. I studied philosophy and cultural studies at Leipzig University and, as a mobility student, at the University of Lausanne and Waseda University in Tokyo.
My research interests include cultural history, environmental history, and cultural-historical film history. I receive a doctoral scholarship from the Cusanuswerk.
Since 10/2023 – PhD Candidate at the GSGAS / Leipzig University
Since 05/2023 – PhD Candidate at the Institute for American Studies / Leipzig University
09/2022 – 09/ resp. 06/2023 – Predoctoral Fellow at the GSGAS and the CRC 1199 / Leipzig University
04/2017 – 09/2020 – MA, Cultural Studies / Leipzig University and Waseda University, Tokyo
10/2012 – 09/2016 – BA, Philosophy; BA, Cultural Studies / Leipzig University and University of Lausanne