Dr. Alyn Euritt

Dr. Alyn Euritt

Associated Research Fellow

I study intimacy in podcasting. My book places textual analysis of specific podcasts alongside popular criticism/reviews and how-to articles to understand how podcasting defines intimacy. These definitions, I argue, draw on historical constructs of intimacy to negotiate podcasting’s cultural protocols and, by extension, its mediality. At the same time, they participate in a larger ongoing cultural negotiation about what it means to be intimate.

I am available for interview in English and German.

Contact Info.
Email: alyn.euritt@fulbrightmail.org
Twitter: @aeuritt
Mastodon: @aeuritt@mastodon@social 
If you’re researching podcasting, I’m reachable via PodAcademics channels (discord/slack). More information at podcaststudies.org. 

Dr. Phil, 2018-2021
Universität Leipzig, Germany

MA North American Studies, 2012-2015
John F. Kennedy Institute for North American Studies, Freie Universität Berlin, Germany

CELTA: Certificate in Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages, 2014
Berlin School of English, Germany

BA French Studies, 2006-2011
California State University Long Beach, USA


Podcasting as an Intimate Medium. Routledge, 2022. Click here for a free copy or order for your library!


Guest Editor with Dario Llinares & Anne Korfmacher. Podcasts. Themed Section of Participations: Journal of Audience & Reception Studies. Click here for a free copy.


“Podcasting’s Improvised Liveness.” Routledge Companion to Radio and Podcast Studies, Ed. Jason Loviglio and Mia Lindgren, 16 June 2022. Order for your library.


with Anne Korfmacher. “’And if we don’t stop him, I don’t know who will:’ Recoding Intimacy in My Dad Wrote a Porno.” Porn Studies, 01 Dec 2021. DOI

with Leslie McMurtry. “Immersive Night: Audio Horror in Radio and Podcasting.” Revenant, Oct 25 Oct 2021. Click here for a free copy.

Goodbye to All This: The Ordinary Rhythm of Loss.” RadioDoc Review, Ed. Neil Verma, 27 Dec 2021. Click here for a free copy.

with Dario Llinares & Anne Korfmacher. “Introduction: Podcasting’s Listening Publics.” Participations: Journal of Audience & Reception Studies. Click here for a free copy.

with Anne Korfmacher. Intimität und Zeitlichkeit der Podcast-Kommentarform: Am Beispiel von “My Dad Wrote a Porno.” kommunikation@gesellschaft, no. 2, 2020, pp. 1–22, doi:10.15460/kommges.2020.21.2.619. Click here for a free copy.

Within the Wires’ Intimate Fan-Based Publics.” Gender Forum, Ed. Julia Hoydis. Click here for a free copy.

“Public circulation in the NPR Politics Podcast.” Popular Communication, 30 Jun 2019. Ed. Matt Sienkiewicz and Deborah L. Jaramillo. DOI: 10.1080/15405702.2019.1637522. Click here for a free copy.

Guest host. “Intimacy as a Framework for Podcast Mediation,” PAMLA Presents: Cities of Sound, 19 Nov 2021. Listen here!

Guest. “Emerging Research in Podcast Studies,” New Aural Cultures, 28 May 2021. Listen here!

Subject Area Expert. “Intimität in Podcasts: Individuelle Beziehungen, individueller Klang,” [Intimacy in Podcasts: Individual Relationships, Individual Sound”], Über Podcast, Deutschlandfunk Kultur, 5 February 2021. Listen here!

Guest. “Sind Podcasts ein Medium der Stunde?/Is Podcasting a Medium of the Longue Durée?” microform, 27 May 2020. Listen here!

Guest/Discussion Chair. “Podcasting Poetics Conference,” New Aural Cultures Podcast, created by Richard Berry & Dario Llinares, 3 December 2019. Listen here!

“Social power on stage: Gender and casting in Shakespeare’s plays.” Praxis Englisch, Oct 2022, Westermann. For sale here.

“Stonewall: The beginning of a new phase in the fight for queer rights.” Praxis Englisch, Aug 2022, Westermann. For sale here.

“He, she, they, (name): Gender accross three languages.” Praxis Englisch, July 2022, Westermann. For sale here.

“One nation against alcohol: The temperance movement in the US.” Praxis Englisch, Feb 2022, Westermann. For sale here.

“Hate speech: A global problem without a simple solution.” Praxis Englisch, Oct 2021, Westermann. For sale here.

“Podcasting as an Intimate Medium.” 8 Nov 2022, Current Issues in North American and Cultural Studies, Universität Bonn.

“Podcasts als Gegenstand kulturwissenschaftlicher Forschung.” 24 Nov 2022, Workshop: Podcasts als Medium der Wissenschaftskommunikation der Geistes- und Sozialwissenschaften,  Forum Internationale Wissenschaft, Universität Bonn. 

“Distributed Authorship in Transmedia Worldbuilding.” 17 Feb 2021, Media Lab Talks, Universidade Lusófona, Portugal. Gastvortrag.

“Intimacy in Podcasting Q&A.” 7 Jan 2021, Journalistisches Seminar, Johannes-Gutenberg Universität Mainz, Mainz, Germany (Online).

“Uncomfortable warmth: Mobile binaural audio and the construction of public/private space in Microsoft Soundscape and Darkest Night.” Colloquium for American and British Studies, 27 November 2018, Technische Universität Dresden.

“Intimate Recognition in Within the Wires.” 18 November 2018, Department of English and Linguistics, Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz, Guest Lecture.

“Intimacy as a Framework for Podcast Mediation.” Pacific Ancient and Modern Languages Association, 11-14 Nov 2021, University of Nevada, Las Vegas NV, USA.

“The Cultural Construction of Intimacy in Podcasting.” The MOPS Challenge, Nov 2021, The Museum of Portable Sound, London, UK.

“Mediating Liminality: Podcast Intimacy at the Boundary of Public and Private.” International Association for Media and Communication Research, 11-14 July 2021, Nairobi, Kenya.

“’The Flop House: Podcasting’s Transmedia Liveness.” Radio and Audio Media Area, 2021 Popular Culture and American Culture Association Conference (PCA/ACA), 2-5 June 2021, Boston MA, USA. Conference Presentation.

“ ‘She is breathing out into you’: Body Genres and the Intimate Haptics of Listening.” Tradition and Innovation: Changing Worlds Through the Humanities, 52nd Convention of the Northeast Modern Language Association, 11-14 March 2021, Virtual/Philidelphia, PA, USA. Conference Presentation.

“Theorizing Power in Podcasting: Methodologies of Infrastructure and Discourse.” Emerging Research in Podcast Studies, 13 Feb 2021, Virtual, Conference Presentation.

““A mosquito trapped in amber”: Podcasting’s Time-Shifted Seriality in the Trump Era.” Alternative Realities: New Challenges for American Literature in the Era of Trump, 13-14 December 2019, Clinton Institute, University College Dublin, Dublin, Ireland. Conference Presentation.

The Flop House’s Narrative Tangents,” Challenges of the Post-Truth Era in American Studies: 30th Conference of the Post-Graduate Forum of the German Association of American Studies, 5-7 December 2019, Universität Passau, Passau, Germany. Conference Presentation.

“Intimacy and Liveness,” American Studies Regional Colloquium, 25 October 2019, Muhlenberg Center for American Studies, Martin Luther Universität Halle-Wittenberg. Conference Presentation.

“Defining Intimacy,” Podcasting Poetics, 11-12 October 2019, Johannes-Gutenberg Universität Mainz, Mainz, Germany. Conference Presentation.

“The Temporality of National Monuments in the NPR Politics Podcast.” “Monuments”: The 26th Biennial Conference of the Nordic Association for American Studies, 26 April 2019, The Grand, Bergen, Norway. Conference Presentation.

“Binaural Liminality in Darkest Night.” Sound Collectives Conference, 7 December 2018, Katholische Universität Eichstätt-Ingolstadt, Conference Presentation.

Co-organized with Jeff Donison. Emerging Research in Podcast Studies. Virtual, 19 Feb. 2021. Symposium. Click here for the CfP!

Co-organized with Patrick Gill. Podcasting Poetics. Johannes Gutenberg-Universität, Mainz, Germany, Oct. 11-12, 2019. Conference.

Assisted Annika Estner and Univ.-Prof. Dr. Jessica Gienow-Hecht. Culture & International History V: Stage & Performance – Theatricality in International History since 1500. John F. Kennedy Institute for North American Studies, Freie Universität Berlin, Berlin, Germany, 28-10 April 2014. Conference.

Assisted Prof. Dr. Michaela Hampf and Prof. Dr. Barbara Lüthi. Armed Forces, Security, and the Use of Force in U.S. History. Annual Conference of the Historians in the DGFA (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Amerikastudien/German Association for American Studies). Akademie für Politische Bildung, Tutzing, Germany. 21-23 February 2014. Conference.

Assisted Dr. Heather Ellis and Dr. Simone Müller-Pohl. Actor-Networks between ‘Global Markets’ and the ‘Nation’, 1650-1950. John F. Kennedy Institute for North American Studies, Freie Universität Berlin, Berlin, Germany. 1-2 August 2013. Conference.

2017: “Crashkurs in Didaktik: A1 DaF und Alphabetisierung” (Crash course in didactics: A1 German language and literacy), German Lessons for Refugees, Dresden, Germany.

2017: “Vertiefungs-Workshop in Alphabetisierung für DaF Lehrkräfte” (Specialization workship in teaching literacy for German as a foreign language teachers), German Lessons for Refugees, Dresden, Germany.

Summer 2016: “Crashkurs in Didaktik: A1 DaF und Alphabetisierung” (Crash course in didactics: A1 German language and literacy), German Lessons for Refugees, Dresden, Germany.

Winter 2016: “Crashkurs in Didaktik: A1 DaF und Alphabetisierung” (Crash course in didactics: A1 German language and literacy), German Lessons for Refugees, Dresden, Germany.

2015: “Mit Speilen unterrichten und Anweisungen geben in A1+Alpha-B2 DaF Kurse” (Teaching with games and giving instructions in A1-B2 German language and literacy courses), German Lessons for Refugees, Dresden, Germany.

2014: “Crashkurs in Didaktik: A1 DaF und Alphabetisierung” (Crash course in didactics: A1 German language and literacy), German Lessons for Refugees, Dresden, Germany.

2011-2012: Fulbright English Teaching Assistant & Chercheur visiteur (Guest Researcher)
Université libre de Bruxelles, Brussels, Belgium

2010: Intensive German Course
Herder Institut, Universität Leipzig, Leipzig, Germany

2008-2009: Study Abroad
Université Aix-Marseilles III/Université Paul Cezanne, Aix-en-Provence, France

2004: English Teacher
African Great Lakes Initiative, Friends Peace Teams, Kibimba, Burundi

2012: MA Seminar “Language and Culture of Anglophone Civilizations I” (Language and culture of anglophone civilizations 1)
Département des Sciences de L’information et de la Communication, Université libre de Bruxelles, Brussels, Belgium.

2012: MA Lecture “American Literature and the Frontier Experience 1620-1900”
Teaching Assistant for Dr. Christoph den Tandt, Département de Langues et Lettres, Université libre de Bruxelles, Brussels, Belgium.

2012: BA Seminar “English III: Media English”
Département des Sciences de L’information et de la Communication, Université libre de Bruxelles, Brussels, Belgium.

2012: BA Lecture “English Poetry in Its Historical Context: From the Renaissance to Romanticism”
Teaching Assistant for Dr. Christoph den Tandt, Département de Langues et Lettres, Université libre de Bruxelles, Brussels, Belgium.

2011: BA Lecture “English Poetry from the Middle Ages to Romanticism”
Teaching Assistant for Dr. Christoph den Tandt, Département de Langues et Lettres, Université libre de Bruxelles, Brussels, Belgium.

2011: BA Lecture: “English Authors”
Teaching Assistant for Dr. Franca Bellarsi, Département de Langues et Lettres, Université libre de Bruxelles, Brussels, Belgium.

Spring 2010: BA Capstone Seminar “Modern Western History”
Facilitator (Tutor/Teaching Assistant) for Dr. David Schaefer, Department of History, California State University Long Beach, Long Beach California, USA.

Fall 2010: BA Capstone Seminar “Modern Western History”
Facilitator (Tutor/Teaching Assistant) for Dr. David Schaefer, Department of History, California State University Long Beach, Long Beach California, USA.

DAAD Kongressreiseprogramm, 2019
Dozentin (lecturer) in a Europäische Sozialfonds & Sächsische Aufbaubank-funded/managed program, 2017-2020
Fulbright English Teaching Assistantship, 2011-2012
Outstanding Undergraduate Award, California State University Long Beach, 2011
Certificate of Achievement: German Language, California State University Long Beach, 2010
Certificate of Achievement: French Language, California State University Long Beach, 2008

English: Native language
German: Goethe-Zertifikat C1
French: Reading C2, Listening C1, Writing & Speaking B2