Nachricht vom

Wir freuen uns über eine rege Teilnahme an unserer internationalen Tagung, die digital vom 21. – 23.04.2021 stattfindet.

Literarische Landschaften der Zeit.

Multiple Temporalitäten und Räume in den (latein-)amerikanischen und karibischen Literaturen

Wir laden alle Interessierten ein, an dieser digital stattfindenden internationalen Tagung teilzunehmen. Die Tagung findet vom 21. – 23.04.2021 statt. Genaue Informationen zum Tagungsablauf finden Sie hier.

Bitte beachten Sie, dass wir um Voranmeldung per Mail an Frau Anke Steinberg, Sekretariat von Prof. Jobst Welge, unter rom.lit.wiss(at) bitten.

Literary Landscapes of Time.

Multiple Temporalities and Spaces in (Latin) American and Caribbean Literatures

The international conference deals with the cultural areas of the Americas and the Caribbean, based on the assumption that it is precisely the literatures of these geographical areas that show a particularly high degree of "interdependence", global dispersion and distribution as well as linguistic variety. In this respect, the conference would also like to contribute to the current debate on world literature. However, the focus here is less on questions of international reception and dissemination; the central starting point is rather the observation that the literatures of these cultural spaces explore a connection between landscape/geography and historical/temporal sedimentation, which in turn is reflected at the level of individual and collective experience. In this sense, a configuration of staggered, multiple temporalities can be discerned, especially in modern and contemporary literature. The conference seeks to explore how the cultural areas of the Americas and the Caribbean are shaped by specific forms of temporality or non-simultaneity.  

The conference adopts a comparative perspective throughout and asks about the specific means that texts employ to realize a temporal palimpsest and/or the interweaving of different spaces on the level of the literary form itself. The conference is divided into three sections, devoted to „Landscapes of Time,“ „Afterlives of the Past,“ „Lives in Times/Landscapes.“