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Am Mittwoch, dem 21.07.2021, 16 Uhr hält Prof. Benjamin V. Tucker (University of Alberta, Canada) via Zoom einen Gastvortrag zum Thema “Using ‘big data’ to explore speech comprehension”. Alle Interessenten sind herzlich eingeladen.

Die Abteilung Englische Sprachwissenschaft des Instituts für Anglistik lädt Sie herzlich ein zum Gastvortrag von

Prof. Benjamin V. Tucker (University of Alberta, Canada) am Mittwoch, 21. Juli 2021, 16:00 – 17:00 Uhr

via Zoom ein.


Grokking speech: Using “big data” to explore speech comprehension

The MALD (Massive Auditory Lexical Decision) is a growing database of auditory lexical decision responses from thousands of participants designed to allow researchers to investigate how listeners understand speech. The first phase of MALD contains 801,600 lexical decision responses to 26,793 words and 9,592 pseudo-words produced by a single male speaker of Western Canadian English. In this talk, I cover a range of related topics to illustrate some of the things that can be done with the dataset. For example, I describe work investigating the acoustic characteristics of all the words and pseudowords. I discuss the processing of pseudowords and talk about what factors influence participants‘ “no” responses, such as pseudo morphological structure. I also describe analyses of several newer phases that investigate responses from bilingual listeners and investigate the role of semantics.