The Research Training Group organises a variety of events. The IGRA Colloquium and various workshops facilitate scientific exchange with external researchers; internal exchange in the Research Training Group takes place in the biannual retreats.

IGRA colloquium (Current semester)

The colloquium takes place Wednesday, 3.15–4.45pm.
Location: Campus Augustusplatz, Hörsaalgebäude, Hörsaal 11


Archive IGRA colloquium

  • 05.07.2023
    Nicholas Rolle (ZAS Berlin)
    What are the restrictions on exponent shape? Examining bipartite morphemes

  • 28.06.2023
    Suzanne Urbanczyk (University of Victoria)
    Head-Dependent Asymmetries in Reduplication and Elsewhere

  • 21.06.2023
    Keith Snider (SIL)
    The explanatory potential of Register Tier Theory

  • 14.06.2023
    Magdalena Lohninger (Universität Wien)
    Escaping CP: A typology of hyperraising

  • 07.06.2023
    Arne Lohmann (Universität Leipzig)
    The effect of occurrence profile on the phonetic realization of English adjectives

  • 31.05.2023
    Aaron Steven White (University of Rochester)
    The role of discreteness in gradient inference judgments: A case study of lexically triggered inferences

  • 17.05.2023
    Colin Davis (Universität Konstanz)
    Diminutives of English irregular plurals and optionality of umlaut: Evidence for late-merge within words

  • 10.05.2023
    Stefan Müller (Humboldt Universität zu Berlin)
    Minimal(ist) syntax: Towards a surface-based syntax of Germanic languages

  • 03.05.2023
    Rajesh Bhatt (University of Massachusetts at Amherst)
    Honor and Plurality in Hindi-Urdu

  • 15.02.2023
    Francesc Torres-Tamarit (Universitat Autónoma de Barcelona)
    Stress in Spanish: an analysis using layered feet
  • 08.02.2023
    Karolina Zuchewicz (Universität Leipzig)
    Veridicality1 and total affectedness2 as a clausal1 and a nominal2 realization of a ‘maximal’ incremental theme in Polish

  • 01.02.2023
    Karen De Clercq (CNRS/LLF/Université Paris Cité)
    Root suppletion in Korean: support for phrasal lexicalisation

  • 18.01.2023
    Matthew Baerman (University of Surrey)
    Incongruent Analogy
    (Joint work with Mirella Blum, University of Edinburgh)

  • 14.12.2022
    András Bárány (Universität Bielefeld)
    Interaction, satisfaction, and (a)symmetric object agreement
  • 07.12.2022
    Tibor Kiss (Ruhr-Universität Bochum)
    Word order constraints on event-internal modifiers in German

  • 10.11.2022
    Martin Salzmann (University of Pennsylvania)
    Clitic Doubling in Greek -- Evidence for and Implications of an Agree-based approach
  • 20.07.2022
    Hedde Zeijlstra (Univ. Göttingen)
    Absolute vs. relative locality
  • 13.07.2022
    Imke Driemel, Johannes Hein, Yining Nie (HU Berlin)
    Redundant errors in child language
    (which is joint work with Artemis Alexiadou and Fabienne Martin)
  • 06.07.2022
    Heather Newell (Université du Québec à Montréal)
    Syntax, Phonology, Specifiers, and Underspecification
  • 29.06.2022 - online
    Bronwyn Bjorkman (Queen's University)
    Multiple ways to be multiply valued
  • 22.06.2022
    Coppe van Urk (Queen Mary University of London)
    A concatenative view of Dinka vowel grades
  • 01.06.2022
    Renate Raffelsiefen (IDS Mannheim/FU Berlin)
    Affix coherence and phonological abstractness

Due to Covid19 the colloquium was organised as video conference.

  • 17.02.2022
    Klaus Abels (UCL)
    Hierarchy and order in the Kîîtharaka nominal phrase
    (Joint work with David Adger, Patrick Kanampiu, Alexander Martin, and Jennifer Culbertson)
  • 02.02.22
    Jean-Pierre Koenig (University at Buffalo)
    Natural and irrational syntactic change and the syntax/semantics interface
  • 26.01.22
    Martin Krämer (University of Tromsø) 
    A typology of syllabic consonants and its implications for our understanding of syllable phonotactics
  • 19.01.22
    Emily Manetta (University of Vermont)
    Some antecedents may be very, very small: verb phrase ellipsis, isomorphism, and gradience
  • 01.12.21
    Laura McPherson (Dartmouth College) 
    When music speaks: The linguistic structure of musical surrogate languages
  • 24.11.21
    Hossep Dolatian (Stony Brook University)
    Representation vs. Procedure: Outwardly-sensitive allomorphy in Armenian
  • 03.11.21
    Isabelle Charnavel (University of Geneva)
    The self-same analysis of intensifiers (and reflexives)

Due to Covid19 the colloquium was organised as video conference.

  • 21.07.2021
    Gabriela Caballero (UC San Diego)
    The interaction between lexical and grammatical tone in San Juan Piñas Mixtec (Tò’òn Ndā’ví)
  • 14.07.2021
    Adam McCollum (Rutgers University)
    Conditional neutrality in Tutrugbu ATR harmony: Empirical and analytical implications
  • 30.06.2021
    Berthold Crysmann (CNRS)
    Morphotactic Dependencies in Yimas
  • 23.06.2021
    Claire Halpert (University of Minnesota)
    What do nominals need? The ins and outs of structural licensing in Zulu
  • 16.06.2021
    Thomas Graf (Stony Brook University)
    Monotonicity as a high-level principle of grammar
  • 02.06.2021
    Laura Kalin (Princeton University)
    Evidence from infix allomorphy on the fine timing of the morphosyntax-phonology interface
  • 19.05.2021
    Mark Steedman (University of Edinburgh)
    Combinatory Minimalism: Projecting Dependency without Movement

Due to Covid19 the colloquium was organised as video conference.

  • 17.02.2021
    Jennifer Smith (University of North Carolina - Chapel Hill)
    A tale of two alternations: Productivity and phonetic naturalness in a nonce-loanword judgment task
  • 10.02.2021
    Paula Fenger (UL)
    Movement in Disguise. Morphology as a diagnostic for verb movement in Algonquian
  • 03.02.2021
    Neil Myler (Boston University)
    Causative~Applicative Interactions and the Nature of Appl: The Case of isiXhosa
  • 27.01.2021
    Ed Stabler (UCLA/PARC)
    Structure building operators for human languages
  • 20.01.2021
    Mary Paster (Pomona College)
    Listener error as a source of morphological change
  • 16.12.2020
    Dominique Sportiche (UCLA)
    (Self) Anaphors: Analytical Challenges and Paths
  • 09.12.2020
    Jeff Heinz (Stony Brook University)
    Deterministic Analyses and Learning of Optional Phonological Processes
  • 11.11.2020
    Jessica Coon (McGill University)
    Mayan Agent Focus and the Ergative Extraction Constraint
    (which is joint work with Nico Baier and Theodore Levin)

There was no regular IGRA colloquium in the summer semester (due to Covid19). Instead, the colloquium was organised as video conference with talks by the doctoral students.

  • 15.07.2020
    Mariia Privizentseva: On Attraction and Labeling
    Razieh Shojaei: Gradience in Persian light verb constructions
  • 08.07.2020
    Anna Bliß: Towards a syntactic approach to verbal mood alternation (Brainstorming)
    Leonie Barrabas-Weil: Multiple probing in Lubukusu
  • 01.07.2020
    Robert Fritzsche: Welsh agreement (Dissertation brainstorming)
    Galya Sim: Sub-word phonological patterns in Balep\Ndoe
  • 24.06.2020
    Elena Lentza-Siamani: Case in the Greek DP: The one-genitive constraint
    Johannes Schneider: A framework for German discourse particles
  • 17.06.2020
    Leonel Fongang
    Daniel Gleim
  • 10.06.2020
    Jelena Grofulović: Preschoolers’ narrative abilities are related to gesture accuracy but not to gesture rate
    Mike Berger: Voice and transitivity in complex verb constructions
  • 03.06.2020
    Marie-Luise Popp: Morphotactics in affix order
    Sören Tebay: Interacting with Morpheme structure constraints: Infixes are special
  • 27.05.2020
    Marie-Luise Schwarzer: Parasitic Gapping: Determiner sharing, gapping, and nonconstituent
  • 20.05.2020
    Irene Amato: Nested Agree
  • 05.02.2020
    Joanna Blaszczak (Univerwersytet Wroclawski)
    Puzzling existential, locative, and possessive constructions in Polish: Some reflections on phases, feature valuation, case assignment and edge features
  • 22.01.2020
    Shin Ishihara (University of Lund)
    Match Theory and the Asymmetry Problem: An example from Stockholm Swedish (with Sara Myrberg)
  • 08.01.2020
    Laura J. Downing (University of Gothenburg)
    Separating tone realization from segmental realization in Chichewa verb paradigms
  • 11.12.2019
    Franc Marušič (U Nova Gorica)
    On the order of prenumeral adjectives
  • 06.11.2019
    Stefan Keine (USC)
    Feature gluttony in the syntax of hierarchy effects
  • 10.07.2019
    Ricardo Bermúdez-Otero (Manchester)
    English /aɪ/-raising: new insights into an old problem
  • 03.07.2019
    Silke Fischer (Stuttgart) (Inghild Flaate Høyem, Trondheim)
    Event Control
  • 01.07.2019
    Adam Albright (MIT)
    Faithfulness, not phrasing: misapplication in Lakhota derivatives and compounds
  • 19.06.2019
    Eric Fuß (Bochum)
    Wh-relatives in the history of German (and what gender’s got to do with it)
  • 12.06.2019
    Sergei Tatevosov (Moskau)
    Direct, non-direct and sociative causatives at the syntax-morphology interface
  • 29.05.2019
    Jenny Audring (Leiden)
    The texture of the lexicon
  • 03.04.2019
    Robert D. Borsley (Essex)
    Issues in Welsh Syntax
  • 06.02.2019
    Rafael Abramovitz (MIT)
    Against the Richness of the Base: Two Koryak Case Studies
  • 30.01.2019
    Nicholas Rolle (Princeton)
    The road or the door to exponence? Examining simultaneity at spell-out
  • 23.01.2019
    Yuni Kim (Essex)
    Blocking and correspondence in Huave vowel copy
  • 09.01.2019
    Beata Moskal (Frankfurt/M.)
    Vocabulary Insertion Initiation
  • 19.12.2018
    Peter Ackema (Edinburgh) (& Ad Neeleman, UCL)
    Processing differences between person and number: A view from feature theory 
  • 12.12.2018
    Manfred Sailer (Frankfurt)
    Possessive alternations in German idioms
  • 05.12.2018
    Emily Clem (Berkeley)
    Cyclicity in Agree: Maximal projections as probes
  • 08.11.2018
    Bronwyn Bjorkman (Queen's University)
    Against cross-clausal dependencies in tense
  • 18.07.2018
    Eulàlia Bonet (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona)
    Absence of morphosyntactic features vs absence of exponents: Evidence from Northern Italian varieties
  • 11.07.2018
    Julie Anne Legate (University of Pennsylvania)
    Case Relationships
  • 13.06.2018
    Peter Jurgec (University of Toronto) (& Rachel Evangeline Chiong, Andrea Macanović, and Peter Weiss)
    Slovenian palatalization consonant harmony and Agreement-by-Correspondence 
  • 06.06.2018
    Silke Hamann (University of Amsterdam)
    Simultaneous phonetic and phonological processes: Degemination in Dutch and German
  • 30.05.2018
    Coppe van Urk (Queen Mary University of London)
    Constraining VP-fronting: The role of prosodic factors in Imere
  • 07.02.2018
    Jane Grimshaw (Rutgers University)
    DPs as complements to clause-taking predicates: constraints on reported speech events
  • 24.01.2018
    Barbara Citko (University of Washington, Seattle) (Martina Gračanin-Yuksek)
    Multidominance and Structural Syncretism
  • 17.01.2018
    Ivy Hauser (UMass, Amherst) (& Coral Hughto)
    Faithfulness based opacity in Harmonic Serialism
  • 03.01.2018
    Jerzy Rubach (University of Iowa)
    Derivational Optimality Theory from the perspective of Slavic Palatalization
  • 13.12.2017
    Andrea D. Sims (Ohio State University)
    Exploring interactions between directional syncretism and defectiveness
  • 08.11.2017
    Pavel Caha (Mazaryk University)
    How (not) to derive a *ABA: The case of Blansitt's generalisation
  • 19.07.2017
    Paul Kiparsky (Stanford U)
    Typologies as Fitness Landscapes: Modeling Word Order Change
  • 12.07.2017
    Dunstan Brown (U of York)
    Morphological complexity as a compromise between lexicon and grammar
  • 05.07.2017
    Ad Neeleman (UCL) (& Peter Ackema, Edinburgh)
    Anonymous person features
  • 21.06.2017
    Anke Holler (U Göttingen)
    Salience in corpora? Scrutinizing the ecological validity of the so-called implicit causality bias
  • 14.06.2017
    Laura Kalin (Princeton U)
    Nominal licensing is driven by valued (phi-)features
  • 31.05.2017
    Karlos Arregi (U of Chicago)
    Is Basque an ergative language?
  • 24.05.2017
    Ezer Rasin (MIT)
    An argument for severing stress from phonology
  • 10.05.2017
    Emily Elfner (U of British Columbia)
    Re-examining default-to-opposite stress in Kwak’wala: An approach using Harmonic Serialism
  • 03.05.2017
    Stefan Th. Gries (Leibniz-Professor, Leipzig/U of California Santa Barbara)
    Operationalizations of domain-general mechanisms cognitive linguists often rely on: a perspective from quantitative corpus linguistics
  • 26.04.2017
    Mira Grubic (Leipzig)
    Definiteness and Indefiniteness in Ngamo (West Chadic)
  • 08.02.2017
    Ryan Bochnak (Leipzig)
    Temporal interpretation in Washo, an optional tense language
  • 01.02.2017
    Draga Zec (Cornell)
    Interactions between tone and stress: a typology of their convergence and separation
  • 18.01.2017
    Farrell Ackerman (University of California, San Diego)
    Implicative organization in grammar systems: Word structure, paradigm organization and learnability
  • 11.01.2017
    Jenneke van der Wal (Harvard)
    The AWSOM and RANDOM in Bantu object marking
  • 07.12.2016
    Tibor Kiss (Ruhr-Universität Bochum)
    Determiner Omission in PPs
  • 23.11.2016
    Jonathan Bobaljik (UConn)
    Features, structure, and morphological universals
  • 09.11.2016
    Daniel Harbour (Queen Mary, University of London)
    Person features are operations, not predicates
  • 02.11.2016
    Juliet Stanton (MIT)
    Non-myopia in Gurindji and beyond: implications for the phonological grammar
  • 12.10.2016
    Andrew Kostakis (Leipzig)
    The phonological riddle wrapping around the underapplied overapplication mystery inside the philological enigma of Latin
  • 06.07.2016
    Douglas Pulleyblank (University of British Columbia)
    Emergent Phonology: inter-morpheme relations and derived environment effects
  • 22.06.2016
    Geoffrey K. Pullum (Edinburgh)
    Formalizing syntactic theories model-theoretically: what it involves, and why it is a good idea
  • 15.06.2016
    Sabine Arndt-Lappe (Uni Trier)
    Emergent generalisation in an analogy-based theory of word-formation: predictions, evidence, and challenges
  • 08.06.2016
    Patrick Jones (Harvard)
    Opacity, Ordering and Abstractness in Kinande tone
  • 01.06.2016
    Ruth Kramer (Georgetown University)
    The Syntax of Plurality: Typology, Predictions, and Afroasiatic Case Studies
  • 25.05.2016
    Karen De Clercq (University of Ghent)
    The internal structure of FEW/MANY: Cross-linguistic explorations
  • 18.05.2016:
    Omer Preminger (University of Maryland)
    Feeding relations and their breakdowns: a theory of dative intervention
  • 03.02.2016
    Harald Baayen (U Tübingen; with Peter Hendrix)
    Interactions of bottom-up information and top-down lexical priors in reading English two-constituent compounds
  • 27.01.2016
    Tanja Temmerman (& William Harwood) (CRISSP Brussels)
    The syntax of idioms Macro-variation in the size of verbal idioms
  • 20.01.2016
    Katharina Hartmann (& with Viola Schmitt) (Goethe-Uni Frankfurt/M.)
    Indicative V2 and Vend in German complement clauses
  • 16.12.2015
    Maria Gouskova (NYU)
    Phonological Selection and the Bracketing Paradox in English Adjectival Morphology
  • 09.12.2015
    Greg Kobele (U of Chicago)
    Derivational Structure and Ellipsis
  • 02.12.2015
    Heidi Harley (U of Arizona)
    Root suppletion in Hiaki really is suppletion
  • 07.10.2015
    Ken Safir (Rutgers U)
    It's a conspiracy! The A/A'-distinction as an epiphenomenon
  • 15.07.2015
    Chris Collins (NYU)
    NEG Raising, Deletion and Parentheticals
  • 08.07.2015
    Greg Stump (Kentucky)
    Morphomic properties and the interface of syntacticosemantic content with morphological form
  • 01.07.2015
    Klaus Abels (UCL)
    Remarks on the fundamental left-right asymmetry of natural languages and verb clusters
  • 03.06.2015
    Sara Finley (Pacific Lutheran University)
    Morpheme Segmentation in Adult Learners: Effects of Frequency and Regularity
  • 25.05.2015
    Amy Rose Deal (Santa Cruz)
    Interaction and satisfaction in phi-agreement
  • 13.05.2015
    Olivier Bonami (Paris)
    A theory of inflectional periphrasis at the morphology-syntax interface
  • 29.04.2015
    Gisbert Fanselow (Potsdam)
    Superiority - a crosslinguistic and experimental perspective
  • 04.02.2015
    Artemis Alexiadou (Stuttgart)
    Voice syncretisms and the theory of underspecification
  • 21.01.2015
    Michael Erlewine (McGill)
    Focus adverbs at the vP and higher edges
  • 17.12.2014
    Rajesh Bhatt (UMass)
    Polar questions and disjunction: clues from Hindi-Urdu 'kyaa'
  • 10.12.2014
    Kie Zuraw (UCLA)
    Of mice and (of) men. Phonological influences on the omissibility of French "de" in coordination
  • 03.12.2014
    Geert Booij (Leiden)
    Construction morphology and the architecture of grammar
  • 19.11.2014 
    Caroline Féry (Frankfurt)
    Prosodic monsters and extraposition
  • 26.11.2014
    Wendell Kimper (Manchester)
    Cumulative constraint interaction and trigger competition in vowel harmony
  • 23.07.2014
    Andrew Nevins (UC London)
    Georgi's Pattern III in Phonology: Nonfinal chains of tone
  • 17.07.2014
    Maria Polinsky (Harvard)
    What agreement theory can learn from closest conjunct agreement
  • 16.07.2014
    Andrew Nevins (UC London)
    Experimental methods and morphological productivity
  • 04.07.2014
    Tom Roeper (U Mass)
    UnLabelled Nodes in Acquisition and Morphology: How the Acquisition Path and Derivational Morphology Reveals Fundamental Operations
  • 02.07.2014
    Ewa Dąbrowska (Northumbria)
    Speakers, usage, culture: language as a phenomenon of the third kind
  • 25.06.2014
    Ingo Plag (U Düsseldorf)
    Homophony in morphology: The acoustic properties of English /s/ morphemes
  • 04.06.2014
    Ricardo Bermudez-Otero (U Manchester)
    French adjectival liaison: evidence for underlying representations
  • 21.05.2014
    Roberta d'Alessandro (U Leiden)
    Syntactic domains at PF, PF domains in syntax
  • 14.05.2014
    Tobias Sheer (Nizza)
    Melody-free syntax
  • 23.04.2014
    Sharon Rose (UC San Diego)
    Phonologically conditioned affix order: the case of Moro object markers


Due to Covid19, no workshops are planned right now.

Archive of workshops

29. – 30.05.2020 (as video conference)

Speaker Topic
Joanna Ampofo

True self-counterfeeding vowel harmony in Akan serial verb constructions

Anna Bliß

Opacity and intrinsic process ordering

Anna Bliß & Daniel Gleim

A re-analysis of mutual counterfeeding in Kimatuumbi

Robert Fritzsche Two cases of counterfeeding in Bari & Ordering probes: Bleeding and counterbleeding in English agreement
Daniel Gleim Opacity and countercyclicity
Hyungjung Lee Counterbleeding: Movement and condition A
Gereon Müller Pre-syntactic impoverishment
Mariia Privizentseva Counterfeeding PF: Concord, ellipsis, and beyond
Ezer Rasin Shifting interactions and countershifting opacity: On opacity in Harmonic Serialism & A brief introduction to mutual counterfeeding
Sören Tebay Opacity at the Interfaces: Infixation and Morpheme Structure Rules
Jochen Trommer Mutual counterfeeding in Bari
Joanna Zaleska The Cloning Hypothesis and the typology of opaque process interactions

02. – 03.12.2019

Speaker Topic
Marius Albers Particle-Prefix-Iteration in German Verb Formation: Synchronic and Diachronic Perspectives
Andreas Blümel Iterating Nouns and its Guises - Applying the Hεo in the Nominal Domain
Doreen Georgi Iterative Island Violations in Igbo
Anke Himmelreich Syntax Tutorial
Greg Kobele Formal Tutorial
Maria Kouneli The Typology of Determiner Spreading
Nancy Kula Iterativity in Bemba H Tone Spread
Kevin McMullin & Jane Chandlee The Computational Nature of Iterativity in Long-Distance Phonology
Gereon Müller Iterative Optimization Predicts Movement in Morphology
Andrew Nevins Iterativity across Modules
Ezer Rasin & Jochen Trommer Phonology Tutorial
Milan Rezac Unsatisfiable Probes: Iterated Case after Partial Intervention
Sören Tebay Bidirectional Inwards Spread: Constraints vs. Iterative Rules
Jochen Trommer Parallel Across-The Board Changes of Tone
Rachel Walker Locality and Iterativity in Jingulu Vowel Harmony
Philipp Weisser Different Levels of Prosodic Dislocation
Taylor Woodfine & Kevin McMullin Inductive Learning of (Non-)Iterative Consonant Harmony
Eva Zimmermann Non-iterative Iterative Reduplication

26. – 28.01.2018

(Workshop by the FrauenBildungsHaus Dresden e.V.)

Speaker Topic
Maria Kropp & Willy Vetter Self presentation
Luisa Martí Subjects include: position of a women in science, work-life balance,...


Speaker Topic
Johanna Benz Phonologically conditioned Affix Order in Washo
Siri Moen Gjersøe A Strict Cycle Effect in Nuer
Daniel Gleim Duke-of-York Epenthesis in Arapaho
Fabian Heck A Note on embedded V2 and the Wh-copy Construction in German
Greg Kobele (1) Cyclicity from above (2) Semantic Strata
Gereon Müller Prospects of Harmonic Serialism in Morphology
Andrew Murphy Phases and Asymmetries
Jude Awasom Nformi Cumulativity and Cyclicity in Limbum Associative Constructions
Zorica Puškar The Condition on Agree Domains: On the Locality of φ-agreement
Barbara Stiebels Lexically induced Domains (Strata?): The Role of clause-embedding Predicates
Sandhya Sundaresan & Thomas McFadden The Countercyclicity of the EPP and the Status of Edges
Jochen Trommer & Daniel Gleim Stratal Tone Allomorphy in Bari
Joanna Zaleska & Karolina Broś Establishing Counterfeeding Relations for optional Processes
Joanna Zaleska Strata-dependent Opacity in Containment Theory
Eva Zimmermann Strength as an alternative to cycles


Speaker Topic
John Bailyn Multiple Wh and Superiority in Bulgarian and Russian
Fabian Heck Superiority and Nonmonotonic Derivations
Andrew Murphy Multiple Left Branch Extraction and Superiority

16. – 17.11.2016

Speaker Topic
Artemis Alexiadou Passive (in) Nominalizations
Berit Gehrke & Nils Hirsch Passives are Not Inherently More Complex than Actives: Insights from Processing Verbal Passives in German
Fabian Heck A Non-Monotonic Analysis of Non-Local Movement in Passives
Johannes Hein How Referral by Vocabulary Items Derives Deponency
Itamar Kastner Passives in Non-Concatenative Morphology
Julie Anne Legate External Arguments in Noncanonical Passives
Gereon Müller Structure Removal in Long-Distance Passives
Stefan Müller A Lexical Analysis of Passive
Andrew Murphy Double Passivization in Turkish: A Structure Removal Approach
Despina Oikonomou Voice Allosemy in Synthetic Passives: Towards a Phasal Account
Marcel Pitteroff & Florian Schäfer Implicit Control: On Landau’s Generalization and Its Exceptions
Florian Schäfer Medio-Passives with and without By-Phrase
Barbara Stiebels Instrumental Voice
Sandhya Sundaresan & Tom McFadden The Articulated v Layer: Evidence from Tamil
Philipp Weisser Voice in Derived Coordination

04. – 05.10.2016

Speaker Topic
Artemis Alexiadou Grant writing
Roswitha Kersten-Pejanic Gender and language: demands, possibilities and limitations for fair language use

08. – 09.07.2016

Speaker Topic
Evangelia Adamou From conceptual transfer to grammatical replication: The influence of the Spanish copulas on Romani spoken in Latin America
Isabelle Buchstaller Exploring transfer (including metatype) phenomena in Marshallese English
Mariapaola D'Imperio Dialect imitation across typologically distinct prosodic systems
Hubert Haider Do not copy & paste in syntactic derivations
Fabian Heck Order perservation without reference to linear order — the case of Holmberg's generalization
Andrew Kostakis Spreading height features in Germanic metaphony
Gereon Müller Copies without Copy Theory
Andrew Nevins Copying and resolution in South Slavic and South Bantu conjunct agreement
Doug Pulleyblank Reduplication in Nuu-chah-nulth
Hannah Sande Apparent weight-dependent infixing reduplication in Amharic
Beat Siebenhaar What could be replication in written interaction? First insights to the analysis of WhatsApp-data
Donca Steriade Grammars of rhyming
Barbara Stiebels Multiple exponence in a lexical-incremental framework
Sandhya Sundaresan Replicative processes in reference and their failures: pro vs. PRO
Jochen Trommer Featural affixation and featural spreading in Gaahmg
Stephen Wechsler Explaining grammatical agreement
Richard Wiese How language can be as regular as music
Eva Zimmermann Multiple reduplication as an argument against the Red-morpheme

Harmony, copying, doubling, and repetition

01. – 02.10.2015

Speaker Topic
William Bennett Identity and consonant correspondence
Manfred Bierwisch The role of replication in different sign systems
Jonathan Bobaljik Some differences between case and agreement
Gabriella Caballero Motivating multiple exponence
Rita Finkbeiner Reduplication here, reduplication there. Is German N hin, N her an instance of syntactic reduplication?
Siri Gjersøe Sharing properties of pseudo-coordination in Norwegian
Jason Haugen Reduplication of affixes
Johannes Hein Asymmetric verb doubling in Asante Twi and the order of operations at PF
Jason Kandybowicz Parallel Chains at PF: Insights from Krachi predicate fronting with verb doubling
Greg Kobele Making copies: insights from computation
Sampson Korsah From polarity to reduplication in Gã
Alexander Letuchiy Syntactic doubling as a type of syntactic repetition
Jason Merchant Perfect and imperfect copies
Beata Moskal Building bridges: Labial harmony in Altaic languages
Peter Smith AGREE, the agreement hierarchy and late adjunction
Alan Yu Iterative infixation as rhythmic-induced compensatory reduplication
Eva Zimmermann Copy affixes in Kiranti
Fabian Heck, Gereon Müller, Barbara Stiebels, Petr Staroverov, Sandhya Sundaresan, Jochen Trommer Special Panel on the planned research unit Replicative processes

12. – 13.06.2015

Speaker Topic
Robindra Nath Banerji Huichol (Wixárika) Word Accent: Typology, Interactions, and Implications
Jeroen Breteler Tone Classes in Wan Japanese
Gerrit Dimmendaal How much non-concatenative morphology can speakers cope with?
Susanne Genzel & Reginald Duah H tone insertion on verbs in na-focus sentence in Akan
Siri M. Gjersøe Floating L tones in Kikuyu: Domain-sensitivity and Tonal Interactions
Rozenn Guérois Tonal variation within NPs in Cuwabo (Mozambique, Bantu P34)
Yuni Kim Multiply conditioned tonal allomorphy in Amuzgo
Sampson Korsah & Andrew Murphy High tone insertion in Akan as a reflex of successive-cyclic movement
Frank Kügler Pitch register reset and embedded clauses in Akan
Xiaoliang Luo Mandarin Chinese: morphological right boundary and its consequences on tones
Laura McPherson Word-level and phrase-level replacive tone: an implicational relationship
Tian Mimi A grammatical analysis of the ‘induced creaky tone’ in Burmese
Irina Monich Tone as a diagnostic of morphosyntactic structure in South African Bantu languages
Mary Paster Approaches to the Bantu Melodic H
Bert Remijsen Compositionality in the lexical and morphological specifications for tone in Shilluk
Aida Talić Tonal marking of specificity in BCS
Kristine M. Yu Tonal marking of absolutive case in Samoan
Sabine Zerbian Adjacent high tones at word- and phrase level in Tswana

21. – 22.11.2014

Speaker Topic
Pavel Caha Lexical Items and Syntactic Categories: Some Lessons from Shona and Luganda Locatives
Berthold Crysmann Deconstructing Exuberant Exponence
Kleanthes Grohmann Localities: Building Blocks and Other Pieces of the Puzzle
Karen Jesney Complex Process Interaction: Weighted Constraints vs. Ranked Constraints and Rules
Olaf Koeneman Do-Support and the Syntax of Finiteness
Björn Köhnlein Rules vs. Constraints in Studies on Tonal Accent
Laura McPherson Phrasal Phonology, Restructured: The Place of Dogon Tonosyntax
Katya Pertsova Conflicting Pressures Can Lead to Ungrammaticality
Michelle Sheehan Ergative Alignment in Romance Causatives: A Parameter Hierarchy Approach
Francesc Torres-Tamarit Voicing-Dependent Vowel Lengthening and Final Devoicing in Milanese: A Transparent or an Opaque Interaction?
Luis Vincente A remnant-correlate identity condition on ellipsis
Geraldine Walther The Realisational Lexicon
enlarge the image: Members of the Research Training Unit are sitting around a table (during the retreat in Großbothen)
Retreat in Großbothen, Photo: Gereon Müller



Past retreats

  • 18. – 19.07.2022 in Naumburg
  • 17. – 18.10.2019 in Herrnhut
  • 11. – 12.04.2019 in Hohenstein-Ernstthal
  • 11. – 12.10.2018 in Meißen
  • 03. – 04.05.2018 in Torgau
  • 05. – 06.10.2017 in Gernrode
  • 06. – 07.04.2017 in Drübeck
  • 27. – 28.09.2016 in Kohren-Sahlis
  • 03. – 04.04.2016 in Mühlhausen
  • 27. – 28.11.2015 in Eisenach
  • 09. – 10.10.2015 Meeting with the Research Training Group Nominal modification (Goethe-Universität Frankfurt/M.) in Meiningen
  • 16. – 17.02.2015 in Wittenberg (Leucorea)
  • 01. – 02.10.2014 in Großbothen

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