This page will provide the key information for first semester students in the summer semester 2025 (MA Linguistics).
Module recommendations for first semester students
We recommend the two advanced modules Suprasegmental Phonology (04-046-2014), and Computational Perspectives on Grammar (04-046-2025), and the foundational module Empirical Methods (04-046-2033). Alternatively you could also enrol for the advanced module Language in Focus (04-046-2035).
If you are interested in taking the special module Research internship (04-046-2034), you should do so in a higher semester.
Getting advice
- General questions concerning the MA Linguistics: Jun.-Prof. Paula Fenger (Course advising)
- Questions concerning the modules: module commissioners (see below)
- General questions concerning student life in our institute: Student representative committee ("Fachschaftsrat", FSR)
Module commissioners
- Morphology: Prof. Gereon Müller
- Segmental Phonology: Prof. Jochen Trommer
- Grammatical Perspectives on Cognition: Prof. Gregory Kobele, Ph.D.
Module registration
When you register for a module, you are also automatically registered for the module examination. In order to register for modules of our MA Linguistics, you have to choose TOOL. You are automatically admitted to the modules of our MA Linguistics. After the registration data are migrated on 1 April 2024 to AlmaWeb. It is possible to deregister from a module and the associated module examination no later than four weeks before the end of the lecture period, either by independently deregistering (in AlmaWeb) or by notifying the responsible examination office in writing.
- Module registration via TOOL:
Wednesday, 20 March 2024, 12pm till Monday, 25 March 2024, 5pm. - Deregistration via Almaweb: 1 April 2024 till 4 weeks before the end of the lecture period
Communication with faculty and staff
When you enrol, you will be given login information for your student email account. Please use this email address for all electronic communications with teachers and staff. It is highly recommended that you change the email settings of webmail or your email client such that your full name will be given as sender information.